Sakatsuki looked at these two former members of the World Government's scientific troops, and now the Sakatsuki Pirates, the two captains and vice-captains of the scientific troops.

"Now thanks to me, the two of you can show your strengths, I hope you won't let me down in the future!"

At this moment, whether it is Caesar. Kron, or Vince Mokkagaji, the two heard Sakatsuki say this, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted Sakatsuki.

"If it weren't for Lord Sakatsuki, we would definitely not be where we are today, and we will never let your adults down." The two of them said together.

"Now Vince Mock Gaj's bloodline factor technology can produce 5,000 cloned soldiers per month, so in a year, I can get 60,000 genetically modified soldiers.!" Sakatsuki did the math carefully.

In a year's time, the total number of his Sakazuki Pirates will exceed 80,000.

This force can be proud of the other three major and four emperor regiments, and soon the troops will be able to catch up with the headquarters of the navy.

Strength is in numbers, especially in genetically modified soldiers, and it is a powerful force that any force dreams of.

"Caesar Krone, what about you, how many Devil Fruit Abilities can produce each month?" Sakatsuki looked back at Caesar Krone behind him.

Hearing Sakatsuki ask how many abilities he could make every month, he hurriedly replied, "Sakazuki-sama, artificial devil fruit smile." It can produce 1000 pieces per month. "

"So many!." Sakatsuki was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that after full expansion, he would be able to produce 1,000 artificial devil fruits a month.

"So, wouldn't it be that I can add 1,000 artificial Devil Fruit animal abilities every month!."

1,000 animal-based artificial Devil Fruit abilities, even if their strength is not as good as the genuine animal-based Devil Fruit abilities, it is also a group of earth-shattering combat power. Absolutely amazing. "

Caesar Krona looked at the high-spirited Sakatsuki and reminded in a low voice, "We can only add 200 artificial Devil Fruit abilities every month. "

"Only 200 people?." Sakatsuki's brows furrowed slightly, and he felt a little less.

Seeing Sakatsuki's reaction like this, Caesar Krone hurriedly explained; "The artificial Devil Fruit ability is not as good as the natural Devil Fruit ability, and it is more risky, with only a 20% chance of success, which can give the user an animal-based Devil Fruit ability."

"So low.!" Sakatsuki was a little disappointed.

Seeing his reaction, Caesar Krone and Vince Mock Gaji were both a little speechless.

Three Devil Fruit abilities.

Among them, animal-based devil fruits are the most common.

But even so, the cheapest animal-based Devil Fruit costs 100 million berry.

Now they can add 200 animal-based Devil Fruit Abilities every month, which is already an extremely strong combat force.

It is equivalent to an increase of two or three hundred billion berry income every month, and it is not enough for half a month!

Sakatsuki seemed to react as well, and he patted his forehead.

"What happens to the remaining Devil Fruit ability users if they fail?" Sakatsuki asks what happens to the loser.

"They will become laughing weirdos, but they will still get some of the physical enhancement effect." Caesar Krone and Vince Mock Gaji replied aloud.

Sakatsuki nodded and said: "That's okay, anyway, they are all genetically modified, so they will all be compiled into the battle sequence of the Sakatsuki Pirates." "


These genetically modified soldiers, strictly speaking, are not human, and they don't feel sorry for how much Sakatsuki has lost.

If it were ordinary people, Sakatsuki wouldn't be able to do anything to experiment with them.

In fact, many pirates have recently asked Sakatsuki to take Caesar Clone's artificial devil fruits, but Sakatsuki refused.

For the sake of their lives.

Six months have passed in the blink of an eye, and everything is calm.

During this period, the world government did not trouble the Sakatsuki Pirates anymore, and Sakatsuki did not take the initiative to attack.

Now he is operating the science and technology island with peace of mind, as well as the Golden City and the hive. Steadily expand its power.

Nowadays, with the full maturity of bloodline factor technology, genetically modified soldiers are mass-produced.

The number of the Sakatsuki Pirates is also increasing rapidly, and their influence is increasing day by day.

Every day, a large number of pirates come to take refuge.

Sakatsuki has specially set a threshold for this, and only those who have passed the assessment can join the Sakatsuki Pirates.

For this reason, many Haike groups were brushed off.

Sakatsuki didn't care about this either.

Now that he has the bloodline factor technology and has undergone a large-scale expansion of his troops, his strength has increased greatly, and both the quality and number of soldiers have completely surpassed the other three major and four emperor regiments.

He can't look down on the weak at all.

Within half a year, the Sakatsuki Pirates had expanded from 20,000 to more than 60,000.

In particular, it also includes 1,200 people who have been empowered by Caesar Krone using the ability of animal-based Devil Fruits.

There are 1,200 animal-based Devil Fruit abilities, the only one in the world.

It's a very large and amazing force.

It is precisely because of this that the balance of the three major forces is now skewed.

Originally, it was the Four Emperors, and His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas and the Navy Headquarters maintained a delicate balance.

Sakatsuki was born out of thin air and founded the Sakatsuki Pirates.

The three major forces are leaning in the direction of the Four Emperors.

It is rumored that the current Banyue Pirates are already the Four Emperors with the largest number of people and the strongest combat power among the Four Emperors.

In the face of these rumors, whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates, the Hundred Beast Pirates, or the BIGMOM Pirates, the three Four Emperors have not said anything to refuse. It seems to be a tacit acquiescence to this matter.

For a time, Sakazuki's prestige was even better.

And just now, outside the hive, in the sky.

A flash of green flame pierced the sky and galloped towards the hive.

If you look closely, it is a strange bird with green flames burning all over it.

The strange bird was extremely fast, and in an instant, it shuttled through several lines of defense and came straight to the hive.

Its appearance quickly attracted the attention of the patrol officers of the Sakatsuki Pirates.

"Look, what's that weird bird?"

"It's heading towards the hive!"

"Nothing else, knock it down first!"

Suddenly, guns rang out on the sea.

All sorts of spears and cannons fired fiercely at the strange green birds that suddenly flew into the sky.

The rain of bullets smashed his head and face.

Who knew that the strange bird was not only fast in the air, but also very agile.

In the flickering and moving of his body, he completely avoided these attacks, and the speed came faster.

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