The ability of Ichinodan is somewhat similar to Time Stop, but it is not Time Stop.

It can only be said that with the strengthening of the one-shot ability, time will be infinitely close to stopping.

Luffy just relied on this ability to get behind everyone.

“Luffy, is your latest ability teleportation?”

Usopp said excitedly.

If Luffy’s ability is teleportation, then it will be much easier for them to escape in the future!

Luffy shook his head:”How should I put it, uh… I feel like I can’t do it myself. I understand, but it has to do with time anyway.”



Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

Wulaoxing’s mentality was a little unstable.

It doesn’t matter that Luffy didn’t die on the sea, but now he has inherited the attribute of time, which is one of the most incredible powers!

Venus:”Nika, this is getting more and more troublesome!”

Jupiter:”Damn it, can’t you just die on the sea? It will really cause trouble for people!”

Mercury:”I think the person who is causing trouble is Liu Yu. Right? With this guy’s current ability, do we really have the ability to eradicate him? If we can’t eradicate him, he has promised to overthrow us!”

Mars:”Damn it, why would such a person from another world appear! Okay It’s annoying, it’s so annoying that my hair is about to fall out! Although I have no hair!”

Saturn:”Polusalino is also dead, and his abilities were even robbed. I really can’t think of anything to do… Sigh , it has only been a few days since this guy appeared? The future of the world is already blurred! Let’s just do our best. If it doesn’t work, it can only be said to be fate!”


Later, Luffy became a little familiar with his abilities.

Liu Yu guided him to the second inheritance point

【Item: A toy armor summoner】

【Source of inheritance: The Imperial Equipment of the World of Cutting Eyes is haunted by evil spirits (Grade A)】

【Inherited abilities: invisibility, flight, high-speed movement, strength enhancement】

【Inheritance method: Insert the armor summoner into the ground and shout”Evil is haunting you””】

“This armor summoner is your last inheritance today.

Liu Yu pointed at Luffy and said,”Your inheritance this time is really an armor transformation.””

“As long as you insert the toy armor summoner into the ground and shout”Evil Ghost Haunted”, you can summon the armor.”

Hearing this, Luffy and Usopp’s eyes lit up.

“Armor summoner?!”

“Armor transformation?!”

“So interesting!!!

Usopp looked at Luffy and said hopefully,”Hey, Luffy, give me this armor summoner!”

Luffy shook his head:”No, I also like armor transformation!”

Usopp’s eyes widened:”You already have two inheritances, what does it matter if you give me one!””

Luffy shook his head insistently:”No, if you want the two previous inheritances, I can give them to you, but this one won’t work!”

Looking at the two people quarreling with each other.

Sanji shook his head:”Oh, they are really two childish guys. They are not as mature as me… Are you right, beautiful lady?”

At this moment, Luffy had already received the inheritance of being haunted by evil spirits.

Luffy wore armor and cheered loudly:”Wow, you can really transform! Look, Sanji, I can still turn invisible! Ha ha ha ha!”

“What’s the big deal about being invisible? Invisible…invisible…invisible……”

Sanji didn’t react at first.

After reacting, he watched Luffy become invisible and then appear, and he suddenly became silent.


Silence is Cambridge tonight


“My dream, my female bathhouse, my all·blue!!!”

Sanji missed his dream for the third time.

Especially, this time he missed it. He suffered a huge blow and lay on the ground thinking about life.

Sweet Queen:”……”

The Sweetheart Queen was sweating slightly.

You’re not more mature than them at all!

Usopp refused to give up and continued:”Hey, Luffy, since you are summoning armor with the armor summoner, it should be OK no matter if the person summoned is you, me or someone else! Let me try it, just in case. You don’t need it when fighting the enemy, I use it to save your life!”

Luffy is indeed not suitable for being haunted by evil spirits.

Neither the rubber fruit nor its enlargement match the power of the evil ghost itself.

Once the rubber expands and grows in size, the first thing that will be destroyed is the Haunting itself.

However, Luffy has a soft spot for being haunted by evil spirits.

Although among the three abilities, the one that is most compatible with him is actually Makarov’s giant transformation.

But if he had to choose between being haunted by evil spirits, becoming a giant, and turning into a quarter-hour, he would definitely choose being haunted by evil spirits! After all, the armor is so handsome when combined with it!

After Usopp’s hard work, Luffy decided to let Usopp keep it for him:”Well, Usopp, you give it a try, but as you have agreed, even if you succeed in your attempt, this evil ghost will still be mine. I lent it to you!”

“Okay, okay, I know Luffy, how can I use it?”

Luffy handed the long sword to Usopp.

After receiving the inheritance, the armor summoner automatically turned into a demon-haunted sword.

Luffy said:”Just do like me, stick the tip of the sword on the ground, and shout It’s enough to be haunted by evil spirits.

Usopp did as he was told:”Haunted by evil spirits!””

The next second, the evil ghost also attached to Usopp.

Usopp suddenly felt great pressure.

Luffy then added:”By the way, this armor combination seems to be very serious on the body. If the body It’s not strong enough, it seems like it will explode.

Usopp’s eyes widened:”You didn’t tell me earlier!” Do you want to trick me to death?”

Fortunately, although Usopp’s physical fitness is not too strong, it is only compared to the world of One Piece. If compared to the world of Zan Tong, Usopp’s physical fitness is definitely top-notch.

Therefore, although Usopp feels uncomfortable It’s a small amount of pressure, but overall it’s bearable.

Usopp can bear it, and Sanji can certainly do it even more.

Seeing this, Sanji hurriedly said:”Usopp, give me the armor summoner quickly.” Me, I want to wear it too, I want to wear it too!

Usopp excitedly drove the armor for a while, and then gave the summoner to Sanji.

Sanji hurriedly put the armor together:”The evil ghost is haunting me!””

Usopp’s physical fitness can bear it, and Sanji’s physical fitness can naturally bear it even more.

After using the evil ghost to become invisible, Sanji cried with joy:”My dream, my female bathhouse, my all·blue, has come true.! Long live! Long live the evil spirit!”


Usopp was speechless.

Your dream is too cheap!

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