If you thank me so much, why don’t you give me your life?’ ’

Ron thought.

Of course, Ron would not say so, how could the positive image of himself as a righteous gentleman be so ruined?

“Of course!” Ron said with a straight face, “Then again, you Alabastan, what’s going on?” ”

Ron is familiar with the plot, but in order to avoid leaking flaws later, he still has to let Vivi talk about Alabastan first.

“Alabastan… Our country was originally a powerful kingdom, but recently, for some reasons, the domestic people have risen up and the revolutionaries have soared, mainly due to the lack of water in major cities, which has led to a large number of deaths… But I found out that behind all this, whether it was a lack of water or a people’s uprising, there was a mysterious force behind it, and this force was the Baroque Work Society, so I sneaked into this work club with Ikarim to investigate the purpose of the leader of this work society! ”

Slightly angry, he said, “I had already found a lot of information, but I didn’t expect to be found out, if I hadn’t just met you, I would have died!” ”

“Great!” Keya said, “Fortunately, you met us, otherwise it would be dangerous!” ”

Seeing the worried faces of Keya and the other girls on the table, he couldn’t help but shed some tears and said, “Actually, in fact, I already recognized your identity… I just promised Koya to come here and sit down, just to borrow your identity, especially to borrow Captain Ron’s identity to avoid the pursuit, I… Sorry, I really… ”

The girls heard the words and fell silent.

This girl is not ignorant and stupid, but wants to borrow their strength to deal with the enemy.

It’s exploitation, naked exploitation!

Ron looked at the girls’ changing faces and smiled, “Is there anything wrong with that?” ”

“Huh?” Looking up slightly, he looked at Ron with some puzzlement.

“When there is a danger to life, do you want to do everything you can to save your life, is there any problem?” Ron laughed, “That’s human nature, isn’t it?” Moreover… ”

Ron looked at him slightly and said, “You also want to save your life and return to the country to stop the riots in the country, which is normal, right?” Or is this sentiment of yours very righteous and very bright, and we will despise you? Keya, will you? ”

Keya smiled slightly, looked at Ron’s eyes, and then pulled Vivi and said, “Such a great princess, I still see it for the first time.” Slightly you are amazing! ”

Nami was eating on the side, but her ears were very straight, and when she heard this, she immediately put down her chopsticks: “I will not express my opinion first, Princess Vivi, if you want to hire us, but you have to pay some money, what do you think of a billion Baileys?” ”

“A billion Baileys?” Vivi was shocked: “Our country is in turmoil, where can we afford to pay this price!?” ”

Noki pushed Nami high, smiled and said to Vivi, “Vivi, don’t listen to her, she is a little money fan, that is teasing you, we will definitely help you.” ”

“Yeah, yeah!” Abyss took a pastry and put it in front of Vivi: “Sister Vivi, you eat first, it is not comfortable to be hungry, you can rest assured, Brother Ron is fine, he will definitely help you!” ”

Looking at Abesse’s pure eyes, Vivi had an urge to cry, everyone, everyone is so nice…

Vivi bit her lip lightly and ate with tears.

Ron smiled and said, “Rest assured, we’ll leave later, nothing Clockdale will matter!” ”

“That’s right!” Ron looked at Nami, “Did we buy our permanent pointer?” ”

“When will I be free to buy it?” Nami glared at Ron, “I was just about to buy it on the street when you pulled me here!” ”

“Eternal, permanent pointer?” Vivi’s eyes widened, “Do you know how Alabastan goes?” ”

“I don’t know!” Everyone, including Ron, looked at Vivi and shook their heads together.

The corners of Vivi’s mouth twitched: “So, how do you say permanent pointer?” ”

“Don’t all of us use this permanent pointer on the great routes?” Ron took the lead, and everyone had that expression.

“Who, who told you?” Vivi has a black line.

Ron glanced at the girls, dazed.

Vivi covered her forehead and said weakly, “Oh my God, I finally believe that you are really coming to the Great Passage for the first time!” ”

“This… What’s wrong? “Seeing that the girls didn’t want to talk, Ron, as a great captain, had to talk.

Vivi sighed, shook her head, and said, “The permanent pointer, which is above the Great Passage, represents the compass that is direct and permanently points to an island, and the recording pointer is the compass that the Great Passage really uses, and it can record magnetism every time it passes over an island, and mark the location of the next island that is close by!” ”

Wei Wei looked at the crowd and asked, “Do you understand this?” ”

“Got it!” The girls nodded, and then looked at Ron with a look of contempt.


The corners of Ron’s mouth twitched, pretending to be careless and said, “Why are you looking at me?” ”

“Oh well. . . .” Ke Yaqiao smiled and looked at Ron and said, “I remember that you said that in the Great Passage are permanent pointers, and this compass is the only thing that can point the direction of the Great Passage, isn’t it?” ”

“Me, did I say that?” The corners of Ron’s eyes flickered, a look I don’t remember exactly.

“Brother Ron, you said it, and Abyss remembers it very well!” Abyss stood on a stool, clutching the crab in her hand and shouting at Ron’s nostrils.

“Ah, Abethy, you little boy, do you know how to be polite?” Ron blushed cheeks, coughed lightly, hugged Abis and said, “A girl should have the appearance of a girl, do you want a lady to know?” Lady! ”

“Oh, Abis knows!” Abyss said obediently, nestled in Ron’s arms, and smiled happily.

Nami on the side, gritting her teeth.

Marciano stroked his forehead and shook his head wordlessly.

Darth Vader’s face was expressionless, and her eyes were full of mockery.

The corner of Nochi’s mouth twitched, coughed softly, and didn’t say anything.

Princess Vivi… As smart as she was, she guessed what was going on at the first moment!

O captain of mine!

It turned out that you made such a big oolong!

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