Makino brought a glass of wine to the village chief and said:

"But look, Luffy is smiling happily.

! "

She looked at the reward order, and Luffy's smiling face was very eye-catching.

[Straw Hat Boy] Luffy: A bounty of 60 million Baileys is offered! !

At the same time, Makino picked up another reward order, looked at the handsome face on it, and couldn't help thinking:

"That guy, Luffy, seems to have found a pretty good partner!"


"Are you kidding me!!"

"Bai Ye's bounty must be wrong!!"

Both Nami and Usopp were stunned, because there seemed to be too many zeros in Bai Ye's reward order.

"Hahaha, Bai Ye is really powerful!!"

Luffy clapped his hands and applauded, causing Sanji who was on the side to say: "Thousands of thousands!

"Hey Luffy, Bai Ye's bounty is higher than that of your captain!"

"Don't worry," Luffy's eyes were full of confidence,

"Bai Ye is my crew, and I will surpass him soon!!"

Sauron on the side stared at Bai Ye's reward order, compared it with his own, and gritted his teeth.

Looks like training is going to be doubled.

Among these people, Bai Ye himself was the most speechless.

He looked at his reward order and complained in his heart:

"This must be the old man from the Warring States Period. What is this, revenge?"

"The admiral of the navy is so narrow-minded???"

"Could it be because of the battle with Hawkeye? It shouldn't be. According to the mind of the Warring States Period, can't we find out the real situation of fighting between myself and Hawkeye?"

"Hey! Now I'm the target of everyone's criticism?"

Bai Ye didn't think that his bounty would be higher than that of Luffy.

After all, when the navy judges the amount of the bounty, in addition to the strength rating, it also needs to be evaluated according to the degree of danger the person poses to the world.

And what Bai Ye did to provoke the navy before is likely to make Bai Ye's restlessness in the hearts of the Warring States rise to a higher level.

But Bai Ye predicted that he would only be about 5 million to 10 million higher than Luffy.

But he never imagined that his bounty directly raised the Straw Hats to a new level.

Bai Ye looked at the reward order in his hand, with a wry smile on his face:

[Tianshi] Bai Ye: A bounty of 100 million Baileys is offered! !

The total bounty offered by the Straw Hats: 245 million! !

Chapter 58 The Land of Beginning and End

"Two hundred and forty-five million."

Bai Ye looked at the reward list that was completely different from the original work because of his butterfly effect, feeling a little proud.

"Even if it is on the great route, it will cause quite a shock."

The Great Route, Red Forth~

"Hey, hey, captain, this is big news!"

"That fellow Luffy, there is a reward order!!"

Lagi Lu, who was like a tank, came to everyone with a stack of reward orders.

"Oh?" Hearing this, everyone came to watch.

They are very familiar with Luffy, after all, he is the boy who bet his captain an arm.

"That kid Luffy looks pretty good, the first reward is 60 million Baileys?"

Red-haired Shanks looked at Luffy's bounty list and smiled gratifiedly.

"Wait a minute, this Usopp is my son, it must be, the long-nosed man in Sirob Village must be the son of my **** Bu!!"

Suddenly, **** Bu picked up a reward list and shouted loudly, his tone full of pride.

"The bounty is 15 million, and is he also a sniper?"

Lackey Lu took **** Bu's shoulders: "It seems that your son is also quite good."

"Hahahaha, of course, that kid Luffy is still very discerning."

Jesus Buze laughed and responded.

"Luffy seems to have found a very good partner, especially..."

Ben Beckman, who is the calmest member of the Red Hair Pirates, was a little surprised when he picked up Bai Ye's reward order:

"[Tianshi] Bai Ye? The bounty is higher than the captain Luffy."

"Nani? After hearing this, everyone looked over again."

After a few seconds, they all laughed: "It seems that next time I see Luffy, I can laugh at him about this, hahaha!"

Then the redhead also stood up and said loudly:

"Then, let's hold a banquet for the first bounty order of this kid Luffy, little ones!!"

"Oh oh oh!!"

The Great Route Kraijana Island~

Hawkeye was drinking red wine while looking at the reward order of the Straw Hats.

"Roronoa Zoro,"

Hawkeye's gaze was like a torch: "Don't make me wait for too long on the strongest throne."

Then he looked at Bai Ye's reward order, and couldn't help but think of what happened a few days ago.

He was once contacted by the navy, hoping to confirm whether the previous battle between Bai Ye and himself was really evenly matched.

Gao Leng's eagle eye replied casually: Not bad.

In fact, he only intended to say that Bai Ye's sword moves were good, not his strength.

But the navy on the opposite side quickly hung up the phone after hearing these two words.

Thinking about it now, Hawkeye felt that he had contributed a lot to Bai Ye's reward.

"Strange swordsman, what will you do?"

Hawkeye took another sip of red wine and ignored it.

Wano Country~

"Master Kaido, there seems to be a very good rookie pirate group recently."


After Kaido saw the reward order from Jhin, he quickly lost interest.

Not even a fruit ability user of the animal department, it's boring.

All nations~

"Mom, look..."

"Momomomo, good boy, keep an eye on them."

"Okay, Mom."

Moby Dick~

The car of the strongest man in the world is surmounting the waves.

At this moment, a heroic voice sounded as if he didn't care about anyone or anything:

"Gu la la la la, is this straw hat kid your younger brother?"

With a crescent beard, the sturdy white beard looked at the reward in his hand and said with a smile:

"Looks like a nice kid, why don't you come to be the old man's son too."

"From now on, just like you, Ace, bear the title of old man and gallop on this sea!!"

As the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard's habit of accepting sons has happened again.

Hearing what Whitebeard said, the people around also laughed out loud:

"That's right, Ace, pull your brother into Dad's boat too."

At this moment, Ace, who everyone was making fun of, said:

"That fellow Luffy has a very strong desire to become the Pirate King!"

Ace, with black hair and freckles on his cheeks, held down his cowboy hat and said proudly:

"He's not going to get on someone else's boat."

Finally, somewhere in the world.

With scars on his face, the boy with yellow hair suddenly felt a little headache after seeing the smiling face of the straw hat boy, as if he had forgotten something.

But until the end, he didn't remember what he forgot.

At this time, a man wearing a green cloak with inexplicable lines on his face left his base and came to the edge of the island.

What he held in his hand was Luffy's reward order.

After a long time, the man put the reward order into his arms and muttered to himself:

"The next stop should be there."

Then, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around the man, and in the blink of an eye, the man disappeared in place.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates, who have not yet entered the great route, gained a lot of popularity in the whole world in the next few days.

"That's where it is!"

Luffy on the Merry was a little excited holding the bow of the goat:

"The town where Pirate King Roger died!!"

Roger Township,


After leaving Luffy, several people on board were also quite excited.

On the one hand, it is the same reason as Luffy, who is curious about this legendary town in front of him.

On the other hand, these days, they have been tortured to the point of exhaustion by the training arranged by Bai Ye.

Although Bai Ye would give himself and others pills to help them recover every night, the mental fatigue could not be easily erased.

Now that we have reached our destination, we naturally want to disembark and relax.

Of course, Sauron didn't fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to practice more.

Seeing the eyes of several people looking at him, Bai Ye smiled and said:

"Since we're here, we will naturally need some supplies. Let's cancel today's training."

Hearing this, Nami and Usopp naturally cried happily.

Even Sanji was relieved.

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