Chapter 759

Time went back to one hour before the whistle appeared.

Donquixote Family can buy patrolling guards in a short period of time, but there is no reason why the Kingdom of Djerma can’t do it. Darwin considered himself a tight line of defense, which was penetrated by several forces so that there was no scum left.

Was it because the Dinah Sul family formed a patrol to guard against other forces, or did other forces selflessly help the Dinah Sul family to guard their home? this is a problem.

With the help of the inner ghost, the fleet of the Djerma Kingdom approached the island of the Undersea Research Institute very easily. Teams of Djerma Kingdom soldiers and Assassins from the Killer Association lurked on the island in the manner of water ghosts.

The patrol boat that was bought went to the port on the island in accordance with the instructions.

“The fifth team brother, it’s not time to change shifts yet, what are you doing back?”

As the sharp-eyed man screamed, the guards of the harbor turned their eyes to the nearby patrol boat. Looking at the flag on the boat, he is right. What they wonder is what the fleet is going to do.

Called his younger brother, the captain of the patrol ship sneered at the corner of his mouth, waved his arm, and the filled cannon fired at the port.

The other patrol boats that were not dispatched at port 277, the outposts on the shore, the building where the command center was located, and other fortifications were all attacked by artillery. Of course, there is also the guy who just yelled. This is special care. Who is the younger brother now?

The defenders of the Dina Sur family were completely defeated. They had just suffered a heavy blow called “Friendly Strike” and suffered extremely heavy losses.

The guard sounded, and the surviving guy in the command center immediately issued an order to counterattack.

“The guys on the fifth team are crazy, kill them right now, right away.”

The deputy chief of the Dinosaur Research Institute was going crazy, his heart was beating so fast that he had not recovered from the shelling just now. Death passed him by, and he was almost blown into rotten meat like the hapless head guard.

“Raise the machine guns and artillery for me. Are there any ships that can fight? All go out to sea. Team four, team six, let them roll back quickly. There is also the notice below…”

The unfinished order became the swan song of the deputy chief guard, and he never had that opportunity again.

The horrified deputy head guard held his neck tightly, but couldn’t stop the blood pouring from it. In the end, the deputy chief guard fell to the ground feebly and died. And beside his corpse, a killer was wiping the blood from the dagger.

Then a few guys dressed as killers gathered. The floor of the room they were in was being infested with blood, and all the targets were killed by one blow.

“This is the Wiping Throat Squad. The suppression of the combat command room is complete. Over.” The leader reported the results through a telephone worm.(Read more @

The same thing keeps happening in the port. While the undercover fleet was attracting firepower from the front, the soldiers and assassins who disembarked early had sneaked in from the side, and gave the half-crippled guards a fatal blow from behind.

A signal flare shot into the air, far away at the junction of sea and sky. A group of black spots suddenly appeared, and the main fleet of the Kingdom of Djerma came at full speed with full sails. The tied port guard did not create any obstacle to the fleet of the Kingdom of Djerma.

In an instant, it turned from a group of black spots into a huge fleet lined up. The new artillery fire instantly cleaned the struggling defensive strongholds of the harbor.

The sporadic gunfire heralded that the battle had entered the final stage, and the fleet of the Djerma Kingdom easily captured the port.

The Danasur family has another group of strong guards on the island, squatting in the seabed research institute. However, before they could react, the Dinosaur Research Institute on the island fell.

The alarm of the Seabed Research Institute was sounded together with the one on the island.

“This group of people are coming aggressively, definitely not for the slaughterhouse above. It seems that the secret here has been exposed.”

“This research institute has been successfully hidden for so long, and it is a coincidence that some people were exposed as soon as they came.”

Recently, Darwin sent almost all the armed prosthetic users in his hands to the Undersea Research Institute. Except for the two Darwin’s personal bodyguards, No. 1 and No. 2, the main combat power of the Dina Sur family is here. They gathered in the conference room of the institute to discuss countermeasures.

The combat power of the seabed research institute guards is unprecedentedly strong, so they are not without confidence to fight the invading enemy. It’s a pity that they don’t know that the huge fleet above is just the first batch of enemies today. None of them like Marine, the Modri ​​royal family, and the Donquixote Family have appeared yet.

“Shut up. What’s the point of arguing at this time? It’s better to think about how to deal with the enemy above.” A muffled hum interrupted the not-so-good atmosphere.

In the conference room, the rest of the people looked at the headed number three. If the person above is absent, Number Three will automatically become the most qualified person to give orders. Seeing that he speaks, most people want to sell him face.

“Is there any countermeasures? Fuck them. Yeah, you have better suggestions.” No. 4 is one of the few who are not convinced, just like the twin brother always complains that it’s just a few seconds late.

No. 3 has no intention of arguing with him now. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, he directly ignored the number four. First, a few guys with good brains were arranged to be commanders, while the rest were assigned their duties, and those with stronger combat power were directly arranged to guard the exit of the Seabed Research Institute.

“Before the reinforcements arrive, we must guard. On the tenth, you arrange for the doctors to take refuge. Thirteen you…”

With their respective tasks, the entire institute is busy. Researchers in the main research room are constantly being persuaded to leave, and those who do not cooperate are forcibly dragged away.

“Dr. Begapunk, please move to the shelter.”

The most important of many researchers, Begapunk, was persuaded by the ten himself.

As if he hadn’t heard it, Begapunk continued to conduct his own experiments.


Begapunk still ignored it. When the two men behind No.10 saw this, they planned to drag Vegapunk away, but they were stopped by No.10.

“Doctor, we are confident to keep this research institute, so your experiment can continue afterwards.”

Reaching out without hitting the smiley, Vegapunk finally spoke, “Give me the last three minutes, and then I need to go back to the room.”

The smile on the tenth responded to him.

After stuck in the last few seconds of three minutes, Vegapunk completed all experiments on the demon’s body. Just put the heart in again, and the devil will wake up. Begapunk stopped, feeling a sense of loss.

“Now I can go back to my room.”

“Of course.” No.10 waved to the two men behind him, obviously asking them to follow.

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