Chapter 180 Colonel Smoker

In the battle with the dragon knight, the two were at a 50-50 draw. After all, in the sea of ​​New World, no one would use all their strength to deal with the enemy in front of them from the beginning.

Because there are so many things they have to do next, it is impossible to focus all their energy here, otherwise it will be very troublesome to deal with other situations later.

However, Jiang Yang also got some good things from the battle with Dragon Rider, that is, the fire dragon.

He believes that this thing will greatly improve his body, but he cannot take it immediately now. Instead, he should find a safe and stable place to take it.

Otherwise, if I were attacked while I was taking it, it would be really a bad deal for me.

Because he knows that once this thing is taken, a person's physical strength and physical strength will reach the weakest state during the process.

At that time, even if a person with relatively average strength dealt with him, he would not be able to deal with it, so Jiang Yang did not choose to take the dragon fruit immediately, but waited for another time.

They also stayed on the island for a while, and then they were ready to set sail.

063 This is probably the first island since they landed in the New World, and it is also quite memorable.

Of course, they also carefully observed the terrain of the island and discovered that the island in New World is really magical. It is very likely that there are some infinite resources on a mysterious island, as well as some hidden mysterious things. .

Of course, the same is true on this island. They got dragon fruit.

What they said next was that they were preparing to set off for the next destination. The place where the next destination pointer pointed made Nami very strange.

Because Nami saw that the pointer on his hand seemed to be pointing to a place that he was very afraid of.

Of course, after Jiang Yang saw Nami's strange expression, he also asked: "What's wrong, Nami? Why do I look at you with something wrong?"

Nami said: "It's okay! It's just a little strange why the pointer is pointing to a research institute. Before I arrived at this place, I did a little homework."

"I discovered some (bfej) special locations in this place. There are some strange places. For example, where the pointer is pointing now, it seems to be a research institute, and its name is Vegapunk Research Institute."

"As the name suggests, it is the research institute where Vegapunk used to develop and research in this place. However, I heard that some experimental failures occurred in the morning, and everyone on the entire island was evacuated."

"And it seems like it's just a deserted island now. I just don't know what the purpose of going there is."

Jiang Yang thought for a while after hearing Nami's words, and finally said: "Maybe there is really something wrong with it! But it's not what we have to worry about now.

We just need to go to this island right now. "

"In addition, we have to wait until the pointer reaches a certain time period before we can continue to the next place. Otherwise, it would be very bad if we keep wasting time in one place."

Nami also nodded after hearing this.

Then Jiang Yang and his party continued to drive the ship forward.

On the other side, there is a character named Marine Vice Admiral. He has been waiting on a ship for a long time.

It looked like he was holding a cigar in one hand and a trident in the other hand.

If you see Jiang Yang for the first time, you will know who he is. He is Lieutenant Colonel Smoker, Marine Vice Admiral 10.

Because he caught a lot of prisoners before, he was promoted from Colonel to Vice Admiral as an exception. He is a very capable person.

As for his ability, he can turn into a smoke state to carry out tasks or attack prisoners.

With this annoying ability, he completed the task brilliantly every time.

Of course, Jiang Yang also suffered a lot when fighting him before, because his special attack methods really gave Jiang Yang a headache.

But then Jiang Yang got lucky and used a little trick to escape from Smoker's hands.

At that time, Lieutenant Colonel Smoker was filled with hatred. In fact, the reason why Smoker Vice Admiral was in that place was to arrest Jiang Yang and his group.

He is right next to Vegapunk Island, but he always feels that something is wrong on this island.

Then he said there: "An Qi, do you think there is something wrong with this island? I always feel like there are other people doing something inside."

"Can you explain to me? I know that women's intuition is very accurate. You'd better talk to me! Use your intuition."

The pretty girl next to her heard it and replied Smoker Vice Admiral: "I know what your question is, but I can't judge it directly if you have a heavy awakening."

"I have never been to this island and I don't know what kind of things are there, but I also have a feeling that it is not as simple as it seems from the outside."

"=After all, there has been such a big battle on this island before. It would be very strange to say that nothing happened at all.

It turns out that this island used to be occupied by the craftsman Aokiji and the admiral Akainu. There was a battle between the two admirals here, so that the winner could directly assume the position of Marine Commander-in-Chief.

Because the former Marine Commander-in-Chief retired due to age.

Both of them are very capable. Admiral Aokiji is a person recommended by the former Marine Commander, and Akainu is a person recommended by the World Government.

Two people of different status, but they are both very powerful.

In this case, the only way to gain the final power is through the final duel to see who is stronger.

Because one attribute of the two is fire and the other is fire, they are equally matched in the confrontation. They fought for three days and three nights on this island before the two finally came to the final result. . .

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