One Piece: King of the World

Chapter 260 Crocodile cuties. (Three shifts)

Alabasta, Crocodile is sitting in the basement of the Rainy Banquet Casino he built in the city of Rain.

The facilities here are very luxurious, and there is a huge underground aquarium, but it is not marine life that is raised here, but a huge banana crocodile.

Banana crocodile is very cruel, very large and aggressive. Although it is not Sea Kings, it is more aggressive than Sea Kings. These cruel crocodiles will even hunt Sea Kings in groups for food.

Crocodile really likes this kind of crocodiles. They are domesticated in the rain as their little pets.

Many of the pirates he caught were fed to these banana crocodiles as snacks. Crocodile is now sitting in front of the aquarium, watching the crocodiles inside it biting a huge sea beast.

The Baroque Work Agency, an organization created by Crocodile in the first half of the Grand Line, has not much combat power, but it has a large number of people and a lot of bounty hunters.

After all, this Alabasta can be regarded as the "novice island" in the first half of the Grand Line. There are countless pirates rushing out every year. Even if Crocodile is very powerful and can suppress everything, there is not so much time to clean them up.

So he set up a Baroque work agency, and gathered a large number of bounty hunters as his subordinates, specializing in hunting those novice pirates.Only those who can escape from these pirates will be dealt with by his cadres. Anything that slips through the net will it be Krock 143 Dahl's turn to play in person.

After screening, Crocodile's work in this area has also become a lot easier, and his national hero Alabasta's name has become bigger and bigger.

But this is just the beginning. The large grassroots bounty hunter group of the Baroque Work Agency has begun to slowly transplant into the Alabasta country. The people, instigating the oppositional relationship with the Alabasta nobles, and attacking the name of the Nafirutali clan

Fame, do all dirty work anyway.

When Crocodile watched the "cuties" he raised were vying for food, his MR.3, Mr.3 walked in with a document in his hand.

When this guy saw Crocodile's back, he trembled in his heart. For his boss, Mr.3 was very afraid, because he knew how powerful and cruel this boss was.

Energetic, Mr.3 quickly said: "Boss, our Yuyan's fiscal revenue has dropped a lot this quarter."

Crocodile is still sitting in the boss chair with his back to him, without turning his head back, his eyes seem to be chasing his cute little ones.

Listening to Mr.3's words, Crocodile asked (agci) very casually: "What's the reason?'

Mr.3 quickly explained: "First of all, the domestic situation is not very good. Many responsible families and big businessmen are transferring assets and leaving Alabasta. Secondly, our new competitor is too powerful. I wonder if you have any bosses. Have you heard of the Guran Tezolo?"

Although Crocodile didn't look back, he raised his brows and asked, "Gambling?"

"Yes, it's a very big gambling ship, the size of an island. They wandered around in the first half of the Grand Line and attracted a large number of gamblers. In the past, our rain feast was the best in the first half of the Grand Line. However, due to the unstable domestic situation in Alabasta, many foreign big gamblers are reluctant to come, and

Compared with our fixed occasions, gambling boats wandering around have more advantages. This is the main reason for the decline in fiscal revenue that we have summarized. "Mr. 3 Ruo quickly explained.

After speaking, his heart thumped, for fear that his big boss would throw him into the crocodile group as a snack.

No way, my boss has never been a good-tempered person. Although there are suitable reasons for the decline in casino revenue, these cannot be used as excuses.

Just when Mr.3 felt up and down in his heart, Crocodile said indifferently: "Is it? It's not a big deal, so let's do it, you just need to do your own thing."

Mr. 3 is not good enough, so naturally I don’t know the meaning of Guran Tezolo. Crocodile is a core member of Claudius. Doesn’t he know what that stuff is? Isn’t it Tezolo made it?

After that, it will gradually grow into the financial core of their CP-X. It is said that larger ships are already being built, which will be built into the world's top entertainment city...

This belongs to the internal affairs of his camp. Of course, Crocodile won't care. Anyway, he doesn't rely on the rain banquet to eat. How can he do such a big move in Alabasta without the financial support of Claudius? Every year he can get from Claudius. While obtaining huge amounts of funds, they can use them to develop their own strength, while secretly controlling Ah

Labstan or something.

"How about the rest?" Crocodile asked softly after thinking about it.

Although Mr.3 doesn't know why his boss has no idea about Yuyan's income decline, it is always a good thing for him, so he doesn't have to worry about being sent as a snack.

After clearing up his mood, Mr.3 quickly responded: "The military factory has been built almost, but it's nothing, but there are already guerrillas in Alabasta transformed into rebels. They seem to want an uprising?"

"Ahahahahaha..." Crocodile suddenly laughed after hearing the news.

Then he seemed to be in a very good mood, and he said, "Is it finally started? The appearance of the rebels means that the reputation of the Nafirutali clan has fallen into a trough, as long as it is the size of the rebels. Keep getting bigger, and war will start, and what war brings is opportunity.

After a short pause, Crocodile said: "Mr.3, organize our manpower to support the rebels in secret, let them form a certain scale, and then use the power of the fishing boat to help them propagate, and make them unwilling The oppressive and bravely resisting army "understand?

Mr.3 nodded and said, "Understood, boss.

"It's a good opportunity to take advantage of their first appearance. Put all the good people on our side in, and strive to become the backbone of this rebel army. At a critical moment, it can be used by me." Crocodile said softly. 'S exhorted.

"Yes, boss." Mr.3 said quickly.

After that, Crocodile was not interested in talking nonsense with him. Although he didn't even turn his head back during the whole process, Mr.3 was even more in awe of the big boss. After receiving Crocodile's task, he quickly left to arrange.

And Crocodile turned back from the boss chair after he left, bit a cigar in his mouth, and whispered softly: "When the rebels develop to a certain extent, I don't know if Cobra will Seek help from the World government?"

After thinking about it for a while, Crocodile laughed again, and said to himself: "Even if they ask for help, the world government will not pay attention to them, right? This kind of thing, leave it to Claudius to get a headache, and I will do it. my business.."

Crocodile doesn't know, CP-X has already started to work hard in this regard, and pour some dirty water on Alabasta. It would be good if the World government doesn't come out to provoke it, and help? It doesn't exist.

Pressing out the cigar in his hand, Crocodile looked at the map of Alabasta on his desk, and then there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered: "Five years, at most another five years, Alabasta will fall into us. When the time comes, the rest of the plans will also enter the final stage, let me see with my own eyes, you have to be in this world

Set off what kind of frenzy Claudius.. Your Royal Highness.

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