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Half a month later, New World, Kaido Pirates.

“Can’t you still contact Jack?” The members of the Kaido Pirates contacted Jack, who had not returned for a long time, but now Jack has long been escorted to the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fandor, and naturally cannot be contacted.

“Jack may have an accident!” Everyone thought of this in their hearts, after all, it is difficult to think on the bright side if they are not returned and cannot be contacted.

“Lord Kaido, read today’s naval newspaper!” A member of the Kaido Pirates shouted and ran all the way to Kaido.

“Panic, what newspaper?” Taking the newspaper handed over by his subordinates, the huge photo and headline on the front page instantly filled Kaido’s eyes with anger.

“Karp!” Drought Jack, one of the three major disasters of the Kaido Pirates, a powerful criminal with a bounty of 1 billion, was arrested in the East China Sea by Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Navy Hero Karp! On the first page of the newspaper, Karp is a photo of the warship.

“Karp, this old guy, it’s not surprising, Jack is indeed not this old guy’s opponent.” No one questioned Karp’s strength, and Karp caught Jack in the world everyone looked normal and once took One Piece Gore. D. Roger’s man who has been cornered several times, even if he has reached the age of 70, no one doubts his strength.

“The newspaper didn’t say that Jack would be executed, it is estimated that Jack will be imprisoned in the Deep Sea Prison, and he needs to rescue Lord Kaido?” The cadres all looked at Kaido, and as soon as he gave an order, they would immediately go out to rob the prison.

“Of course, people want to be saved, but not now, we are still in the period of small-scale war with the Whitebeard Pirates, and we can’t spare people to rob the prison to avoid being taken advantage of by the Whitebeard Pirates.” Kaido, who is at war with Whitebeard for the territory, can’t get away now, fortunately the navy did not announce the execution of Jack, otherwise the matter will be more complicated and troublesome, Kaido plans to wait until the matter with the Whitebeard Pirates is dealt with before saving Jack.

Whitebeard Pirates, aboard the Moby Dick.

“Goo la la, Karp, this old boy is really old and strong, old and strong, even Jack was arrested by him, but this is just right, the precious metal island is estimated to be our territory soon when the Kaido Pirates have one less member.” Holding the newspaper and looking at the strong Karp in the photo, Whitebeard sighed that there would be no war without interests, and Whitebeard, who needed to feed a boatload of people, of course, had to compete with the regiment for the island of the precious metal vein with high value.

“I think I’m a few years younger than Karp, but my body is no longer there.” Looking at the various infusion tubes inserted into his body, he drank the altar in front of him despite the advice of the nurse.

“Dad, this is different, Karp is a major in physical arts, so aging will be relatively slow, but Dad, you are an ability to shock the fruit, and every time you have the ability to damage yourself, that’s why the body is like this.” Team captain Marko said.

“What do you say Marko, Daddy’s body will definitely get better, enough to dominate the sea for another few decades!” Diamond Joz, the captain of Team Sanban, one of the first crew members to follow Whitebeard, is a person who watches Whitebeard age little by little, and although he said this, he was also worried about Whitebeard’s body.

“Goo la la, don’t talk about this, take advantage of the opportunity for the Kaido Pirates to lose a general, let’s press the Kaido Pirates, they may let go of that island.” Lifting off the infusion tube on his body, Whitebeard stood up, grabbed the beak knife, and personally led the team to fight.

“Karp caught Jack? Didn’t mention the matter of the guy in Hakuba, it seems that the kid was lucky to be saved by Karp. “Dressrosa Palace, Doflamingo looked at today’s newspaper and thought to himself, he didn’t think Jack would be defeated by Cavendish, even if Cavendish was very talented, how could he beat Jack in such a short time of growth.

“Torrepol, leave a few ships with weapons in the port, the Kaido Pirates may need it in the near future.” Feeling the atmosphere of war, Doflamingo is ready to make a fortune in war, and he guesses that the Kaido Pirates may need a lot of weapons to rescue Jack and fight the navy.

Because of Jack’s capture, the pirates of the Great Voyage also stopped a lot, afraid that they would be the next to be captured, after all, even Jack of 1 billion Bailey was captured, not to mention these ordinary pirates, and the masses were cheering, shouting the strength and justice of the navy, catching such a bad pirate, Drought Jack is notorious, everywhere he goes, the land is dry and cracked, the soil loses moisture, the island loses life, and people hate him.

Only a few people noticed that on the back of the newspaper, there was a white horse that classified the village of Cocoa and the nearby islands as one of the Seven Seas. Cavendish territory, only to think that this time Jack’s capture may have the shadow of White Horse’s participation, after all, White Horse just returned to the East China Sea Jack was arrested in the East China Sea, which is also too coincidental.

The Holy Land of Mary Joya, Sengoku and Five Old Stars were discussing how to deal with Jack, and in the end, Five Old Stars rejected Sengoku’s suggestion to publicly execute Jack and imprisoned Jack in the Deep Sea Prison.

“Now is an eventful time, the activities of the revolutionary army are ordinary, the four emperors are also ready to move, and the navy is not ready, and if a war breaks out now, there may be unintended consequences.” The old man with the sword in the white Daoist robe pushed his glasses and said.

“And even if we catch Kaido, it’s not that we haven’t caught him, and there has been no way to deal with him.” In fact, how could there be no way, otherwise where did the scars on Kaido’s body come from? Can’t Kaido’s eyes and ears be pierced? The Navy and the government are so scumbags really can’t solve Kaido? It’s just that even if Kaido dies, a new Four Emperors will soon appear, or the Four Emperors who don’t understand, need to re-investigate and understand, it’s better to let Kaido continue to occupy the position of the Four Emperors, at least the navy knows him very well, here are all sophisticated people, will not fight some unprofitable battles. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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