One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 552: Promise me to end the era of evil pirates

Akinu's face was angry.

He swung his left arm that was fitted with Hailou Stone and smashed it towards Luffy.

The upper half of this arm is made of high-temperature-resistant tungsten steel, and the tip is inlaid with sea floor stones.

Under the real power of the rock berry, the burning scarlet tungsten steel arm smashed with a punch, like a Changhong going through the sun.

Luffy grabbed Akagu's red wrist with his bare hands, and threw it to the ground with one over the shoulder.

Akadog's pupils constricted.

There is a qualitative difference between this punch and the previous one.

The temperature on the tungsten steel is two thousand degrees Celsius!

Luffy could go next with his bare hands, which is incredible.

"Boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!"

After beating ten times back and forth, Luffy stomped the person on the ground, "Are you still hitting?"

The red dog was thrown into a dizzy head, and because of Luffy, his good admiral was demoted to a lieutenant admiral and became a joke among everyone.

He remembered this hatred for fourteen years. During the fourteen years, he trained rigorously every day, waiting for the shameful day.

He wants to kill Luffy first, then kill the Fujitora who has robbed him, and then teach all those who laugh at him to relieve his hatred.

But he never expected that Luffy waited.

He is not the opponent of the other party at all.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it..."

The red dog tried hard to get up from the ground.

Luffy stepped on his back and tried three times without getting up.

The next moment the red dog opened its back, revealing the black barrel of the gun.


The flames spewed and burned Luffy.

The road flew like a mountain in the flame, and waited until the flame extinguished before speaking, "Sorry, I am immune to flames, and the tricks related to flames have no effect on me."

The red dog opened his mouth, and a light cannon shot Luffy directly.

Huang Yuanshiying fruit ability!

This trick was also used by the pacifists of the Great Bear in the development of the original world.

It is the result of Begapunk's analysis of the ability of the glittering fruit.

The laser hit the body, and the dragon flame attached to Luffy's body, and the flames skyrocketed, rising into a scorching fireball.

Heizi stood in front of the female seaman who took care of her, armed with domineering all over her body.

The scorching heat blows everything around.

The grass was instantly burned into black lacquer carbon black, and the surrounding building surface melted into a molten state.

The red dog stopped firing the laser, and the flame on Luffy's body weakened, gradually revealing his form.

Long Yan was wrapped around the navy coat without any damage.

Vaguely, I could see the phantom of the fire dragon flying in the flames, just a glimpse.

"Any other tricks?"

The red dog stared at Luffy.

How can a person be so strong.

He could accept defeat to Luffy, but couldn't believe that Luffy would be intact under his full attack.

Is he not working hard enough?

Do not! He still has no tricks!

The honeycomb pinhole popped out, "Boom! Whoosh whoosh!"

Hundreds of Hailou stone flying needles ejected towards Luffy.

"Hahahaha! No matter how strong you are, as long as you are capable, you can't escape the sanctions of Hailoushi!"

The red dog's face was twisted, staring at Luffy.

In the eyes of the red dog, the Hailou Stone Needle hovered in front of Lu Fei, and then reflected towards him at ten times the speed.

"Puff! Puff!"

The sound of piercing the body sounded one after another.

"How can you..."

Akagi closed his eyes weakly.

"Okay, let's stop here, Luffy released the red dog."

The Warring States was standing on the balcony, watching below.

Luffy raised his foot.

The next moment, when Lu Fei turned his back.

Suddenly, the red dog violently violently, his arm shot out with a halo stone bullet knife, and his face stabbed at Luffy's lower back with a hideous look!


The bayonet approached, but Luffy disappeared from sight.

The expression of the lost Aka Inu was frozen on his face.

"Do you think I didn't know that you were pretending? Only your brain and heart are original for the remodeled body, right?"

In other words, Hailou Stone can only work if it hits the brain and heart.

Auditory locks on the target.

With extreme concentration, Akagi's heart beats like a drum in Luffy's ears.

Pull out a Hailou stone needle, armed with domineering ejection, Hailou stone needle launches!

Before Luffy blocked a sneak attack, it was armed and domineering, focusing on a needle faster.



Hailou stone hit the armed domineering.

Failed to pierce the back of the red dog.

However, this armed domineering is not from the red dog, but from the Warring States period.

The Warring States period jumped from the balcony, put his hand on the shoulder of the red dog, and blocked the attack for the red dog with his domineering arm.

"You want to kill him?"

Facing the questioning of the Warring States Period, Luffy was uncomfortable, "Otherwise? Is it possible that I would like to give him a compliment and encourage him to treat someone who wants to kill me in a sneak attack. Are you awesome?"

The Warring States was speechless.

"But if you want to kill him, the suspicion against you will be deeper, and there will be no turning back then."

"Grandpa Warring States, are you still attached to the position of Marshal?"

Warring States stared at Luffy for a long time.

Fruits for all, the Warring States Period of Buddha!

The body of the Warring States period turned into a golden Buddha.

The navy cloak also became huge, draped like a golden battle suit.

"Give you a chance and beat me! I will resign!"

Photographed by the palm of the Buddha.

Luffy's heart was surging, and his arms raised to face him.

The flash of the Dragon King!

Don’t keep your hands, go all out, the strongest dragon roar!

The mighty Longwei is spread all over Chambord Island.

Countless naval officers were affected by Long Wei and lost control of their bodies and fell to the ground.


The phantom of the fire dragon flew towards the Warring States.

The real effect of the Buddha form for all fruits is to allow the eater to get the power, wisdom, and spirit like the Buddha. Combining the huge body like a big Buddha with clever mind and perfect skills, so that the capable person can become a mind, body and skill. The ultimate person.

The Warring States, which has its own qualifications as a king, has gained everybody's fruit Buddha shape, and it can be said to be even more powerful.


The Warring States was caused by Longwei to trigger its own domineering domineering.

Luffy also released his domineering look.

The two mental shocks seem to collide with each other in substance.

The sky of Chambord Island is divided into two halves by two people,

Half of it is a crimson fire cloud.

Half is the golden Buddha's auspicious cloud.

The two experienced a brief close match, and the golden auspicious cloud was quickly swallowed by the fire cloud.

The trajectory of the dragon flash is visible to the naked eye, like a ball of light slowly hitting the palm of the big Buddha slowed down.

After the continued mental shock, the shock of strength is triggered.

With the release of powerful energy, the entire island of Chambord Island sank toward the sea, immersed in the sea water, for a full 10 seconds before resurfacing.

The whole island was washed through by sea water.

Countless electrical appliances flashed with electric sparks.

Some buildings that were not very strong collapsed directly.

Countless people were washed into the sea.

Fortunately, everyone in the Navy is water-through.

Under the circumstances of drowning and life threatened, many people got rid of the domineering influence of the overlord, regained control of the body, and worked hard to swim to the surface to get a breath and then dive into the sea to rescue other people.

The navy headquarters are in a mess.

Luffy and Warring States looked at each other.

On the side, the red dog's face was astonished, and Luffy's expression looked like a ghost.

"Promise me one thing."

"tell me the story."

"Kill Kaido, the pirate king, and end the era of evil pirates."

"This is what I want to do."

"promise me."

"I promise you that I will defeat Kaido and end the era of pirates."

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