One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 110 Bartholomew Bear

"What happened!"

At this moment, Sengoku, who had been waiting in the dark, came to the port together with Bartholomew Bear according to the original plan.

"That...that is!"

The sudden arrival of the two made the surrounding navy restless, some were excited, while others were terrified.

Excited, excited that they saw the Admiral of the Dragon, the wise general, and the Warring States of the Buddha. Although he is a soldier of this division, the Warring States period was busy feeding goats every day, and generally seldom wandered outside.

The fear is because of the figure beside the Warring States period, who is taller than Aldo, one of the current kings of the Seven Wuhais, the "tyrant" Bartholomex Bear!

There are only a few Shichibukai in the sea!

One of the recognized powerhouses in the world!

And because it is the relationship between the pirates and the positive, he has a fierce reputation, which is even more daunting.

Before Xiong joined the revolutionary army, he was completely different from his later image.

The name "tyrant" is a name accumulated with countless blood and dead bones.

Although the bear was still holding a book at the moment, Loya could still smell the suffocating bloody smell from him.

It's not the real smell of blood, but the feeling of stimulation brought about by the changes in the aura of the body because of the heavy killing.

Loya's dragon body gave a rare warning, telling him how dangerous the big man in front of him was, and the intensity was something he had never fought with Zefa.

However, this warning is a bit strange, sometimes very strong, but the next moment it subsided immediately, and then continued to be violent.

It was as if the strength of the bear was fluctuating.

Loya sensed it with a sense of domineering, but found nothing. Instead, the bear looked at him twice, but with the bear's dead face, Loya didn't know whether the other party was angry or not.

"The bear is... considering whether to kill me or not?" Loya had to guess.

When others are hostile or murderous, the dragon's body's warning level will naturally change.

This made Loya pay more attention to the bear. It is undoubtedly a very stupid thing to rely on the actions of the bear in the original book to judge his current character.

Sengoku and Xiong came over together, and the surrounding navy stomped their feet neatly.


"Marshal of the Warring States!"

"Well..." The Warring States period returned the military salute, and then looked at Loya, who was lying on the ground, and said lightly: "Yo, isn't this Lord Loya? What are you playing?"

Hello, there is no such sentence in the script!

Loya rolled the eyes of the dead fish, tilted his head to look at the Warring States, and the bear beside him.

"What are you doing... protesting, of course!" Loya continued his performance: "Why didn't you tell me the destination was so far before?"

"Why should I tell you?" Warring States asked Loya with an old face.

Then, he lifted Loya up, put his head close to Loya's ear, and said in a loud voice, "Oh, I'm very quiet, but I still accidentally let you hear it": "This is a secret mission! Am I issuing a mission? Why don’t you ask for your opinion? You have to know that as a soldier, it is your duty to obey orders!”

After that, he threw his hand, straightened Loya and made him stand, pretending to be angry and continuing: "Look at what it looks like! What are you doing? Disobeying the military order! You want to go to jail. Are you going to eat in prison?"

"Thanks to Zefa being so good to you, are you worthy of him doing this? Ah!"

Seeing Sengoku admonishing Loya, the unsuspecting navies burst into tears with excitement.

Behold! This is our leader, our Warring States Marshal!

Even Loya, who is quite prestigious in the headquarters and has the support of Zefa and Kuzan, still gets scolded when he makes a mistake!

What an upright man he is!

If Loya knew the thoughts of the onlookers around him,

Estimated to say something: MMP.

This time, he played a coolie. It seemed that he could solve future problems and become a lieutenant general of the headquarters. The benefits were great, but in fact, this was all a routine.

If Zefa had to make a choice between Loya and the headquarters, Zefa would most likely choose Loya.

And if it is the Warring States Period, it will definitely choose the headquarters.

The butt determines the head, and sitting in the position of the marshal is doomed to the behavior of the Warring States period.

This time, it seems that he is helping Loya solve the trouble. In fact, thinking about it from another angle, isn't it Loya himself who performs the task?

Obviously he is solving the trouble himself, how can I help.

Therefore, the main purpose of this mission is to clear the spies in the navy, and... quietly solve the problem of the Tianlong people.

This is all for the benefit of the headquarters, and has little to do with Loya.

Therefore, it can be concluded that in this incident, the Warring States period was the one with the most dirty heart.

Bullshit integrity!

You're just an old pussy!

However, it is impossible to say that the interests of the headquarters have nothing to do with Loya's personal interests, so Loya has nothing to say and can only obey his fate.

Anyway...isn't he a big boss in the dark world, he dares to fight flamingos now, and is he afraid of this group of tricks?

After a little reprimand, the Warring States period calmed down his acting soul.

Pretending to just remember, he introduced the bear beside him to Roja.

"Sorry, I made you see a joke." Warring States first apologized to Xiong perfunctorily, showing the contradiction between the navy and Qiwuhai, and then pulled Loya to introduce: "This little bastard is called Loya, and it is Ze Faxin. accepted disciple."

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the bear and said, "This one is one of the current kings under the Seven Wuhai, the tyrant, Bartholomey Bear."


Loya looked at the six-meter-tall giant with a complicated look, sighed, and then he immediately cheered up: "Oh, hello! My name is Christopher Loya, just call me Loya. "

"Loya..." The tall bear needed to lower his head greatly to see the appearance of all Loya, his voice was low and calm, and he said his iconic mantra: "If you want to Where would you like to travel?"

" Crisvia okay?"


Loya saw it, and the bear was still for a second.

It is estimated that this is the first time he has encountered such a situation. Even if there is a pre-arranged introduction, if he encounters such a nonsensical answer, Xiong is also stunned for a moment.

However, Qiwuhai is worthy of being Qiwuhai, and his acting skills are first-class (no mistake)!

Xiong used his unique zombie face acting skills to express the whole process of surprise, dumbfoundedness, understanding, and finally enlightenment. He slapped the palm of a fan... No, he squeezed the half-human-high slap and slapped the suspected scripture in his hand. The book closed: "Isle of Krisvia in the North Sea? I see."

After the Warring States finished speaking in Loya, his expression was also a little dazed. He frowned to stop the bear's next movement and asked, "Loya, are you really seasick so bad?"

dong dong!

Loya patted his chest with a thud and replied.

"If it is a replacement... If you really stay on the ship for a month, you should inform Teacher Zefa to help me prepare the urn."

"This is troublesome... This task is very urgent and can't be delayed too much time." Warring States turned his head to the bear and looked at the eye-catching meat pads on his hands: "Bear, you can definitely put Did Loya send it over?"

Facing the doubts of the Warring States period, a bubble like a bear's paw appeared on the bear's hand: "It should be fine, do you want to try it?"

Hey, what's going on here!

Are you ready to...

Not only the navy, but at this moment, the spies of the major forces in the team are all confused.

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