Before and after the graduation ceremonies, the students have gone through some assessments.

Their scores are calculated in these assessments, and the senior leadership of the Navy government considers and makes a decision.

At this point, the military ranks awarded will be announced.

"There are a few good graduates in this year's class, and it is estimated that the best Ye Chen can be awarded the rank of colonel. "Just before the award of ranks, many officers were talking about it.

"The best is undoubtedly Colonel! This is the highest rank ever attained by a graduate cadet. "

According to the previous assessment results and battle results, Ye Chen is undoubtedly the chief.

In addition, according to the situation of previous graduates, if nothing else, the best cadets in the assessment will definitely receive the rank of colonel.

So many people have already predetermined that Ye Chen is already a colonel.

Some people even wanted to have a good relationship with Ye Chen before he came to power: Colonel Ye.

Hearing this, Ye Chen was also inexplicable for a while.

"Sakasky, awarded the rank of major!".

While they were discussing, the award was also carried out very quickly, and it was already the turn of the top three in the assessment results.

"Polusalino, awarded the rank of major!".

During their first year as a naval cadet, Sakasky and Polusalino, who had always been considered the strongest "monsters" among the cadets, trained with the abilities of Devil Fruits and the hard work of the later years.

In the end, he also got a good position, and he got a colonel.

After the second and third places were conferred on the ranks, many people were looking at the undoubted top potential seeds.

Although they felt that Ye Chen had no suspense and would definitely get the rank of colonel that the best cadets in the past would get, they were still inexplicably attracted to him.

"Ye Chen, grant the rank of brigadier general!".

Under the gaze of everyone, Zefa announced it very loudly, and there was unconcealed heroism and joy in this voice.

So much so that the people below were all excited.

However, most of the excitement was not infected by his excited voice, but when he heard Ye Chen's military rank.


A group of people were still complaining about why Ye Chen had not been announced for so long to get the rank of colonel, but when they heard it, they were stunned.

"Did I hear me right? Is it Brigadier General? Ye Chen got the rank of Brigadier General?" The students who were the best in the last assessment and got the rank of colonel almost thought that they were hallucinating.

"Judging from the history of the graduation of naval cadets, the highest rank of graduating cadets is only colonel, right?

"Hmm, the rank of brigadier general?".

On the other side, Ye Chen, who was on the high platform, was also a little surprised when he heard the position he had obtained with military ranks.

Commodore is a military rank at the rank of general, and although it is the lowest level among general-level officers, it is a height that many naval officers at the colonel-level can hardly reach after several years or even more than ten years and decades.

Don't say that he was surprised, the former students behind him may be crazy when they hear this result.

After all, a person at the level of a brigadier general can be directly transferred or controlled to become a school-level personnel subordinate to him.

That is, as soon as he leaves the military academy, Ye Chen may be the direct superior of many schools.

"Poof, hahaha! This kid actually got the rank of brigadier general? What a surprise. Hearing the results of the reading, Karp was also a little surprised, so he looked at the Sengoku next to him and said, "Sengoku, is this your decision?"

Generally, the decision on military rank is made by bishops like Hazefa and wise generals like Sengoku and Grandma Tsuru, and there is no need to ask too much about military generals like Karp.

Of course, the Admiral Steelbone is the final decision-maker.

So when he heard Karp's words, Sengoku also said as if he didn't know what was going on: "No." It was all the marshal's decision... But..."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly paused and said, "Of course, you also have a share of the credit! "

Originally, the Navy Headquarters and the Warring States decided to make a decision according to the previous rules and award the rank of colonel to Ye Chen, the chief cadet who scored first in the assessment.

But Karp's sudden exchange made them see Ye Chen's unlimited potential.

So with such a bright light, they discussed and finally decided to break the record and award Ye Chen the rank of brigadier general.

"Poofhaha! You're welcome!" Karp was surprised when he heard it, but he was also happy to hear it, and he was very happy to praise it, so he made rapid progress, and he still wanted to fight against the improved Ye Chen again, so he also laughed supportively: "The old man also thinks that this kid is ashamed, he has great potential." "


Not long after everyone talked about it, the distribution of military ranks was also completed.

However, the arrangement for the whereabouts of this year's graduates has not yet been issued.

Those who are at the bottom of the rankings will be counted.

Basically, they have become subordinate sailors of a certain department.

However, the level of cadets is different, according to the previous distribution arrangement, many of them are basically assigned to serve as officers in naval branch bases around the world.

The top cadets generally stay in the Navy headquarters.

But all this still has to wait for the notice of the senior leadership of the Navy government, and then he will make a choice.

Therefore, after the military rank was awarded, many of them scattered back to wait for the notice, and Ye Chen also went back to his residence.

(A new January, a new day, a new beginning!I believe September will be a little better for everyone!Then be kind to me!Of course, it would be best if you are kind to me!For example, give more rewards!Vote more flowers!Give more evaluation votes to support and encourage!Then respond to some and give some support every day!Hahaha!Don't ask too much!I hope September will be good to everyone!Come on a new day!)


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