Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 135: cut hair and pulp

  Chapter 135 Cut the hair and wash the marrow

   When lying on the bed, Xu Guangling pulled the quilt over him, and then left his left foot and right hand exposed.

   This look is actually rather strange, but fortunately no one has seen it. But when the mind was clear and the breathing slowed down, Xu Guangling's feeling was very strange.

The orifice of his right hand opened. Yesterday, when he was sleeping, under the condition of deliberate attention, Xu Guangling felt the faint breath coming from the palm of his hand. They are different. First, the feeling on the hand is definitely different from the feeling at the mouth and nose. Second, the breathing after the palm is opened. From the perspective of the amplitude, it is only about one-tenth of the breathing through the mouth and nose, or even less.

   And at this time, the heart orifice of the left foot also opened, and the feeling is completely different from the heart orifice of the right hand.

This situation was actually expected by Xu Guangling. The reason is that when the right heart orifice was opened, Xu Guangling hardly felt much after the opening, but this was obviously not the case when the left foot was opened tonight. All kinds of feeling experience, it is quite obvious.

   At this time, lying on the bed, when Xu Guangling really meditated and concentrated, and focused most of his attention on his left foot, he clearly felt the rather obvious breathing at the center of his foot.

In the same way, the faint cool air that I felt before, went straight up, from the soles of the feet, to the calves, to the thighs, to the heart, and then through the chest, spreading towards the right arm, then the upper arm, lower arm, palm, When the coolness spread to the palm of his hand, Xu Guangling suddenly felt that the palm of his right hand seemed to be wet. At the same time, it seemed that there were many, many small ants crawling on the palm of his hand, and they were crawling everywhere, from the palm of his hand to the palm of his hand. Spread, then the back of the hand, the fingers...

At this moment, the feeling of Xu Guangling's entire right hand, or the tactile sensation, seemed to have been magnified ten times or a hundred times from the usual state. Then, under this circumstance, the breath of the right hand became extremely obvious all of a sudden. .

   Exhale, inhale, no, only inhale, not exhale.

Xu Guangling only felt the entire right hand, as if it was placed in water, cool water, and then the water turned into a subtle state like mist and wind, and strands and strands penetrated through the thousands of pores in his entire palm. , extending over the entire arm.

Xu Guangling's whole body and mind trembled at this moment, and he couldn't tell whether he was uncomfortable or too comfortable and comfortable. In short, this kind of feeling was unprecedented. The entire right hand, not limited to the back of the palm or the palm and fingertips, was extremely tactile. Zooming in, any small feeling is clearly reflected in the heart and presented in the feeling.

   Then, from the left foot to the right arm, it seems to be completely connected, forming a river that seems to be flowing slowly.

  Where is the water outlet?

   is in the pit of the heart, in the chest, in short, in the entire viscera.

The breathing at Xu Guangling's nose and mouth has become quite subtle unconsciously, and if you identify it carefully, you will find that it is less breathing in and more breathing out. Of course, this is not a state of being half-dead. On the contrary, Xu Guangling is in this state at this time. Just in terms of physical and mental experience, it is extremely good.

From the right hand to the left foot, the whole viscera is connected in the middle. Xu Guangling felt that this part of his body seemed to be soaked in spiritual fluid. Then, slowly, extremely slowly, he stretched out little by little. .

   Yes, it is stretching.

For a time, Xu Guangling even had an illusion, that is, in a trance, he felt as if he had become a seaweed, lying quietly on the seabed like a kelp, and then the stems and leaves relaxed comfortably in the seawater Then at the root, under the action of respiration, there are fine and dense small bubbles, slowly, slowly, rising towards the sea...

   Just in this feeling, Xu Guangling gradually forgot his mind and body.

  I don't know how long it took, when he woke up again and opened his eyes, Xu Guangling felt that the whole world seemed to be clearer and fresher, and his body was so relaxed and comfortable that it couldn't be described in any words.

   The first time he woke up, Xu Guangling was intoxicated, or intoxicated, by the beautiful feelings of his body.

So much so that he just lay there, experiencing and feeling it, and before he knew it, a long time passed. Well, he could know that the time has passed a lot, but in the feeling, it was really short and very short. It was not enough, and only then did Xu Guangling focus on his right hand and left foot.

In fact, it can also be said that it was the little strangeness on the right arm and the left leg of the left foot that made him completely "awake" from the wonderful feeling just now, otherwise, he still doesn't know how to be silly Or how long have you been lying here lazily?

  What's different?

   is similar to the feeling after waking up at noon yesterday, but much better.

Xu Guangling didn't even look at his right arm and left leg carefully, but walked directly into the bathroom and started to take a shower, and then, of course, his right hand, right arm, left leg, and left foot were the focus of attention, and he washed his left foot. At that time, Xu Guangling was surprised to find that some of the older skin on the sole of his left foot seemed to have turned into ashes.

  Before, Xu Guangling couldn't talk about cherishing his own body. In the past few years, for Xu Guangling, it is no exaggeration to say that he was drunk.

Of course, it is not quite appropriate to say that he was drunk and dreamed of death. At that time, Xu Guangling was not in a drunken dream. On the contrary, he was so awake that he could no longer be sober, and sometimes he was so awake that he hated himself. It's probably more accurate to be half-dead.

But whether it's drunk, dreaming, or half-dead, then sleeping abnormally, malignant insomnia, eating abnormally, and running around frequently, these factors add up. Breathing method", his body might even be dragged across.

   This is the inside of the body.

   External, let alone.

The most obvious point of    is that Xu Guangling has absolutely no concept of "maintenance".

   So there are calluses on his feet. In fact, even if he wasn't half-dead in those few years, as a big man, he would probably still have calluses on his feet when he ran around blindly. But at this time, just overnight, most of those cocoons had already fallen off!

The rest of the   , in fact, strictly speaking, can no longer be called a cocoon, but can only be said to be a little rough.

   But if it continues, this "slightly rough" should also be thoroughly swept away.


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   (end of this chapter)

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