Chapter 34

“Yo-yo-yo, kid, you can actually block my blow, what is your ability?”

Brusarino showed a hint of curiosity, he couldn’t resist a kick at the speed of light.

And his full kick did not even break the person’s protective shield.


After the burning magma touched the protective cover of Qin Luo’s repulsive storm, smoke continued to flow, but Sakazuki’s fist did not advance at all, and was completely resisted.

Sakazuki’s face was extremely cold, and with one blow, he was actually resisted!

Compared to Sakazuki’s expression, Brusarino was even more surprised.

Mainly, this protective cover can actually resist him who is a fluid.

This is the most surprising thing about Brussarino.

Generally, besides armed color hardening, which can capture fluids and resist fluid attacks, another method is seastone, or sea water.

The protective cover did not turn black, it was not hardened by the armed color, and the protective cover was not made of seastone, and the sea water, even more nonexistent.

“Boy, what is your ability to capture fluids and resist fluid attacks. I’m very curious.”

The photon fluid condenses into a human form, and Kizaru asks, tilting his head.

“No comment!”

Qin Luo raised his hand and said calmly.


Hearing this, Kizaru gave a cold snort, and when faced with his own question, this kid turned out to have such a posture, which is really irritating!

“Brusarino, stop talking nonsense with him, just get rid of him!”

Sakazuki’s eyes were deep, and a peaked cap was pressed very low, but Qin Luo could still feel the sharp eyes under the peaked cap.

“Hey, Sakazuki, I want to compete with this kid first. You and I, both monsters, have no winners or losers. How about using this kid as a sandbag?” Brusarino said to the kid just now. He has a stubborn attitude and wants to kill Qin Luo by himself.(Read more @

“No way.”

Before Sakazuki could speak, Black Wrist Zephyr refused.

“He is very strong! You are not his opponents now! You must not deal with a strong enemy alone! You should withdraw first! I will fight him!”

Zephyr’s eyes narrowed, and he shouted at Brusarino and Sakazuki.

“No, sir, you are an important member of Naval Headquarters. Let me take care of this small matter!”

Upon hearing this, Brusarino directly rejected Zephyr.

“No, you will die!” Zephyr shouted with a startled expression.

But Brusarino ignored Zephyr’s order, and instead smiled at Sakazuki: “Sakazuki, today, let you and I use this person’s hands to decide the outcome!”

Brusarino smiled lazily, and then, his whole person turned into a particle of light, Kizaru, who could move at the speed of light for a short time, as long as he moved, he was confident that Qin Luo couldn’t catch him at all.

This is confidence, this is confidence in Sparkling fruit.

“Kick at the speed of light!”


After a sound, the photon fluid flashed by, and the line of sight could not be captured at all, unless you have Observation Haki, but Qin Luo has not learned the three types of Haki.


The photon fluid condenses the human form, and Kizaru hangs upside down, kicking at the weakest part of the shield.


Above the protective cover, a very small crack emerged.

“Oh, Brusarino is not to lose the Admiral of Naval Headquarters in the future, so this grade can use the fruit ability to such an extent!”

Qin Luo felt the feedback from the protective cover, and couldn’t help being curious.

This protective cover is just a repulsive storm laid out lazily by Qin Luo. The specific strength is more than ten thousand times worse than the full-level repulsive force.

If the full-level repulsion is released, Qin Luo can guarantee that all the capable people in the Pirate World will be called over to bombard the protective shield of the full-level repulsion together, and never want to destroy a single bit…

Today’s protective shield is just a tool for Qin Luo to test Brusarino.


Brusarino kicked a fine crack and couldn’t help but believe in himself: “Little devil, you have to pray that this protective cover will support a little longer, otherwise, I can’t guarantee that I won’t kill you!”

“Speak up without shame.”

Qin Luo didn’t bother to take care of Brusarino’s arrogant attitude, and yawned to express sleepiness.

“Kick at the speed of light!”

Regarding Qin Luo’s attitude, Brusarino sneered again and again and kicked it with all his strength.



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