The woman supported her head and said happily to a few people: “Haven’t you found that there don’t seem to be so many people on this island?” ”

“If it’s just a village, then the people are similar. But there is an exception to everything, and as far as I know, this is supposed to be a place in town,” the captain said.

After all, it is a character floating around the sea, so the words said by the captain are also completely referenceable, and the woman also nodded: “This eldest brother is right, there should be many ruthless people here.” ”

“So what kind of accident should have happened here?” Ron said.

The woman nodded: “Indeed, that’s why the boss wants you to leave here, it’s best to move quickly, because it’s too late to come.” ”

“In that case, why doesn’t the boss leave.” Renly asked.

“Of course, the boss has to leave, so he needs your help, otherwise how can a businessman do a loss-making transaction, right?” The woman said with a smile.

“It turns out that all this was premeditated.”

“I really can’t say that, after all, the person who walked into the tavern was obviously your own initiative, but the boss just found out that you have extraordinary abilities haha.”

The captain just smiled simply and said: “After all, we have already drunk the wine, if we say that we don’t help, how can we be embarrassed, let’s talk about it, what is the matter, and what can we help?” ”

“It’s simple, just take the captain’s daughter away.” The woman’s face was heavy: “Because tomorrow, or today, something big will happen here.” ”

“What’s going on?” Ron asked.

“There is a man who wants to kill us and occupy our island.” The woman shook her head helplessly: “Of course, we will not be their opponents, they have a strong fleet, and they are also very famous in this area, that kind of vicious famous.” ”

“Stain, does it seem to be trying to occupy here?”

“Maybe, I don’t know why they want to occupy this place, maybe it’s because of the gold mines, because this area is very rich.” The woman said.

“So, why doesn’t the boss’s family go together? Because our ship can fit three people. The captain said.

Ron next to him sighed in his heart, he didn’t expect that this captain would be so kind, and there were actually a lot of things to consider.

“Of course, we can’t give up our homeland, although that pirate group is very powerful, but this does not mean that we will be weak, so there are still many people willing to stay and protect the homeland.” The woman said.

“What about you, are you leaving?” The captain asked.

“Didn’t I already say that? I will only send the child away. The woman said.

But at this time, the woman’s words surprised them very much, Captain Reilly Ron looked at each other, and then the red hair asked: “If we are not mistaken, the child you said is the child of the captain who asked us to send away before?” ”


“Why would your child be a child?”

“Haven’t I told you my name? Ah, it seems to be, maybe because there have been so many things lately, so I forgot about it,” Nakos took a sip of wine, and then said: “My name is Nakos, I am actually from this island, and I am also the mother of a child, the lady of this tavern.” ”

“Aahaha, it turned out to be the boss lady.”

Everyone suddenly realized, but because of the previous reasons, it still seems very embarrassing.

This incident was really unexpected to them, because they did not expect that this woman turned out to be the proprietress of this tavern, which was amazing.

“Speaking of which, what do you think of this? Just get the child to safety, because he’s old enough to be sensible, but we don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Of course it’s okay, because it’s not a problem for us,” Ron said with a grin, and then patted the captain on the shoulder, “And he’s also a boss, maybe when no one adopts your child, he may be able to find a way for your child.” ”

“If that’s the case, I’m really grateful.” Nakos said.

At this time, the words have already been spoken, and it is impossible to take them back. But Nakos is so mature, then it means that the child must also be very capable, there must be no problem in making a living on his own, there is no need for his help at all, and all this is just a little humility.

After thinking about it like this, the captain immediately relaxed.

At this moment, Renly looked solemn and said to Nakos: “By the way, we still don’t know, who are those islands?” ”

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