The Marine Expeditionary Force's war with Big Mom and the Beasts in the New World lasted for two days and two nights, and there was still no winner or loser.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, seeing that he was still unable to capture Big Mom and the Beasts, Sengoku had no choice but to withdraw his troops temporarily and return to the last island to repair temporarily.

Although he, Garp, and Zephyr still had fighting power even after fighting for two days and two nights, and kept beating Big Mom and Kaido, the Marine at the bottom could no longer hold on.

In order to avoid excessive losses of 20,000 elite soldiers, Sengoku had to make such a decision. After all, although they suppressed Big Mom and Kaido, they were unable to turn their suppression into victory.

Therefore, the Marine expeditionary force finally retreated.

But even so, after two days and two nights of fighting, the 20,000 elite troops he brought had already lost about 7,000 men, and eleven warships were sunk.

Of course, the Marine Expeditionary Force suffered such heavy losses despite being overwhelmed by numbers. Naturally, the losses suffered by Big Mom and Beasts were even greater.

The vassal pirate groups under these two Four Emperors pirate groups were almost completely wiped out after this battle, leaving only a few defeated soldiers who were incorporated into their pirate groups.

Even the lower-level combat forces of their two main pirate groups have lost a large number of personnel. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to integrate those defeated soldiers into their pirate groups.

Although, under such circumstances, their two Four Emperors pirate groups still have fighting strength, but if Marine has another wave of such battles in a few days.

Then their two Four Emperors pirate groups will probably exist in name only, mere commanders.

Therefore, both the Marine Expeditionary Force, Big Mom and the Beasts all understand that this war will inevitably come to an end soon.

When Sengoku and the others retreated to the last island for repairs, they also sent a large number of people to patrol, alert to sudden attacks by big moms and beasts.

However, what Sengoku and the others never expected was that the final result of this battle was not that they would win, but that BigMom and the Beasts, who had been at a disadvantage before, would win!

When they returned to the last island to repair, Big Mom and the beasts, as expected, came to sneak attack the Marine expeditionary force at night.

Although Marine had deployed sentries and discovered their incoming attack in time, in the end, the appearance of a figure caused the Marine expeditionary force to be completely defeated.

At about dawn, the Marine expeditionary force, under the cover of Sengoku, Garp, and Zephyr, with only about 7,000 people left, quickly evacuated the Big Mom Pirates' territory from all nations.

After successfully withdrawing from the realm of nations, Garp and Zephyr also fell into a coma due to excessive injuries.

Only Sengoku, because he ate Zoan, Phantom Beast Species, Renren Fruit, and Big Buddha Form, his recovery ability was increased due to Zoan, and he did not fall into a coma due to excessive injuries.

Since then, Marine's plan to enter the New World through the Marine Expeditionary Force has been shattered.

Early that morning, the Five Elders gathered together again, listening to Sengoku's report on the phone with a weak voice: "Your Excellency, Five Elders, we...failed."

"Failed?" The sword-wielding Five Elders slammed the table: "How dare you say you failed?!"

"Not long ago, at the cost of sacrificing an arm, Zaikong killed the sinner Jiang Yang. It finally made us have a better impression of you."

"As a result, you failed again this time?!"

"Who swore before that we could take back New World?!"

"It's me." Sengoku admitted very frankly: "If there are no accidents, we can indeed regain New World this time. At least we can bring bigmom's territory under our Marine banner."


"Rocks is alive!"

As soon as these words fell, the pupils of the Five Elders all shrank, and they suddenly stood up and exclaimed in disbelief.

…Please give me flowers…


"That guy Rocks, wasn't he already severely injured by Garp and Roger back then? Although he disappeared later, wasn't there basically no chance of survival? Why now..."

"I think it has something to do with Charlotte Linlin's recent actions?" Sengoku guessed with some uncertainty: "The brutal plundering of the lifespan of civilians in the territory is almost an act of jeopardizing the future. It seems now..."

"Besides resurrecting Rocks, there should be no other possibility, right?"

"Damn Charlotte Linlin!!" The sword-wielding Five Elders growled through gritted teeth.


At this time, the younger-looking blond Five Elders suddenly frowned and said: "Even if Rocks is resurrected and the three of you join forces to regain your peak, are you still no match for Rocks?"

"Back then, it was just Garp and Roger who defeated Rocks, and now you..."

"If it were him before, even if Kaido and Charlotte Linlin were present, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Sengoku said in an uncharacteristic voice, directly interrupting and refuting the Five Elders' words.

Later, Sengoku said with great solemnity: "The current Rocks is more troublesome than Jiang Yang, who was killed not long ago!"

"Jiang Yang is only a four-level Ultimate in swordsmanship, armed color, Conqueror's, and knowledge, but now Rocks is a five-level ultimate in physical skills, armed color, knowledge, Conqueror's, and physique!"

"According to the information we heard from Marshal Kong, it seems that this is the basic condition for achieving... the ultimate sublimation?"

"Fifth level...Ultimate?!"

The pupils of the Five Elders all shrank into needles, and their expressions changed drastically!

After spending a few minutes to calm down the shock in their hearts, they said solemnly: "We already know the situation, you can go back to the G-5 branch for the time being.

"We will make a decision after we discuss the specific situation!"

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