On the Wedding Night In the 80s, the Sweet Wife Has Space

Chapter 302 Invite Father and Daughter to Move to a Courtyard

After hearing her words, Ling Jiang immediately said: "Sister and brother, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Yunmo briefly talked about Chunhua's love of telling stories, "It's only two months before Chinese New Year, or you and Chunhua can live in a courtyard for a while, and I can teach Chunhua how to read when I have free time.

When the spring of next year begins, we will discuss how to renovate this old house. After the house is repaired, we will add furniture. Brother, what do you think? "

Ling Jiang hurriedly said: "I'm sure I have no objection, but I'm afraid it will disturb you and Chuanzi."

"Don't bother, it just so happens that you will be helping Ling Chuan with work for the past two months, so it's convenient to live together. It's so cold this year, and it's easy to get sick if you live in such a humid place for a long time."

Under Yunmo's persuasion, Ling Jiang agreed to temporarily move to the courtyard.

Packed up things, went to the kindergarten to pick up Ling Chunhua, and the four of them took a taxi back to the courtyard.

After arriving home, Yun Mo asked Ling Jiang to ride a bicycle to call the people from Deng's family over for dinner, while she and Ling Chuan took the time to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Fearing that there were not enough people to eat, Yunmo directly bought a whole sheep's front leg, which weighed ten catties including the meat and bones, and then bought five or six hands of raw beef and other vegetables.

The weather is cold, and the meat itself is cold and hard. There is no need to buy ice cubes for freezing, and it can be sliced ​​directly with a blade.

With so many people's dishes, Ling Chuan must not be able to handle them alone. Yun Mo found a small knife and was going to peel the radish first.

As a result, I couldn't help baring my teeth as soon as I picked up a white radish. The radish in winter is hard and icy, and it's as cold as a big popsicle in my hand.

She was hesitating whether to find a pair of gloves to put on, when Ling Chuan took the radish in her hand, "Daughter-in-law, I'll take care of the kitchen, you can take Chunhua to the house to learn how to read."

Yunmo looked at the three big pockets full of all kinds of meat and vegetables on the ground, "There are so many, can you handle it?"

"Brother and Zhou Xiaowei can help when they come back later."

"OK then."

Yunmo got up to go out, but she was hugged by the other party just as she got up.

"Daughter-in-law, thank you."

Yunmo was a little confused, but he, a worker, thanked her, a non-worker?

But she soon heard the man behind him, "Thank you for your plan for eldest brother and Chunhua, daughter-in-law, being able to marry you is the blessing of my eight lifetimes of cultivation."

"You don't blame me for taking the initiative to break up the eldest brother's marriage."

"I know you are doing it for my brother and me."

It is not in vain for her to expend such a lot of effort secretly.

"Auntie, Dad said that he and I will live here until after the Chinese New Year and then go back. Is it true?"

Yun Mo pinched the other party's fair and tender face, "Then do you want to live in your aunt's house?"

Ling Chunhua nodded hastily, "I think!"

"If you want to stay here, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay."

Ling Chunhua's big round eyes were full of joy and excitement, but soon, the excitement on her face was replaced by worry.

"Then I live here, so I can't go to kindergarten?"

The few times I lived here, I didn't go to kindergarten, so in Ling Chunhua's heart, living here is equivalent to not going to kindergarten.

Yunmo deliberately teased her, "That's right, you can't go to kindergarten if you live with Auntie, so do you still live here?"

Ling Chunhua's thin pink lips were drawn into a line in embarrassment, her face was wrinkled into a small bun, and she didn't speak for a long time.

Yunmo was not in a hurry, and patiently waited for the other party to make a choice.

After a while, Ling Chunhua suddenly said, "Auntie, can I go to kindergarten by myself?"

This answer made Yun Mo slightly surprised and pleasantly surprised.

She only gave two choices, A and B, but Ling Chunhua thought of C by herself, only to see the intelligence of the other party.

"It's a long way from here to the kindergarten, do you know the way?"

Ling Chunhua shook her head, "But I can learn, I already remember how to get from my home to where my father sells things."

Yunmo stroked the other's little furry head, "Chunhua, you are still young, we don't worry about going out alone, when you get older, when you are in the second grade of elementary school, you can go out to school alone."


Seeing the other party drooping his head in frustration, Yunmo couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't worry, your father will send you to kindergarten."

Ling Chunhua lifted her drooping head, "Really?"


"Wow!" Ling Chunhua jumped up and clapped her hands happily, then hugged Yunmo's leg and refused to let go, her round eyes were full of joy and admiration, "Auntie, I like living here, I like Auntie , I also like my uncle, I also like Dabai Erbai, Daguai Erbai..."

Seeing the smile on the face of her niece that was brighter than flowers, the slight guilt and uneasiness in Yunmo's heart dissipated a lot.

In planning Li Li's divorce, the only person she was ashamed of was Ling Chunhua.

She was worried that Ling Jiang and Li Li's divorce would have a bad effect on Ling Chunhua, which was one of the reasons why she asked Ling Jiang to bring Ling Chunhua to live here.

As the sky darkened, Ling Jiang and Zhou Xiaowei also came back, and the courtyard became lively.

It's not good for Yunmo to stay in the room all the time. After teaching Ling Chunhua the words to write today, she opened the door and went out.

There is a half-person-high waste gasoline barrel in the yard, and Ling Jiang is cutting the metal cover on the barrel with a knife.

"Brother, where did you get the bucket?"

Ling Jiang replied with a smile: "I picked it up on the way to Uncle Zhi's house. I guess someone accidentally lost it. I happened to meet it."

Although the used gasoline cans are useless, they are made of iron sheets, and they can be sold for about one yuan at the scrap yard.

The lid of the gasoline barrel was cut off quickly, and it may have been abandoned for a long time. There was nothing inside, only a thick layer of rust.

Ling Jiang simply cleaned up, then got some dry firewood to ignite, and threw it into the bucket.

With the flames up, an open air grill is done.

The firelight reflected the smiling faces, and the cold was dispelled.

There are four people in Deng's family, and there are four people on Yunmo's side, plus Zhou Xiaowei, there are nine people. The stone table is too small to sit on.

Yunmo turned around and went out to knock on the door of Uncle Luo's house next door.

It took a while for the door to open, and it was Uncle Luo who opened it himself.

Yunmo was a little strange, and asked casually, "Uncle Luo, are you alone at home?"

"Yes, Xiao Gao's grandson is sick, and she is taking care of her grandson at home. Miss Momo, are you here to borrow the phone?"

Yunmo quickly waved her hand, "No, I want to borrow your big round table, is it convenient?"

"Convenient, what's the inconvenience. But you have to move it yourself, the table is old and heavy, and I can't move it with my old bones."

"Okay, I'll go over and call for someone."

Yunmo turned around and was about to go home to call someone, when she suddenly thought of something, "Uncle Luo, have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet, Xiao Gao made dumplings for me and frozen them in the refrigerator. I will cook them later."

Hearing that Uncle Luo hadn't eaten yet, Yunmo immediately said: "Uncle Luo, why don't you come to my house for dinner, let's eat boiled mutton."

Uncle Luo loves mutton the most. Hearing this, he burst into laughter from ear to ear, "That's a good thing."

Including Uncle Luo, there are a total of ten people, and a big round table is just full.

From time to time, the flames in the iron bucket burst into crackling sparks, the soup in the copper pot kept bubbling and bubbling, and plates of meat slices were poured into the pot, rolling up and down on the pot surface in an instant.

"It's ready, let's eat."

"Eat, eat, eat, it will be gone if it's late!"

Amidst the laughter, everyone put down their chopsticks together.

Three more~

Good night

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