“Do you dare to be arrogant in front of me?”

Ron snorted, and with a movement at his feet, the full level of skill was launched in a swift stride, almost flying across the sky, and at a distance of tens of meters, he jumped directly from the deck of the Mei Li and landed on the shore.


Aaron and a group of fishmen suddenly changed their faces, and one by one they took several steps backwards.

“Find the dead stuff!” Ron looked at Aaron coldly, reached out and pulled out the three generations of Ghost Che worn by his waist, although the level of the three generations of Ghost Che was not as strong as the big fast knife he had personally forged before, but this was a cursed knife that could bring more painful damage to the enemy, Ron saw that Aaron was very unhappy, and he was ready to take him to the knife.

‘This boy is not weak!’ Aaron’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he could tell from the momentum of Ron’s shot just now that his opponent’s strength was not weak, and as soon as his figure moved, he jumped towards the harbor sea beside him.

Of course, he did not want to escape, but because the fighting power of the fishmen in the water was the strongest, and Aaron was ready to use all his strength to fight Ron.

Ron drew out three generations of ghosts and slashed down, but the target was not Aaron who jumped into the sea, but the fish people with weapons.

With one knife, these fish people were all separated and killed instantly, and occasionally a few people who hid far away could escape with their lives.

“Too, it’s terrible!” An octopus man hiding in the distance watched this scene tremblingly, holding his head and lying on the ground, not daring to make the slightest movement.

The other fishmen who were lucky enough not to die were similar, one by one, trembling with fear, hoping that the leader Aaron would be able to defeat this terrible enemy.

Ron solved most of the fishmen with a sword, and then slowly turned around and looked at Aaron in the sea.

At this moment, Aaron has dived into the depths of the sea, into the sea, he can clearly feel the strength of the power in his body: “Hahaha, in the ocean, it is when my strength is the strongest, boy, dare to come to my Aaron’s trouble, ready to die!” ”

“Accelerate! Impact! Shark Flying Arrows!! The current of water on Aaron’s body continued to linger around his body, constantly speeding up his speed, and his body was like an off-string arrow, turning into a phantom and rushing out of the water, and the ferocious impact hit Ron’s body.

“Huh!” Ron’s face remained unchanged, not at all frightened by the powerful power of Along’s sudden shot, and the three generations of ghosts in his hand raised slightly, and a sword split out: “Basic Sword Technique: Slashing!” ”

A slash in the ordinary basic swordplay was made by Ron, and the sword flashed, clicking, and Ron closed the sword and stood up.

Click, click, click…

Along’s body was cut in half, falling to the ground on both sides of Ron’s body, above the face that was also cut in half, and with a look of disbelief, he could not believe to death that his incredibly powerful move could be defeated by this ordinary sword move.

“Ahh!!!” The fish that survived the fluke saw this and screamed in fright.

“Boss, the boss is dead!”

“Oh my God, the boss was killed!”

“Chief Aaron!!!”

The fishmen were so frightened that they wanted to escape, but Ron looked at him indifferently and said, “Who dares to escape?” ”


All the fish people who wanted to escape were stiff, and did not dare to make the slightest movement.

At this time, the Merry finally landed, Nami and Marcino and other four girls walked down the deck, looking at the scene of a mess, Keya and Marcino looked a little ugly, after all, they had not seen too many bloody scenes, and Darth Vader and Nami did not react much, the two of them had been mixed up on the major islands for many years, mixed with pirates and thieves, and everything was often involved in the battle between the navy and pirates, and the scene of life and death had also seen a lot.

“I didn’t expect that Aaron and his gang would be solved by you so easily!” Nami said with a complicated look that Aaron and his gang were a big mountain that she had been unable to cross since she was a child’s nightmare, and now, Ron had struck and solved it in an instant, making her have to sigh that it was good to have great power.

“Nami!” Marciano turned his head, not to see the bloody scene on the ground, and said to Nami, “These fish people were killed by Ron, and the plight of your hometown has been solved, right?” ”

“Hmmm!” Nami pursed her lips with a slight excitement in her eyes and looked at Ron, “Thank you Ron, our village can finally escape from the clutches of Aaron and his gang!” ”

Ron smiled slightly, put away the long knife in his hand, and said easily, “You are the navigator on my ship, you have been bullied, how can I ignore it?” By the way, you know where Aaron’s gang hid the treasure, right? Will you go and find their treasure first, and then go to your hometown to see it? ”

“Well, I probably know something, and there are a few surviving fishmen here, and with them leading the way, they should be able to find the treasure!” Nami nodded, then said, “I’ll leave it to you!” ”

“Hmmm!” Ron nodded, watching Nami walk towards the base where Aaron was, Ron saw that Keya was a little sick out of the corner of his eyes, and suddenly knew that the bloody scene in front of him frightened this girl, so he walked to the side, smashed a large pit on the ground with his fist, and then threw all the fishman’s body into the pit and buried it casually, which would be handed over to the villagers to deal with later, just deal with it for now.

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