The patient is 70 years old this year, has been suffering from diabetes for nearly 20 years, under the influence of high blood sugar, the blood vessels in the lower limbs began to occlude, blood clots accumulated, resulting in unbearable pain in the legs, and the skin also turned purple-black.

This disease, called "diabetic foot" in Western medicine, because diabetes leads to necrosis of the lower limbs, there is generally no good way, to amputate the limbs, to amputate the necrotic parts, to prevent further deterioration, and the proportion of amputations is still very large.

Crucially, even amputation is not always curable, and many people die soon after amputation.

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is also a name for this disease, called "old rotten legs", and now look at the patient's legs, which is indeed very much in line with the definition of "old rotten legs".

Diabetes was also known as the disease of wealth in the previous life, because this disease can only be controlled by taking medicine and diet, and cannot really be cured, it can only be controlled, and it is also a common metabolic disorder.

This patient is still very obese, and at a glance, he knows that the other party likes to eat high-calorie or a lot of sweets, which will undoubtedly aggravate the condition.

Many people have a misconception that diabetes is a problem with the kidneys, which is why it causes a lot of sugar in their urine.

In fact, this is not the case, diabetes is due to insufficient insulin secretion, and pancreatic islet 753 is secreted by the organ of pancreatic islets, so there is a problem with the organ of pancreatic islets.

It secretes too little insulin to break down blood sugar in the body, which leads to an increase in blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes if you don't notice it at first.

The patient's legs have been severely swollen and ulcerated, his feet are black, and there are poisonous sores, as if the two buns are covered with mold, which is extremely terrifying to look at, and ordinary people will close their eyes in fright.

Amputation was also included in this case, but the patient rejected it and took conservative treatment, and if there was no better way, Carl supported amputation.

After all, there is still a glimmer of life in amputation, and conservative treatment will end up dead and lifeless, and the condition will continue to worsen later, once it is aggravated to a certain extent, even if the amputation has no effect.

"Dr. Karl, can my father be cured of this disease?"

The woman saw that Carl had been silent, and her heart kept sinking, and her eyes turned red in an instant.

"Yili don't worry, Carl hasn't spoken yet, he must have a way to cure Uncle Feili" Seeing this, Mock hurriedly comforted his concubine.

At the same time, Mock said to Carl, "Carl, how is Uncle Ferry's illness?"

"He has a sweet tooth."

Mo Ke nodded, the other party wanted to be his father-in-law, he naturally knew what his father-in-law usually liked to eat.

"I like to eat very much"

"Even after I got this disease, I was eating"


"Eat every day?"


Hearing this, Carl said angrily: "Aren't you fooling around, how do diabetics eat sweets, as a family member of the patient, don't you stop him?"

I have had diabetes for 20 years, and I eat it every day, which has lasted for two years, I can only say that this is called Fei Li's goods, and the pancreatic islets in the body are not ordinarily strong, but they have lasted for 20 years.

If he had been able to reduce his intake of sweets at the beginning of the illness, he probably would not have gotten the disease.

"In the past, although my father was a little unwell, he was still in good health, but his illness suddenly worsened three years ago," Yili said crying on the side.

After eating sweets for a long time, the islets are overwhelmed, so they will naturally strike, just like the boss, who makes employees work overtime all day long, and of course the employees will not do it after a long time.

"After getting sicker, are you still eating sweets?" asked Carl.

Princess Yili nodded lightly, not daring to look into Carl's eyes, after all, as a daughter, she failed to stop her father from continuing to eat sweets, and it was indeed a failure.

Die, Karl shook his head inwardly.

The other party is a typical illness from taste, excessive consumption of certain food, resulting in physical problems.

"Carl (BGDC), don't blame Yili, Uncle Ferry won't listen to her at all" Prince Mok saw that Carl's face was a little bad, thinking that he was angry with Yili, and immediately defended.

"I don't blame her," Carl shook his head.

People have hobbies, whether they are good hobbies or bad hobbies, and it is very difficult to quit hobbies.

Don't have too many people who are hospitalized because of their hobbies, smoking, drinking, chewing betel nut, eating greasy food, and so on because of these hospitalizations, after being cured, they still don't remember the pain, and they start smoking and drinking again.

Some even secretly smoke and drink secretly during the treatment, for this kind of patient, the doctor is also very headache and annoying, and some patients who do not listen to the doctor's instructions will even be beaten upside down.

These patients don't want to be cured, they want to, but they just can't help it, they like things that they have liked for decades, and it is really difficult for people who don't have great perseverance to throw them away.

If you have a decades-old smoker who suddenly quit smoking and succeeded, then you'd better not mess with him, because he can be so cruel to himself, let alone others.

"This disease can be cured, but even if it is cured, if he continues to eat sweets, he will definitely relapse"

The normal function of the islets can be repaired by internal organs, and as long as the islets are healed, the insulin secreted by the islets can break down the blood sugar in the patient's body.

However, Carl's internal organ repair is not to repair the internal organs to the extent of youth, but to the degree of health, that is to say, the patient is now seventy years old, and repairing the pancreatic islets can only restore the appearance of the pancreatic islets when they were seventy years old, not to restore the islets to the age of twenty.

Of course, if you use life force to repair, the effect will be better, but it is also limited.

If the patient is cured and he or she starts eating sweets again, then the healthy islets start to overwork again, and the other person will get diabetes again, and then they will become the same again.

The process of healing the patient's pancreatic islets and legs with vitality did not take much of Carl's time.

"Okay, Carl, I knew you could."

Mo Ke was very happy to see that his father-in-law's legs had recovered as before, and Yili on the side also began to smile.

"Thank you, Dr. Carl," said Yili gratefully.

Carl waved his hand: "Don't thank me, but I have to explain that if the other party relapses again because of eating sweets, then you don't have to come to me again, a patient who doesn't care about his body is not worthy of my second treatment"

Carl is very serious when he speaks, everyone has only one life, the doctor can save you once and give you a second life, but if you don't cherish it yourself, then there will be no third time.

Facing the undoubted Carl, Yili was a little overwhelmed, and Mock on the side immediately said: "Carl, don't worry, Yili and I will definitely watch Uncle Ferry"_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - harvest

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