One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 410: The history of Ainilu's failure


"Then, Perona will go with me first, and I will pick you up in three days."

Niiyinmeng took back the Yihunwan in his hand.

"If you have any needs, just tell them. You can let them take you where you want to go. There are all kinds of vehicle garages, so you can choose."

Neyinmeng led the way with one hand and asked Perona to follow her.

Perona glanced at Luffy, and saw Luffy nodding and following.

"Then I'll go first."

"play yourself."

The two went up to the second floor one after the other.

Luffy scratched his head and asked, "By the way, where is the plot of this world?"

The four maids looked blank.

Luffy clicked to open a group chat.

@涅綠利: Where is the timeline of your world?

Sasuke: Alu, tell me the coordinates.

Luffy: I don't know too well, it seems to be on the mountain.

Outside the window was shaded with trees, Lu Fei walked to the window and looked outside.

The sea was beating against the golden beach. There was no one on the beach, but there was a beach volleyball net.

This is not a mountain, but an island.

Yes, Niyuli would enjoy it.

Luffy raised the window.

The window was erected diagonally, only half of the head gap was opened.

Hearing the conversation outside, the fur ball in his bag became restless, and squeezed his head from the gap.


"Why don't you call me when you arrive?"

Inside the satchel, besides Nie Yuli, there is also a magic puppet.

The magic puppet lay on the princess bed in the corner holding a pillow, and squinted sleepily when the light shone in.

"Huh? Is it here? I want to sleep a little longer."

"Forget it, get up, I am also curious about what other worlds look like."

The magic puppet stood up holding the pillow, and the buckle of the backpack was automatically released.

Nie Yuli was about to fly out, was seated on his back by the devil, pressed back, and instantly furious.

"Woman! Dare you!"


The electric arc "cracked", and a bolt of lightning struck the devil's body.

The devil frowned in pain.

"You have good abilities, lend me a play."

The sharp nails pierced Ainilu's back.

Ainilu's hair exploded.


Taiko drums sounded.

Lei Beast Gu Xianhua rushed out.

The satchel was torn to pieces by lightning in an instant.

The magic puppet took out the Holy Grail, dodged the Thunder Beast, and bounced the blood on his nails into the Holy Grail.

A cup of blood poured out from the bottom of the Holy Grail.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

"Ha... hiccup!"

The tip of the ruddy tongue licked the blood on his lips, and the scarlet pupils of the magic doll glowed red.



The current surged, converging into a Taiko and tied to the ankle of the demon puppet.


The magic surging, the strong electric current directly shattered the window and rushed out, and a thunderbird that was several times larger than Ainilu's victory period rose into the sky.

Ainilu, who wanted to attack again, was dumbfounded.

Outside the window, dark clouds rolled.

There was thunder, and the momentum was terrifying.



Opportunity to recharge!

Ainilu rushed out the window.

However, her body sank, and the woman who had just thrown it off actually sat up.


Anilu gritted his teeth.

But charging is more important now than dealing with women.

It’s too late to deal with this woman after he regains his strength!

Ainilu rushed towards the thundercloud.

The thunderbolt hit the Taiko drum, and the hair ball's figure swelled rapidly.

However, the next moment, the thundercloud suddenly dissipated.

The owl turned his head 180 degrees and looked behind.

"It's you!"

The magic puppet is lying on the back of the furry bird.

"It's more cute now, you won't be cute when you grow up, I like the way you look now."

Do you like it?

I don't like it!

Ainilu looked at the giant thunderbird and rushed towards the thunderbird.

One hundred meters!

How fast is the thunder and lightning, and victory is close at hand!


The Thunderbird dissipated, and the electricity absorbed by Anilu was less than one hundred.


Ainilu, his body surged.

But all the lightning was absorbed by the Taiko anklet on the woman's foot.

"Hey! This is not my own home!"

"Don't bother you too much! Come down quickly!"

Luffy yelled.

There should be no other people on the island, if there are these are trouble.

Nie Yuli treated them so kindly, but it caused others trouble. This kind of thing is always bad.

The magic puppet ravaged the bird feather comfortably.

"Have you heard, stop making trouble, good boy."


The current is invalid.

Ainilu hasn't been so angry yet when he fights this way.

Even when he was fighting Luffy, he didn't feel desperate.

No matter how shameless the rubber devil fruit's restraining effect on thunder and lightning is, it has not directly absorbed the shamelessness.

How to fight this!

The owl's head turned a few times, found Luffy, and flew over.

"Get this guy away!"

Luffy looked at the magic puppet.

The magic puppet said indifferently: "You asked the wrong person, he is just my pet."


Luffy's mouth twitched.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, it's a friend."

The corners of Anilu's owl's eyes were round.

"I don't care what your relationship is, let her go, otherwise..."

The magic puppet smiled and said, "Otherwise what?"

Ainilu thought of a way.

What can threaten Luffy?

The strength of the two is about the same...

The magic puppet said: "Be my mount honestly."


"I will take out your devil fruit."

"Luffy has been greedy for your abilities for a long time."

"Although he doesn't know how to do it, but I don't mind."

Ainilu looked back and forth between Luffy and the golem.

Luffy touched his nose awkwardly: "This... the thunder fruit is not bad, but I don't have much thoughts, peace of mind."

Ai Nilu flew up and hit the wall with his back.

The magic puppet dodges flexibly.

Seeing a gray nose hit by Anilu, nothing happened to the magic puppet.

Luffy clicked to open the chat group.

Neyuri: I'm going to take Naraku to reality and reincarnation. You guys will wait a while.

Luffy: Reincarnation? So fast.

Luffy scanned the address book, and Naraku's status was offline.

Nie Yuli: The flow rate of the time of breaking the boundary is different. You are only a few minutes. I have been busy in it for a few years.

Sasuke: That's amazing. Do you usually go there for Nirvana to practice?

Nie Yuli: Divide is not suitable for cultivation, but I did build a laboratory in it.

Alex: I want to see the process of Naraku's reincarnation, how it was reincarnation.

Nie Yuli: This reincarnation is different from the regular reincarnation.

Nie Yuli: To be precise, it should be a seizure.

Alex: That's also great.

Tang Seng: Doing this kind of thing will lead to retribution, right?

Nie Yuli: Going beyond the sea without knowing the sky.

Tang Seng: Amitabha.

Clown: Master is compassionate.

Luffy: Hasn't the clown recovered yet?

Tang Seng: Can you recover in six or seven days?

Tang Seng: During this period, if you have any smelly socks, you can wash him.

Luffy: Um...

Joker: Wash the socks? Master, is this also a practice?

Tang Seng: Yes, it is hard to eat, and you will become a master.

Tang Seng: If you want to ask questions, you must first start with hardship.

Joker: I see, I will finish it well.

Joker: Wash all the stinky socks of the donors.


When the clown recovers, what will it be like?

Luffy began to look forward to it.

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