Then, Qin Luo stopped, and the black hole slowly disappeared.

However, the three of them were sucked in and did not die, all of this was under Qin Luo's control.

And these three people, although they are not dead, have been tortured beyond words!


Qin Luo grabbed the three of them, and his finger lightly pointed at Char Marco Sheng, and this kid was also sucked into the black hole by the black hole.

Then, the navy became more and more shocked and stammered.

"Old... Teacher, our teacher is sucked in!".

"Even Sakasky and Polusalino, known as monsters, were not spared!".

"One against three!".

"Teacher, where did they get caught by you!".

The Bastille roared angrily, glaring angrily.

"I've arrested them. After Qin Luo finished speaking indifferently, he planned to leave.


"Moon Step!".


Suddenly, an astonishing fluctuation came out of the dense forest, and someone quickly moved towards Qin Luo.

In an instant, a pitch-black palm exuding a murderous intent rushed over.




The man's armed domineering palm slammed into the shield, and the shockwave slammed forward, and finally the power dissipated.

"Sengoku. "

The man wore a pair of frog glasses, a long beard tied in a twisted shape on his chin, and a military hat with a seagull symbolizing the "navy" and an explosive hair hidden under the hat.

It is the Warring States undoubtedly.

"You are Qin Luo?"

Zefa dodged and appeared three meters away, facing the person in front of him.

From obscurity, to beating the Draconians, the kid who rose at a rapid and incomparably fast speed, today, the Warring States finally saw it with their own eyes.

"Your defense is good, you can resist my armed color domineering impact palm, your strength is very strong!".

Warring States looked at Qin Luo squarely, feeling the aftermath of the blow just now, and Warring States was quickly analyzing this person's strength.

"Warring States Wise General, I advise you not to try to defeat me, or try to get me through, or even try to find my weak point to attack me, your so-called wisdom is vulnerable in the face of my great power. "

Qin Luo's meaning was very simple, he reminded him like this, he just kindly advised the Warring States, and at the same time saved some time and ended this boring farce quickly.

"Zefa and what about them?".

Warring States West glanced around, but did not see the figures of these people.

Before coming, Sengoku had already called Zefa and Karp, and it was clearly mentioned on the phone that Zefa arrived first.

But now I haven't seen him in person.

I couldn't help but be gloomy and puzzled.

"General Xianshi!Teacher Zefa was arrested by Qin Luo!".

One of the Navy yelled.

"General Senshi, not only Mr. Zefa has been arrested, but even Sakasky and Polusalino, who are known for their monsters, have also been arrested!".


When the Warring States heard this, their calm and calm faces suddenly became grim.

He originally wanted to rush here as soon as possible, join forces with Zefa and a few others to rescue the Tianlong people and capture Qin Luo.

But he never expected that when he arrived here, the development of things had already exceeded his expectations!

"Qin Luo, hand over Zefa and them!" "Warring States gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

"Why? Why should I hand it over?" Qin Luo scratched his head, unmoved.

Hand it over?

Labor and management have been caught with great difficulty, and they have been handed over for nothing?

"Since you don't hand it over, then I have to fight until you hand it over!" After the Warring States finished speaking, he disappeared directly from the spot, and Shi Zhan appeared beside Qin Luo.



With a sharp sound, Sengoku's arm slammed into the shield, missing a minute.

And now, the whole person of Sengoku has turned golden, and his face like a big Buddha is full of anger.

"The Warring States of the Buddha..... This is your animal human fruit phantom beast species big Buddha form!".

Seeing the appearance of the Warring States, Qin Luo chuckled.

Hearing this, Warring States did not pay attention to Qin Luo, but his right hand was all blackened, and one finger was withdrawn and stabbed at Qin Luo's head.

Sengoku shot decisively and ruthlessly, completely devoid of Zefa's indecision and Sakarsky's rage!

At this time, Qin Luo was not afraid of the Warring States at all, and in the face of the stormy attacks of the Warring States, Qin Luo's expression was still the same, without a trace of panic.

"It's so strong!".

The Warring States were wheezing violently and sweating profusely, but looking at Qin Luo again, he was as calm as water.

"It must be solved as soon as possible!".

Warring States Mingwu can't fight a protracted war, he must unleash a thunderous blow to knock Qin Luo down!

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