Satan, there have been many rumors about this name.

Because as long as it is involved, it will hardly end well.

And the person who has recently been associated with the name of Satan is Beelzebub.

Cursed him, didn’t he kill a few people.

The angels and goddesses who tried to save him from heaven died of heart destruction.

This confirms the authenticity of the stream.

Therefore, the name Satan is even more notorious.

And in many legends, there is a saying that when Satan awakens, it is the day of the destruction of the heavenly realm.

That’s Ragnarok in the true sense of the word.

And now, Satan has really appeared, and it has indeed shown incredible power.

Just the moment you meet the other party’s eyes, you have the illusion that you have been killed.

Therefore, the instinct of fear can make many gods want to get up and escape.

However, they found that their feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, and they just couldn’t lift them.

Is this what method Satan used to immobilize them? 12

Not really, purely because they were too scared to move.

“Bububububu, sister Brende”

Gray was so scared that it was difficult to pronounce her sister’s name properly.

And she was already sitting on the ground with limp.


There would be such a big accident, in this case, the battle of [Ragnarok] would definitely not be able to continue.

I didn’t see that the main gods all stood up and were ready to end, after all, this thing that appeared was too dangerous.

If it weren’t for the fact that the audience was full of a large number of gods and people, the Lord God would have ended directly a long time ago, or he was afraid that the battle would affect these people, so he didn’t go down in the first time.

“You guys stand down.”

The supreme four-pillar demon god on the arena knew that he was not the opponent of Satan in front of him at all.

And they who also lack an arm, in fact, they are afraid of Satan, or they stand in front of King Solomon, wanting to fight to the death for King Solomon.

However, King Solomon, apparently not wanting them to make senseless sacrifices, ordered them to retreat, and forcibly sent them out of the place and disappeared into the arena.

“Oh? You don’t feel any fear in you, why? King Solomon”

Satan folded his hands to his chest and asked the person on the other side interestingly.

Is there something backhanded?

But no matter what the backhand, now he is fearless of any variables.

Now he is getting stronger every moment.

It’s not that it stopped getting stronger after eating Boshun, nor is it that Boshen hasn’t finished absorbing it, so it’s still getting stronger.

Bo Xun has been completely consumed, but he is still getting stronger.

There will be such a reason, and that is because of fear.

Fear is what makes him stronger, and fear is his food.

The more people fear him, the more he will absorb these fearful emotions and transform them into strength.

The more his deeds circulated, the more exaggerated and terrifying he became, and the stronger he became.

It was thought that it would take some time to create Satan.

Unexpectedly, the unexpected existence of Bo Xun directly accelerated the birth.

So, fear, let the three realms – the heavenly realm [including the base camp of all gods], the human realm [the human world], and the underworld [including hell, the demon world, the country of roots, etc.], all resound in his name of Satan.

Make him the strongest, make him invincible.

At that time, the primordial god is something, and he will also accept his domination and accept his rule.

“Why? Because I understand why I waited until now, just to wait for you to show up and clean you up.”

King Solomon’s tone was as calm as ever, but the content made the people in the audience who were about to be chaotic froze for a while.

“Does this mean that Satan is garbage, garbage?”

Gray’s tongue was about to knot, and her face was sweating.

At this time, what else would King Solomon do to die?

After all, Gray couldn’t imagine how Satan would torture King Solomon.

Look, after these words, Satan’s crazy face instantly hardened.


Satan laughed, and the laughter alone made the entire arena vibrate, and he saw that the barrier that protected the audience also flickered, as if he could not withstand the power of this laughter at any time and disappeared.

Also look at the sky, also because of this laughter, thousands of thunders exploded.

“I have decided that I will not kill you, Solomon!”

It seems that because of King Solomon’s fearless attitude, Satan appreciated?

After all, some people’s fearlessness will be appreciated by the enemy.

“Because I will make you live worse than death, let you enjoy eternal torture, eternal pain!!!”

Correction, not appreciation, but Satan’s rage to the extreme.

When he said this, he also gritted his teeth a little, and the dark light that erupted on his body was about to rush into the sky.

“The time has come” (read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

King Solomon suddenly said something unclear.

But also at this moment, countless magic arrays appeared densely. 060

“It’s — it’s too much.”

Gray smacked her lips, it was really exaggerated to count.

Could it be that King Solomon foresaw the birth of Satan and made such preparations.

For a moment, Gray felt hopeful.

However, these magic arrays did not launch any attack, nor did they attack Satan, but attached themselves to King Solomon.

King Solomon was like a big magnet, absorbing all the magic arrays in an instant.

Moreover, before the adsorption, there were individual special magic arrays with pure images of light, which seemed to be the figure of the seventy-two demon gods, but it felt a little different.

Then, these seventy-two figures were superimposed on King Solomon, wrapping him in what seemed to be a mummy woven by magic.

Suddenly, the mummy woven by the magic array was expanding and getting bigger.

It’s not like the inside is inflating, but the people inside are getting stronger?

King Solomon, who looks like a scholar, is about to turn into a mighty form?

However, the situation made Gray’s face stiffen.

What was the change in that head?

Long horns?

How does it look somewhat similar to the horns on Satan’s head?

No, it looks even more exaggerated.

Người mua: Nico Robin , 12/03/2023 17:41

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