After more than half a month of sailing, the merchant ship finally arrived at the village of Silob.

On the shore, the owner of the merchant ship, the fat man humbly escorted Ron and Darth Vaschi off the ship, and then immediately ordered the crew to sail and flee from Ron’s demonic side.

Perhaps in the mind of the shipowner, this voyage experience will become the most terrifying voyage of his life, because during the voyage, Ron once again slashed several crew members who tried to assassinate him in the middle of the night, and the bloody scene frightened everyone on the ship.

“Am I that terrible?” Ron looked at the merchant ship that seemed to be leaving for his life, and couldn’t help but touch his nose and say.

“You’re a villain!” Darth Vader gritted her teeth and said, “Say, what exactly are you bringing me here for?” Is it really going to sell me? ”

Darth Vader is self-aware, the person in front of him is a powerful swordsman, he is at most a naval hostage, if you really want to say how valuable, it is not justified, and the person in front of you also let go of this merchant ship, and did not rob the property, which is strange, as a pirate with a bounty of ten million Baileys, how can he let such a large piece of fat leave?

Darth Vader thought to herself, the teenager in front of her didn’t look big, but her mind was so deep that she couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

“Let’s go, I’m not here to play!” Ron glanced at Darth Vader, reached out, grabbed Darth Vader’s soft little hand, and walked toward the village.

“Huh? You, you let go of me! Darth Vader blushed, trying to break free of Ron’s hand, but how could not break free, how strong Ron’s strength was, she was a weak woman, although as a swordsman, but the knife was on Ron, the strength of the empty hand was not much stronger than the general navy, how could it be Ron’s opponent.

“Hey, I’m not going to be rude to you anymore?” Ron turned his head and glanced at Darth Vader’s young but beautiful body.

“You, don’t mess around, I, I’m obedient!” Darth Vader was shocked, and seeing that Ron’s eyes were wrong, she immediately became quiet.

Along the way, although she was kidnapped by Ron, Ron did not treat her badly in the slightest, eating and drinking for her, but did not move her casually, and now when she saw that Ron’s eyes were wrong, she immediately became quiet.

Seeing that Darth Vader was quiet, and then feeling Darth Vader’s soft and delicate little hand being held by himself, Ron smiled slightly, and just took her hand and walked towards the village of Silob, just like a couple.

Ron was also thinking while walking, how can he take Keya away, at this time, there are nearly two years before Luffy came, that is to say, at this time, Keya’s parents are still alive, the previous idea is to treat the disease of Keya’s parents, but after the parents are well, will Keya follow him?

There is also a demonic butler around Keya, Clarktel, the pirate captain, in order to plot the Koya family property, in the original plot, he lurked in the Koya family for three years, only to be defeated by Luffy and his gang in the end, and from the current timeline, it is close to two years from the arrival of Luffy, which shows that Clarktel has been lurking in the Koya family for more than a year, he is waiting, waiting for the death of Koya’s parents, and then looking for an opportunity to kill Koya and rob the family property.

“Maggie, don’t think about it!” Ron shook his head, although he was not a reckless man, but he was not the kind of person who was extremely intelligent, this kind of brain-consuming thing thought of what to do: “With my current strength, the front is hard, and it is useless to think about what to do!” ”

Ron decided, directly impersonate hostile pirates, to expose Clarktel, and then shoot him to kill, once Clarktel strikes back, it will naturally expose his suspicious identity, and then he will cure Koya’s parents with his own hands, and then use this to blackmail Keya!

Anyway, he is a pirate, what kind of righteous deeds are he engaged in, Darth Vasco was taken away by himself, but the girl is the second, and then there is Nami.

After thinking about all this, Ron suddenly felt relaxed, he had just gained strength, his mind had not completely changed, or the little pirate who had been chased by the navy before, this is not good!

The strong should have the domineering and domineering power of the strong!

Look at the style of those people who are white-bearded and Qiwuhai, which one is not domineering?

I am no better than them now, but I can’t fall into a fame… Well, although his only name now is the reward of ten million Baileys, he can’t stand his strength, and when he reaches the great route in the future, fame or something, he can get it!

“Hahaha, go, Darth Vader, come with me to pick up your Koya girl!” Ron smiled and pulled Darth Vader towards the village that he could already see in front of him!

In the future, he will act in a domineering and lawless manner!

With hundreds of millions of skill points in hand, who else can be afraid of in this world?

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