Ignoring the crocodile corpse divided into two halves, Cavendish took Nami and Nokigao to continue forward, pulling away the half-human-tall bushes in front of him, holding a sword in his right hand and sitting Nami and Nokigao with his left arm bent, holding up two small ones with Cavendish now strength.

“Look, it’s human clothes.” After advancing a little further, the three found more traces of humans, but the dark blood stains on their clothes did not seem to be a good sign, and it was estimated that they were in some trouble.

Following the trail of humans, more and more huge creatures appeared on the road, as well as eagle falcons that swept down from the air from time to time, and the creatures of this island seemed to be full of tyranny.

Under a large tree in front, a huge black voice was eating something, it was a thigh bone that looked like a human thigh bone.

The monster with the head of a cow and the body of a brown bear gives people a deep sense of discord, and after seeing this monster, Nami and Nokigao are not afraid, after experiencing the attacks of various monsters along the way, they have adapted, and Cavendish strength is also there, they feel very safe.

“This kind of animal, it is a tragedy to let one out of the East China Sea, this power, the fish man Aaron is not so powerful.” Following the monster’s bear paw slap, Cavendish only felt a huge force, which was more than that of the fishman Aaron.

“Could it be that there are IQ-like plants on this island?” Cavendish couldn’t help but think of the Golden Lion’s Strong World Island, where the plants and animals on it mutated and became ferocious due to IQ.

“Don’t cut the bear’s paw, it’s a good ingredient!” As a chef, Nokigao has already taken a fancy to this monster’s paw, and the crocodile’s thigh meat has been cut and put in her backpack.

“Got it, Miken. Blast. “Cavendish attacked as fast as a gust of wind swept over the monster, and when the wind blew, all four bear paws fell to the ground, and the limbless monster kept wriggling and howling on the ground.

“Let’s eat bear paw for lunch today, and find a place near the water source to rest.” Ignoring the monster that was still alive, and packing up the bear’s paw, the three continued to move forward.

The moment after they left, a group of huge ants attacked the monster that had lost its limbs, and the ants crawled all over the monster’s body, and when they left, only a huge bone remained.

In the dense forest, sunlight hits the ground through the gaps in the few leaves, and the whole forest is eerie, and strange animal calls are constantly heard from afar.

“Wait, you haven’t sprinkled the seasoning yet!” In a clearing by a small lake, the three of Cavendish were roasting bear paws, they treated this operation as an outing, and brought all kinds of spices, Cavendish saw that the bear paw was good and picked it up and directly planned to eat it, but was stopped by Nokigao, because there was no ingredients, and the chef was so general for food that had not been processed perfectly.

“Well, it’s delicious, it seems that this bear-like monster often exercises ah, the bear’s paw is fat but not greasy, plus Noki is high in your craft, I want to kill more of these animals.” Cavendish wanted to take a bunch of bear’s paws back and eat slowly.

However, the bear’s paw is larger than the Cavendish people, so Cavendish can eat it, and Nami and Nokigao feel that something will happen if they are accidentally pressed by the bear’s paw.

“Sister, look at the tree. It’s monkeys. Nami said to Nokigao, and when he heard the appearance of a creature, Cavendish immediately raised his vigilance, he turned his head to look at the monkey on the branch, and his eyes were not tyrannical and murderous, but strangely gentle.

“Knock, knock.” Several monkeys threw the fruit in their hands near the three of Cavendish and signaled their meanings to you.

“For us?” Cavendish was wondering if the fruit was poisonous and Nami and Nokiko ate it, but the result was that the good fruit was delicious.

This is really a strange island, with such ferocious animals attacking them in front of them, but there are animals here that are very friendly to humans, which is really confusing.

After eating and drinking, the three of them continued on their way, oh no, Cavendish stepped on the road, Nami straddled Cavendish on the neck, Nokigao sat on Cavendish ‘s arm, and the two of them stepped on Cavendish

However, Cavendish did not worry about the two little girls walking on the ground, the ground was full of danger, even the insects were extremely aggressive.

“No way! The front is blocked by woods. Nami, who was sitting high and looking far away, found a blocked path, these trees were deliberately planted after someone came to the island, and the trees without attachments were tall, and they blocked the way from all sides, so that neither animals nor humans could continue to move forward.

“Someone is deliberately hiding something.” This is a remote island, if it were not for an accidental shipwreck, a group of people were floated here, this place would not have been discovered, and now seen by the solid island center blocked by trees, Cavendish confirmed his idea even more.

“Meijian. Half moon chop. “A huge chopping wave cut across the trees in front of you, blocking your way.

“Boom, pop, boom.” The row of trees in front of him was cut off by Cavendish from the root of the tree and fell down towards Cavendish, and the leaves on the tree also continued to shake down, and Cavendish jumped back to avoid the fallen tree.

The loud sound of a pile of trees falling to the ground alarmed all the animals living nearby, and the birds kept flying away.

After the trees in front of them were treated, revealing something that the three of Cavendish did not expect at all, a pirate ship with a skull flag was surrounded by trees.

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