One Piece: Sea Devil Sanji

Chapter 16 - Demons

Still sitting on the crow's nest, Sanji kept his watch as he witnessed the first light of dawn on the horizon. He looked down at Nami, nestled on his l.a.p and smiled as he saw her sleeping peacefully, her long eyelashes resting softly on the pale of her cheeks.

He lightly called for her "Nami-san..."

"Sanji-kun..." she murmumed barely stirring from her slumber.

"Nami-san..." he called again as he forked his fingers through her hair.

The touch caused her to slowly open her eyes. She blinked them a few times, then looked at him "Is it morning already, Sanji-kun?" she sleepily grumbled, tiredness still weighed heavily on her eyes.

"Yeah, it's past five. I think it's time to wake up"

"Just a little while longer..." she closed her eyes again and returned back to sleep.

"I should go prepare breakfast, Nami-san" he delicately placed a kiss on her head "Who knows when a certain glutton will get up and proclaim he's starving"

"Luffy can wait..." she pulled the blanket closer and nuzzled against his c.h.e.s.t "It's so comfortable right now..."

Sanji chuckled "Alright, I can't say no to that" He rubbed the small of her back and it didn't take her long to fall asleep again as he felt her slow even breath.

Sometime later, he spotted a shadow of an island in the distance. He looked at it through the binoculars for a closer look. It was white covered in snow and featured a series of drum shaped mountains 'Hmm, those are the Drum Rookies of Drum Island. Finally, about time we go get Chopper" the corner of his mouth lifted a bit.

He gently picked Nami up in his arms, careful not to wake her up and jumped down to the deck. He made for the girls room and silently sneaked in, finding Robin occupying one of the hammocks while Vivi sleeping on the double sized bed. He tucked her in next to the latter then smiled at her, brushing a lock of orange hair from her face "My beautiful princess..." he whispered as he pecked her on her pink lips then left the way he came in.


The crew eventually woke up as the sun rose.

"Whoaaaaaaaaa! It's an island!" exclaimed Luffy in his usual excited self, sitting on the Merry figurehead "It's so white! It must be snow! A snow island!" he was swaying left and right.

"He's already off in his own world that one" commented Sanji, standing behind Luffy.

"Snow is so fun..." stars were jumping out of Luffy's eyes.

"Wow... Just what are those mountains...!" to the side Usopp opened his mouth as he saw the Drum Rookies.

"I like snow..." Luffy was daydreaming at this point "It's so white..."

The Going Merry continued to sail as it neared the island.

"So much snow..." Luffy clasped his hands and started to cry anime tears "I'm so happy..."

"This is definetly a winter island" Vivi joined them. She checked a thermometer in her hand then said "It's ten degrees below zero, cold enough for a bear to begin hibernating"

"Yeah" agreed Usopp rubbing his gloved hands on his coat then looked at his captain "Aren't you cold wearing only that?"

"Huh?" Luffy turned towards them, seeing that they're all wearing coats and gloves then looked down at his clothes. He was dressed in his signature sleeveless red vest, blue shorts, sandals and straw hat "Ah!" he reacted as if he recalled something important and started shivering from the cold.

"Could you be any slower, dumbass!?" Sanji threw him a red coat and green gloves.

The Going Merry came to the side of a meltwater waterfall "I think we should be able to dock our ship around here" said Vivi.

Zoro came after dropping the anchor and asked "So...? Who's going to go look for a doctor?"

"I'll go!" volonteered Luffy eagerly as he lifted his hand in the air after he finished wearing the coat and gloves.

"I'll go too" said Sanji, exhaling smoke.

"Hold on a moment..." said Usopp to the side "Is this island going to be safe? There's snow, couldn't there be snow monsters or something!? There might not even be any humans living on it!" he started to sweat "Oh no! My Can't-Enter-Island-Disease is acting up again!"

"Actually..." Zoro crossed his arms "I guess we should start by seeing if there are even any people on this island"

"There are people..." they looked at Sanji for an explanation, but he didn't need to as several armed men appeared on the banks aiming their rifles at them.

"!!" they were not expecting such a hostile welcome.

"Stop right there, pirates!" "Don't move an inch, or we'll open fire!" the men angrily shouted at them.

Usopp started to worry as he looked at them "From their mood, this doesn't look good..."

"Something is not right here..." mumbled Vivi.

An imposing man, with slicked black hair and a goatee walked out from the crowd of men. He covered his head with a fur lined hat equipped with ear-flaps, and wore green tunic with armor plates on his arms and long boots. He carried an extra-large spade in a sheath that hangs on his back. His name is Dalton.

He faced the Strawhats and spoke in a calm but firm manner "You'll turn around immediately, and leave this island at once"

"Why should we listen to you!?" shouted Luffy, pointing his finger at him "I want to have an adventure in the snow!"

"We didn't even come to cause you trouble" Vivi tried to mediate "We're just looking for a doctor and we'll quickly leave"

"We don't care, pirate sc.u.m!" "This is our country and we won't let any stinking pirate run amok on it!" "Now pull your anchor back up and beat it!" "Or else we'll make you leave" the clearly agitated men yelled at them.

"Let me handle this, Luffy" Sanji didn't want to waste time with them so he knocked them out with his Haki 'You've got to love Conqueror's Haki. It easily solves issues of this kind' he thought as he put his hands on his pockets.

"Wow, Sanji!" Luffy looked at him "You've to teach me how to do that too! It's so cool!"

"Didn't I tell you, you have to awaken it first before you could train in it. You never listen, do you" Sanji shook his head then looked at the stunned Dalton "So... can you let us in now? I don't think you're capable of stopping us on your own"

Dalton got his nerves back and gave Sanji a hard look "My job is to protect this island. I'll die before I let my people suffer at the hands of pirates once again" he unsheathed his spade, ready for combat.

"What do you mean again?" asked Vivi as she walked infront of Sanji "Were you attacked by pirates before?"

"Mhm...?" he stared intently at her "Now that I look at you, I get the feeling that I've seen you before somewhere... Who're you girl? you seem familiar" he relaxed his stance a little.

"Y-you must be imagining things" she replied nervously "I'm sure we've never met before..."

He continued to stare at her for minute then said "You're princess Vivi of Alabasta, aren't you?"

"H-how did you know!?" her eyes widened at him.

"I remember meeting you at the Reverie, six years ago. What are you doing travelling with these pirates? Did they kidnap you?" he looked at them with venom.

"It seems the cat's out of the bag, Vivi-chan" Sanji put his hand on her shoulder.

She sighed and nodded at him then looked back at Dalton "I've my reasons for being with them. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. You have my word though, we mean you no harm"

"She's right, you know" Sanji looked him and said calmly "You've seen how easily I took care of your men. You must have realized that if I really wanted to, I could just slaughter them all now and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. So stand down, it's for your own good. I'm usually not one for mercy to those who threaten us"

Dalton visibly tensed at his words and looked at him with apprehension.

"Hey! Chill down, Sanji!" Usopp whacked him on the head "No need to aggravate the situation anymore than it already is:"

"He's right, Sanji" added Vivi "They were clearly afraid of us. Something bad must have happened to them"

"I'm aware of that" Sanji looked at the two of them "I was just making a point, that's all. You've seen how I handled Wapol, and that's me restraining myself..."

They shuddered at the memory "Yeah, I guess you have a point..."

"Excuse me, but did you just say Wapol!?" interjected Dalton.

Sanji pulled the tin jaw from one of his pockets and showed it to Dalton "Does this remind you of anything?"

"That... That's Wapol's! How did you get it!?"

"Wapol was generous enough to gift it to us" Sanji smirked at him "A shame, he had to lose his life in the process though"

Dalton didn't have any words to say to that as he kept opening and closing his mouth.

"Anyway" Sanji looked at luffy "Let's not waste anymore time and go look for a doctor. I have a feeling we'll find someone interesting" he smiled.

"Yeah, let's go!" Luffy remembered his earlier excitement "I want to play with the snow and make a snowman!"

"Alright" he looked at the tallest drum mountain in the distance and rubbed his chin then said "Want to try something, Luffy?"

"Eh? What?" asked Luffy. Sanji whispered in his ear and he started laughing "Yeah, yeah, let's do it! It sounds like fun"

Sanji looked at the rest "I left food in the galley, so help yourselves to it. We'll be back at most by night, see you later" then looked back at Dalton "As for you, remember my earlier warning. I don't want to commit a slaughter if I don't have to, so control your men and get them to behave when they wake up or..." he left his threat hanging.

Sanji didn't wait for him to respond and jumped high in the sky. He looked down at the ship and shouted "Grab onto my leg, Luffy!" he lifted his right leg to the side.

Luffy laughed as he stretched his arms and grabbed onto it.

"Good, now let's go!" Sanji kicked forward with high speed, propelling Luffy towards the top of the far mountain.

"Wooohoooo!!! Yahahaha..." Luffy was sent flying like a rocket.

Sanji didn't tarry behind him and used Skywalk, creating multiple sonic booms in the air, to catch up to him.

Usopp, Vivi and Dalton had their mouths fall down to the ground at the way they left.

Meanwhile Zoro blankly looked at the two, becoming small dots in the sky then indifferently shrugged his shoulders and removed his upper garments "In the meantime, might as well do some meditating while swimming in the cold" he took a deep breath and jumped in the freezing water.

The remaining three had their eyes pop out from their sockets as they watched him. They looked at each other in dismay then Vivi said to Usopp "You know, your crew is filled with crazy people..."

"Sigh, don't tell me about it..." his shoulders slumped down.

Dalton cleared his throat then said "So, can anyone explain to me what's the deal with Wapol?" he looked at the two.


Located at the summit of the largest of the Drum Rockies at the very center of the island, is Drum Castle, the royal palace of Drum kingdom.

Everything was quiet and calm until a loud yell was heard "Aaaaaghhhhhhhhhh... Oh! I'm rubber so I'll be fine" Luffy zipped fast in the air and collided with the castle wall creating a booming crash that made the whole building quake and destroyed its front right portion.

Behind him Sanji streacked down and landed on the hard ground heavily enough to cause spiderweb like cracks to appear under his feet and the piled up snow to dispese in a white cloud around him. He slowly rose up and dusted himself "Phew, that was fun" he grinned.

"Ahahahahaha, Sanji!" Luffy jumped up from the rubble with barely any scratch "Let's do it again!"

Sanji lit a cigarette then said "Let's find a doctor first"

"Oh, that's right" Luffy approached him "Did you see a doctor, Sanji"

"It's not like they grow on trees, dumbass" Sanji looked at the castle 'It's empty for now. I sensed them leave earlier, but they should return a bit later' he turned back to Luffy "Let's enter the castle and- What the hell are you doing!?"

Luffy had already built a giant snowman that somehow wore a blue cape. He stood on its shoulder puffing his c.h.e.s.t and pointed at Sanji "Look at my Mr. Hyper-Snowman! Nobody can beat it, Dahahaha!"

"Oh, is that a challenge, Luffy" Sanji smirked at him

"Heh, so what?" Luffy crossed his arms and looked at him condescendingly.

"Alright, you brought this on yourself" Sanji blitzed towards him and kicked him in the face, sending him skidding on the ground about a hundred meters.

Luffy shot up and shouted at Sanji "What was that for!?"

Sanji walked towards him with his hands in his pockets and tilted his head in feigned confusion "Didn't you just challenge me, Luffy? I thought you wanted a fight"

"I didn't!" he denied but then grinned "But now I want to. I'm going to beat your ass!" he c.o.c.ked his left arm back then sent it like a bullet towards Sanji's face.

Sanji easily side stepped it and jumped towards Luffy aiming a kick towards his face once again. Luffy however used his outstretched arm to latch onto a tree and propelled himself forward towards the cook, throwing another straight punch with his other hand. The two strikes collided causing a showkwave that cleared the ground from snow in a twenty meter radius. The two stood in the center, fist and foot clashing against each other with no one giving even an inch to the other.

Eventually though, Sanji overpowered Luffy and pushed him away then kicked him in his midsection sending him skidding once again "You better use Gear Second Luffy, or you won't be able to keep up"

"I won't need it" Luffy recovered quickly and stretched his leg and kicked in a wide circle but Sanji jumped over it and flew towards him bringing the heel of his foot down on his head, making him bounce on the ground. Sanji followed suit with a volley of kicks in quick succession to Luffy's back while he's airborne, sending him flying towards the wall of the castle.

"Use Gear Second, Luffy. You're no challenge like this" before he hit the wall, Sanji appeared right on top of him and dropped his leg directly downwards towards his neck while adding a spin to it like a drill, spearing his head straight in the ground. Sanji then flipped away from him.

Luffy remained motionless for a moment then jumped on his legs and stood, looking like an ostrich burrying its head. He used his hands to push the ground, strugling for a bit before plucking his head from the dirt, leaving a hole behind him "Argh, I almost suffocated!" he took large gulps of air.

"Come on Luffy, get serious" said Sanji, motioning with his hand for Luffy to come at him "I'm getting bored here"

"I'll show you bored, Sanji!" Luffy yelled in frustration and faced him. He used his stretching ability to bring his fists forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that creates the illusion of him having multiple arms.

*Gomu Gomu no Gatling*

As the rapid fire of strikes came for him, Sanji casually ducked and weaved between them, leaving multiple afterimages behind him. Luffy responded by increasing the pace of his punches, creating multiple sonic booms in the process. However, Sanji to Luffy's shock kept dodging all of his attempts to hit him and ended up by performing a series of swift backflips before using his hands for one final push to launch himself towards Luffy's face. He gave Luffy a chilling smile, making him sweat as he delivers several fast kicks of his own.

*Extra Hachis*

A bombadrment of hard kicks launched at multiple directions, in the same manner as Luffy's last attack, landed all over the body of the latter before he was sent flying like a ragdoll towards the tree line. Luffy screamed as he continued to fly away going through and destroying several trees until he passed the edge of the mounatin.

Through sheer will, Luffy managed to recover his bearings and took a deep breath, inflating himself rapidly through his mouth, ending up like a balloon. His new form slowed him enough in the air to allow him to stretch his arms back and made a handhold onto two standing trees back on the edge of the mountain. He looked at Sanji in the distance and shouted "I'm coming back, Sanji!!"

*Gomu Gomu no Rocket*

Luffy retracted his arms, projecting himself at a super sonic speed, aiming for the blond cook "Wooohooo! I'll add more spin to it for more power!" in his ball form, he began to rotate himself on his axis making himself look like a spinning giant cannon ball, resulting in an air tornado trailing behind him.

Sanji took a lungfull of smoke and clicked his boot on the ground. Just as Luffy came within range, he clenched his teeth and stepped hard enough on the ground to produce a crater before his foot blurred in a vertical manner, kicking his rubber captain right on his lower jaw.

*Anti-Manner Kick Course*

The clash was like a clap of thunder, reverberating throughout the entire island and its citizens, and strong enough to shake the top of the mountain, causing the slab of snow on its edges to fracture and fall down forming a huge avalanche that sweeped the island.

Time between the two seemed as if stopped for a second before Sanji shouted and once again overpowered Luffy sending him rocketing vertically into the sky, piercing through several clouds and disappearing from view.

Sanji stood still for second with his leg in a 180 degrees from the ground before he exhaled the pent up smoke and brought his leg back down again. He relaxed his shoulders then looked at the sky "I hope, I didn't send him to some Sky Island randomly passing by. It'd be a drag to go look for him and bring him back"

Couple of minutes later, came a loud yell "Saaannnjiiiiiiiii!!!" Luffy was falling back down from high up while releasing a great amount of vapor from his body. A clear sign he finally applied Gear Second on himself.

Luffy stretches both his arms far back and when he neared Sanji, he instantaneously hurled them forward in a double open palm strike.

*Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka*

Sanji disappeared before it hit him, leaving Luffy's attack to land on the ground widening the crater that he first created. Appearing some distance away, Sanji looked at Luffy as he landed and grinned "About time, Luffy! Let's get this battle started for real! I'll give you the win if you force me to use my Diable Flames or Haki!"

Luffy faced him with a wide smile eventhough he was panting from the exertion of Gear Second "I'll definetly win!"

"We'll see about that. But first do you still remember the other technique I showed you?"

"Of course!" just as he replied Luffy disappeared from view.

*Soru (Shave)*

He reappeared in front of Sanji intending to clobber him with an elbow but Sanji managed to block it with his knee. The cook smirked at him "Good! Now, let's have some fun!"


Around Drum Island, there is a tram-way system with six ropeways called Drum Ropeway that connects the Drum Castle to the rest of the kingdom.

One of these ropeways is tied to a tall house tree that belongs to Dr. Kureha. An extremely elderly doctor who despite her exceptionally advanced age, apart from her well-wrinkled face, is a slender woman in her prime. Including a navel ring, she is dressed in a shirt, a purple blazer and purple low-riding pants. She is referred to as Witch by some people and is Tony Tony Chopper's mentor and adoptive mother.

She and Chopper in his reindeer form stood at the bottom of the ropeway looking at the tallest of the Drum Rookies, where a great snowstorm was raging strong obscuring the tall Drum Castle from view.

"What's happening over there, Doctorine?" asked Chopper.

"I don't know but whatever it is, it's what caused Bighorn Village to be burried under that snow avalanche from earlier..." she brought down her sunglasses from her head and set them on her eyes "Let's get there and look for ourselves, shall we"

Chopper nodded and when she sat on the sled attached to him, started to run along the ropeway towards the castle. It didn't take them long to reach their destination and landed in the station where normally people could embark or disembark from the trolleys.

The first thing they noticed were the violent tremors coming from above. They were happening time and time again in quick succession causing the roof that leads to the surface of the mountain to suffer newer cracks with each tremor.

"At this rate, the mountain will eventually crumble down..." commented Chopper, worry seeping into his voice.

"Let's go ahead and scout out the situation" Kureha climbed the stairs leading outside, anxiously followed by the blue nosed reindeer who now transformed to his Brain Point, the reindeer and human hybrid look, with a small body and large head.

They took a peak outside and watched in horror as the castle that they left not too long ago looking white and prestine was now missing a chunk from its right side and filled with holes and rubble. The earth around it was upturned and the trees uprooted and broken in pieces. Meanwhile, one black and another red human silhouettes were blinking in and out of existance delivering devastating blows to each other.

"Ahh! We're finished Doctorine! There're demons fighting in the castle!" Chopper clutched Kureha's leg in fright.

"They are no demons Chopper..." she walked out of the entrance with several knives on her hands "Those are two annoying brats that I'm going to skin and eat alive!"

"No stop, Doctorine! Those demons will eat you alive!" Chopper tried to stop her but she already jumped towards the two figures.

"Stop right there, you insufferable brats!!" she angrily yelled at the two and hurled the knives at them "How dare you destroy my beautiful new home!!?"

"Ahhh, it's an old hag!" screamed the red streak as the knifes passed by its head. It stopped, revealing a heavily panting, bruised and bloody almost n.a.k.e.d Luffy.

Seeing as he stopped attacking, Sanji, the other black streak halted right after with his kick just millimeters away from Luffy's face. His coat was ripped apart revealing a blue shirt underneath that now sported many tares, and was panting, though still looked in a better shape than his counterpart. He looked at Kureha "Oh, you're right. It's an old hag" he spit out the burned out cigarette from his mouth before lighting another one.

"Watch your damn mouths, brats!" she appeared before them and kicked them on their heads planting them on the ground "I'm still in my young and hip 130's! More importantly what the hell are you two doing here!? This is my home, no one is allowed here!"

Sanji picked himself up and said "Well... we actually came here looking for a doctor but when we didn't find anyone in the castle we got bored so... you know the rest" he looked sheepishly at her.

"Bored, you say! Bored! Do you have any idea what king of panic you two caused with your little game to the people of this island! Or, how much money I would need to fix that!" she pointed at the almost ruined castle then pulled a knife and pressed it at Sanji's throat. She looked at him ominously and added "You better reimborse me for the damage you and your friend caused then add in double that for good measure or I'll make you leave here in a body bag!"

"No need to be so hostile, grann-" she pressed the knife harder on his skin "I mean, Lady. Besides, I have the best payment for you" he smirked at her before he disappeared and reappearing in the blink of an eye with Wapol's tin jaws in his hand that he got from his ruined coat. He showed it to her "Does this jog any memory for you?"

Instead of her responding came a yell from the distance "It's Wapol's!" Sanji looked at the source of the sound and found Chopper looking at it with shock.

Sanji smiled as he saw him cartoonishly reverse hiding behind a tree with his body still visible and peeking at him "Aren't you supposed to hide the other way around?"

"!!!" Chopped widened his eyes as he realized his mistake. He hurriedly hid his body properly this time behind the tree and continued to peek at Sanji.

"I already saw you, you know..." Sanji waved at him.

"S-shut up! Y-you darned human!" nervously yelled Chopper.

"Stop picking at him!" interjected Kureha shouting at Sanji then pointed at the tin jaw "Now explain to me, how did you get that!?"

"Can you nurse my friend back to health first?" he looked down at a passed out Luffy 'He used Gear Second about a dozen times against me for the last two hours straight. His body couldn't support him by the fifth but he still kept at it with sheer will and determination... I got to give it to him for his inhuman willpower. Though eventually, it took its toll on him and fainted the moment he stopped attacking' then faced Kureha again "You're a doctor, right?"

She looked at the battered Luffy for a moment then said "Alright, bring him in one of the patient rooms. But you better give me a good explanation" she gestured for Sanji to follow her into the castle as she turned around. Then she called Chopper over to her side who reluctantly complied, still looking at Sanji and Luffy with apprehension.

Sanji nodded "Thanks" he picked up Luffy on his shoulder and walked behind her.


In Kureha's office.

"So your names are Sanji and Luffy..." said Kureha, crossing her legs as she sat on a chair accross a small table from Sanji "And you say you killed Wapol?"

"Yeah, and that's your proof" said Sanji pointing at the tin jaw on the table then looked at her "Wapol was planning to return to Drum Island and reclaim his kingdom after it got destroyed by Blackbeard. However, as you see he had the misfortune of meeting us first"

"... I didn't think Wapol would meet his end this way, and at the hand of pirates at that" She leaned back on her chair "Well, I guess that's what he gets for abandoning his people and fleeing to the sea once he realized Blackbeard and his crew were too strong for him to handle"

"So you see, we saved your country from a tyrant" Sanji grinned at her "Doesn't that absolve us of our debts?"

"Cheeky brat!" she smiled at him "And no, it doesn't. But I'll lower it by 50%"

"Oh, so what if I have something else that you may want too?"

"Like what?" she lifted her eyebrow at him.

"Like this" he pulled a key from his pocket and presented to her "This castle's armoury key. I took it from Wapol after I killed him"

She took it from his hand and inspected it "Well, aren't you full of surprises. I've been looking for it since I came to this castle" she looked back at Sanji "How did you know I wanted it?"

"I have a strong intuition" he winked at her.

"Hah! As if I'll believe that!" she sneered at him but didn't pursue the matter any more and pocketed the key "Anyway, I guess we're even now. So earlier, you said you came here looking for a doctor. Can I ask what for? Because I don't think it was for your injured friend"

"Nothing much" Sanji took one last puff of smoke before he put out his cigarette on the ashtray and looked at her "We just came here looking for a doctor to join our crew"

"Ridiculous! You want me to be a pirate?" she pointed at him in derision "What a waste of my youth. I'm sorry to tell you brat but I've got no interest in the seas at all"

Saniji shrugged his shoulders "That's good I guess, because it's not you who we want"

"Huh? Then who? I'm the only doctor left on the island after wapol took the MD-20 away with him"

"Come on granny you know who I mean" he looked meaningfully at her "I've seen him taking care of Luffy's injuries just a minute ago"

"Oh... well Sanji... Watch you damn mouth first!" she kicked him in the wall "I'm still too young to be anyone's granny!"

Sanji stood back up rubbing his smoking head "Damn, you're one strong gran-" she glared daggers at him "I mean Lady"

She sat back down and said "So you want to take my reindeer then?" Sanji nodded his head making her laugh "Heeheeheehee! Well take him away if you can! But I'll have you know, it's going to be difficult to convince him. His heart is scarred by how humans and reindeers treat him ever since he ate the Human Human Devil fruit (Hito Hito no mi) and became a hybrid of the two. Even though all he ever wanted were friends and people to call family..." she sighed then looked at Sanji "Can you pirates hope to fix that scar of his...?"

Sanji lit another cigarette and smirked at her "No worries, I have a secret weapon to deal with that"

Before she could question him on it, the door to her office were kicked open and in came a sceaming Chopper "Gyaaaa! Heeeelp!"

He was followed by a crawling and bandaged Luffy, looking like something that came out from a horror movie "Stop right there, you piece of reindeer meat!"

"Gyaaaaaa! I knew it!" Chopper was crying "They're demons that want to eat us!"

The two continued their cat-and-mouse chase and exited the office from the other door.

Sanji and Kureha looked at each other before she said "You were saying...?"

"I'll deal with it" Sanji sweatdopped then dashed after the two.

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