On The Court

Chapter 7 - Back From Nick's

When Andy came back from her meeting, she said as soon as she sat it was great. She had lessons to make to be good. She would play a music for Nick. She really looked forward for it. I could see it in her eyes.

"And he was so generous. His wife too. They're very nice people. I hope you can meet them sometimes." she added.

"I hope so too!" I smiled.

"Let me tell you all they did. First, he landed me a guitar, until he said that it was now mine, then he gave me a partition and his wife's card to the gym, so I could shower." she said, really insisting on the word shower.

"All of this? You were right they're so generous. How kind and respectable is that." I smiled again.

I really was happy for Andy. I just wondered when would I get all those things. She really was lucky. I took my lunch and ate so hungrily and rapidly I barely had time to see what was in there. After lunch, it was always the same story, but every day getting hotter weather. There is almost no snow and soon I could start training. I couldn't wait.


When I woke up the next morning, I felt someone watching me. I clearly knew it was useless, but I couldn't help waving my hand like if a bug was around me. The feeling disappeared soon enough and Andy woke up. She was wondering who I waved at. I didn't want to answer. It was just eight o'clock. We usually get outside very later, but here we are, on the sidewalk. I was just thinking about tennis all morning. A month and two weeks. In my head it felt like we'd never get there. Andy tried to play the song for money and it mostly worked. We had a couple dollars more than usual. She had a very sweet singing and a soft playing. She told me that's what Nick told her in other words. I went taking coffee at our usual fast food and when I came back, Andy was listened by a couple of curious people who already loved her. They gave a coin or two and left, clapping. I got back to Andy's side. I gave her the coffee and we dram it calmly. Andy already had red fingers and little scratches on them.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. What is it?" she convinced me to ask.

"If the opportunity presents. Would you choose to be a solo singer and player or would you be part of a group like those you love?

"I honestly have no idea. I think I'd be solo, but it depends of how big and popular the group is. Why?" she answered.

"I don't know. I just want to know what you would do in a situation like this." I answered after Andy finished her coffee.

The old man didn't come today either and I wondered if he was going to come back. It had been a week since he had come for the last time.

"Hey, did you know that old man from a couple days ago?" I asked.

"No. Did you?" Andy answered calmly.

"I'm sure I knew him, but I can't replace where." I tell her.

"Yes, it's not the first time you say that about him." Andy answers.

"I know, but it bugs me so much!" I say with a little anger in my voice.

We keep on collecting money and Andy restarts singing, which really helps us. I just want to play tennis day and night now. It does that every winter. The days start passing faster and faster from that moment. That gets me happy, but I can't get my mind off the old man. I hope I'll see him again. I'd really love to know where do I know him from.

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