One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon

Chapter 672 Management of the Dao of Heaven·Ivy

It doesn't really matter whether the red stone is real or not. When it represents the dream of becoming the One Piece, then it is real... World consciousness, or illusion and nightmare, what it wants to stop is not Loya destroying Instead of throwing away this fake, stop Loya from destroying this dream.

But alas, it failed.

It is true that no matter how strong Roya's power is, it is only the power of the individual, and he has not yet reached the stage of causality and dominance such as world consciousness. If the purple-black divine thunder that condensed all the destructive auras was really shot down, he would have nothing to do.

Narrow escape?

No, that's called dying together, ten deaths but no life!

However, as the guardian of the dream world, the original owner of the body of the Loya dragon and the cheap mother, Ms. Christopher Ivy, came into contact with that level of power.

In that pinch, she was the one who let Loya let it go. It was also she who withstood the divine thunder's kung fu for a split second with the golden rune on her forehead and the massive merits that helped the world to advance.

This is the power given to her by the illusion. Accepting the restrictions of the illusion and nightmare also limits the illusion and nightmare.

Afterwards, Luo Ya realized how dangerous it was at that time. In order to kill him, Nightmare of Mirage did not hesitate to die with him!

The world-destroying thunderbolt that uses the source will leave the illusion with the last sliver of life, preventing it from completely collapsing and waiting for rebirth... However, the illusion can be recast, but he cannot.

Fortunately, with Ivy's shot, Loya was saved from falling!

Ever since, the result now is... Ivy, became the master of this illusion.

So or not, the illusion itself has consciousness, and the temporary disappearance does not mean that it cannot be woken up... So to be precise, it should be called the administrator of the Heavenly Dao!

The source is damaged, no matter whether Loja has fallen or not, the illusion will gradually decay and then disintegrate and reorganize. The illusion and nightmare even disappeared without a trace, only reappearing in the next rebirth.

In order to prevent this illusion from disappearing, Ivy used her body to mend the sky, and became the new nightmare of One Piece's illusion, that is, the administrator of heaven.

It's ridiculous!

But it's a fact!

After all... the fantasy world, just get used to it!

While thinking about the answer, Loya communicated with Ivy.

After becoming the manager of Heavenly Dao, Ivy can no longer communicate with Loya as easily as before. The position of Illusion and Nightmare is absolutely neutral and cannot be refuted.

Fortunately, Loya still retains the body of the dragon. Through the connection of flesh and blood, Ivy can barely communicate with him.

"How can I get you back, Mom?"

"Don't worry! Just don't cause trouble for me!"

At the level of consciousness, Ivy's tone was calm: "Although I am bound in this illusion, for me, it is not a kind of relief."

"What do you mean?"

" guess!"

Loya: "..."

Fortunately, this guy hasn't changed at all except his tone is flatter.

After a while of silence, Ivy continued: "In the next time, I will help those characters who have reached their limits to grow and bring them to you...Actually, I forgot to tell you that the other half of my body, Condensing all my evil thoughts, it is the embodiment of disorder and madness. There is still a big gap between you and her... So you need to form a team of 25 people to challenge the epic difficulty dungeon boss! "

"Playing a dungeon? I understand...but!" Loya was full of doubts: "Are you sure you forgot?"

"Don't pay attention to these details! Listen well, before you decide to start fighting, Zaku will open up a duplication illusion and transfer you there." Ivy quickly changed the subject: "After you start fighting, we can't intervene, everything It all depends on yourselves. In addition, pay attention to the scale, although the duplication illusion is tough, but it is closely connected with this place, and it is easy to spread. This illusion is closely related to me, if it is destroyed, I will die!"

"Zaku... the golden dragon?"

Loya repeated the name softly,

Suddenly smiled: "I will protect this world, I promise!"

"That's it!"

Ivy's voice is getting weaker and weaker, it's not that she is so angry that she is whispering to herself, but the volume is getting smaller and smaller. This means that the illusion itself is cutting off the connection between her and Loya... As long as the root cause is not endangered, the illusion and nightmare must remain absolutely neutral!

"From now on, it's all up to you, Loya!"

Finally, Ivy said lovingly: "My old lady will watch you from the sky!"


At this moment, Luo Ya's blood flowed backwards, and a mouthful of old blood rolled out!

When that feeling completely disappeared, Loya lowered his head and murmured, "Look at me, mom! I will make the name Christopher resound throughout the world!"


"Loya, Loya?"

More than ten minutes have passed since the soul-soul connection, and only a few seconds in the real world. Robin pushed Loya's arm, the other dangling in front of him.

Holding it, Luo Ya said helplessly: "Don't make trouble, think about something!"

After a pause, Loya found that he had unknowingly reached the castle hall, and Simon was reporting something to him.

"I didn't pay attention to what you said just now..."

No embarrassment at all!

Simon looked at Loya in shock, looking like a dog.

"Because you destroyed the historical text of the road sign, the World Government is very happy. Antonio Carlo sent a gift, and the messenger is outside."

If you want to destroy the Red Stone and drive countless pirates into the abyss of despair, the happiest thing is of course the world government that conceals the truth.

Ralph Drew and the historical text are real things that are difficult to hide, and they are also their worries. Now being destroyed by Loya, Carlo has to express it out of emotion and reason.

However, playing cards according to common sense is not Loya.

At this moment, I saw him nodding his head and leaving a sentence.

"Gifts are brought in, people are driven out."

Suddenly, the emissary waiting outside the gate felt a chill in his neck, and looked suspiciously at the group of working undead.

What's the situation?

Could someone be interested in my three hundred catties of fat?

No! My meat is smelly and not tasty!

Just at this time, a group of patrolling undead soldiers heard something, and walked towards him after communicating. Then without saying a word, one person lifted him up and walked outside.

"What are you guys going to do? I'm Lord Carlo's emissary..." After he said this, he thought for a while. It seemed that Loya, the emperor of the new world, didn't need to be afraid of his master, and then quickly changed his words: "I just A messenger, everything has nothing to do with me! My meat doesn’t taste good, don’t eat me!”

"Shut up! I've used up my cannibal quota for this month! Don't make me angry!" The lead undead soldier approached viciously, his cave-like empty eye sockets facing the fat messenger: "Of course, if you take the initiative to dedicate your life to me to eat , the commander-in-chief also acquiesced to this rule."

Cannibal... amount?

Alas? ! ! !

The smell of urine came from his crotch, and the big fat man was terrified and closed his mouth like a quail.


In the hall, Simon received the report and asked, "He obviously came with a mission, why scare him?"

"It's no longer necessary..."

Loya was playing with a golden sculpture, with great strength added to his body, he casually squeezed the monkey into Wangcai, and then said: "It is he and not Silla, which has already shown Carlo's meaning... "Get ready, I'm going out for a few days."

"Where are you going?"

"Travel the world!"

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