Empty island, the very edge of the white sea, a huge figure stood there, looking under the clouds, the mini white wings and huge figure behind it looked very discordant, tattoos on both arms, rosaries around the neck, huge black pencils on the shoulders, and a red empty island octopus in the other hand, holding a wooden plank, jumping down.

“Qinghai! Lao Tzu Urki is here! “This person is the strange monk Urki, who is about to embark on an adventure in Qinghai, and in mid-air, the empty island octopus slows down Urki’s descent like a parachute, and Urki slowly falls.

“Anyone?” Cavendish and the others on the rising current found the falling Urki, and Urki also saw Cavendish and them at the same time, but the two sides rose quickly and Urki was also rapidly descending, so soon the two sides could not see each other.

“Safe landing!” On the sea, Urki lay on a plank and let the waves carry him everywhere, and a new page in his life began.

“Wow! We’ve risen above the clouds! “At an altitude of 7,000 meters, above the White Sea, although the boat was broken, it still reached the empty island smoothly.

“It’s spectacular! We are in heaven! “The boat headed higher in the clouds and knocked down a hard cloud.

“Okay, let’s go down.” Cavendish was the first to jump onto the ladder that could walk, and Nami and the others doubted how people could stand on the cloud, but when they saw that Cavendish was standing, they jumped down with confidence.

“Awesome! This cloud is as soft as a marshmallow. A group of people jumping on the clouds, looking happy, followed Cavendish towards Angel Street.

Great Route Naval Headquarters.

“This is too betraying faith, let other Qiwu Seas treat our navy in the future, will they still do things for us.” A vice admiral spoke.

“Qiwu Hai is just a lackey of our navy and government, there is nothing to turn your back, and isn’t that guy no longer Qiwu Hai.” Another lieutenant general retorted.

At the conference table, Sengoku sat at the head, and on the side were the naval hero Karp on the left and Vice Admiral Tsuru, the general staff officer of the Navy Headquarters on the right, but none of the three spoke and thought about anything.

“Since you have become an enemy, you can naturally solve the enemy by any means, and solving the enemy is the fundamental.” Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters . Sakaski sent.

“How do I feel that this will damage the prestige of our Navy.” Will one of the pheasants. Kuzan somewhat refuted Akainu’s words.

“That kind of enemy is a shame if he is allowed to grow.” The yellow ape also had difficulty supporting the red dog once, so that the red dog himself did not expect it, and the others were also a little surprised.

“Borusalino said no, this is not a simple and weak enemy, but it is possible to become a new emperor on the sea, as long as the enemy can be solved, the lost credibility will soon be recovered, the key to Karp lies with you, which may have an impact on you.” Sengoku looked at Karp, who was silent.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m already a veteran, I may retire in a few years, and I lose a little bit of my face.” Karp said.

“That kid in the white horse, can’t Qiwuhai restrain his steps, can’t you make good use of Qiwuhai’s power to live a nourishing point, do you have to pursue the so-called ambitions and dreams, eh.” Karp thought in his heart, sighed, and the crane glanced at Karp who sighed, and could only shake his head helplessly.

“Then it’s decided, adjournment.” Sengoku made the final decision and dissolved the meeting, and Akainu strode forward in front of the pheasant, glanced at the pheasant demonstratively, and left.

At this time, the empty island, Cavendish and Van Oka had been drowned in the clothes and accessories purchased by the ladies who were taller than people, and the ladies of the White Horse Pirates who were not poor in money bought and bought, as long as they were not in Qinghai.

This group of people shopping spree also attracted a lot of onlookers, and the merchants did not forget to promote their products to these rich people.

Inside the Angel Restaurant on Angel Street, strange food and never-before-seen dishes conquered Cavendish and his group, and Nokigao saw Cavendish ‘s love and went to ask the chef of the restaurant.

However, thanks to the fact that the Sandians and the angels lived together, the wingless people of Cavendish were also considered to be Sandians and did not cause any unnecessary trouble.

At this time, Xiao Mu, who was still shopping with the animal brothers outside, also stopped in front of a fruit stall.

“Don’t miss it when you walk by, the fruit with a pattern that you have never seen before, it is definitely a unique fruit in this world, and you can bring home it with only 10 billion Axtoll (100W Bailey).” The fruit was found by the fruit stall owner from the orchard, resisted the desire to taste it, and took it out for sale.

After all, Xiao Mu had seen so many devil fruits around Cavendish and naturally knew that this was a devil fruit, so he directly took out the 100W pocket money given to him by Nami and handed it to the boss.

“This manatee brother, you have really earned ah, this fruit will belong to you.” In fact, the boss is thinking that there is really a fool 100W to buy a fruit, even if it is unique, the fruit is still a fruit.

In the restaurant, looking at the fruit handed to him by Xiao Mu, Cavendish was also happy, but he didn’t expect to come out to play casually and buy a devil fruit, and these people on the empty island don’t know that the devil fruit is 100W to win, so calculate a devil fruit minimum 100 million, yesterday shopping spent tens of millions, that is not tens of millions of earnings.. It’s really more and more money is spent.

Recalling the Devil Fruit Guide, there is no consistent guide with this fruit, after all, this is an empty island, it is already 400 years old earth, and it is normal that some things are not recorded.

Early the next morning, under the consignment of the octopus hot air balloon, it slowly floated down from the clouds. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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