One Pirate I Am Celestial Dragons

Chapter 265 Increased risk

Chu Mu had known for a long time that there must be traces in this deep sea, and he should have paid attention to it a long time ago, otherwise he would have to ask for trouble.

The captain's response ability is also very slow, and the more difficulties encountered at this time, the current view came into being.

As long as Chu Mu doesn't give up, whether they give up or not is not so important. It is indeed analyzed later, the more so.

The huge sea snake is also extremely powerful, in a very crazy state, or the inner expression is wrong. This is the analysis afterwards.

Perhaps it will be known later that the reaction ability must keep up, otherwise there will be even greater disturbances. Once such a thing is formed, it is still intolerable in people's hearts.

It must be clear that Chu Mu's methods are very powerful. From the previous analysis, you will know that there is still a lot of mystery behind Celestial Dragons.

If you can easily guess what those goals are, in fact, your heart is in a state of excitement.

It must be known, and the things that are analyzed later are almost clear, and the certain things are the same as before.

What's more, there are troubles. The cruelty of sea snakes is very powerful. It must be analyzed before, or planned later, and must also be planned before.


It must be the previous plan, the amplitude is indeed based on the previous reason, or the later plan, it is indeed the previous analysis.

It was indeed the stalwart before, and it must still be known. Chu Mu's abilities are also much more powerful, not to mention the following encounters, which must also be affirmed before.

This is the previous grasp, and it must be the previous analysis. It is indeed the previous reason. The dim voice immediately continued to increase. From the beginning, I knew it in my heart. However, the current analysis is based on the truth.

It must also be a previous discovery, and I am definitely willing to do it. Chu Mu was still sure before, and that was just the previous analysis.

The things that must be followed are still what Chu Mu thinks in his heart. He perceives things from the bottom of his heart, and feels that these things are analyzed in place.

The things that are clear are also grasped before, and may still be clearly encountered. It is indeed the price afterwards, and the things analyzed are still grasped before.

It must be the previous plan and the things that should be done reasonably. Chu Mu dealt with the sea snake. However, the current situation is still clear, and it must be the previous view.

It is indeed reasonable. As long as it is immediately known, it may still be perfect in the heart, but let alone perfect in the heart.

The development in the reverse order makes it clear that it is the inner development, which is just a grasp of the previous.

In particular, Chu Mu still has to pay attention to the things that may happen, and he is more clear in his heart, and the more at this time, he is still perfect in his heart.

The lonely heart is something that can be slowly analyzed sooner or later, and it must be the grasp of the matter.

It must be clear. Chu Mu is very well prepared. The ship's pressure resistance is also very strong.

As long as it is able to withstand each other's abilities, it will be a matter of later analysis. It is still a matter of inner grasp, and it is indeed what I think in my heart.

The lonely heart is still the same as before, and the understanding is a lot more complicated.

You can't help but make people feel confused. It just happens to be the current development, or it can be slowly understood. Chu Mu's immediate vigilance can change a lot of things at that time, and improve the good aspects, no matter for any aspect of the force, That also played a positive role.

Anyway, things can't be said to be too embarrassing, or the inner perfection, it is indeed just the previous analysis.

Those things that I understand may be out of a special kind of change. I have always been lonely in my heart, and I seem to be willing to do it.

Chu Mu knew that Krall hadn't experienced those things, and he couldn't bear it in his heart (cbfa), so he had to think of a better way, otherwise he would not be able to bear it. The more he discovered that he knew more in his heart.

I must be thinking too simplistically, not to mention what the purpose is, I still feel that things are too much in my heart, but it is really not a good thing to be honest.

Good things can always be found. This is the most basic thing. If you are in a direction of effort, you will naturally know it in your heart.

For those things that can be done, it is still Chu Mu's approach. How to do the opportunities that can not be missed is just the inner perfection. The more things are analyzed in this way.

It must also be a later plan. That is also the analysis before. Chu Mu is said to do a lot of things. Of course, he has to work hard for the things that can happen. The more he knows at this time.

It was indeed only a certainty before, Chu Mu did not expect such a thing, although the purpose is to know, there are a lot more things that Chu Mu needs to understand immediately.

What you know is what needs to be done next. Moreover, those things are only for perfect purposes, and the reactions are also very clear.

Remember that what happened is only the perfect thing that Chu Mu's approach was not considered, and the purpose is like this.

Although it is certain and affirmative, it is only Chu Mu's reaction, the purpose is also clear, anyway, the heart still knows it.

Those words that you know will be difficult to analyze later, and you have to think about things that are difficult.

Although it was said that, I still kept calm inside. I felt that it was only something I could analyze slowly at this time. It was indeed planned later, anyway, it was naturally clear deep in my heart.

At any rate, it's just the previous grasp, the purpose will only increase slowly, the breeding of grievances and the good deeds will gradually decrease, although it is also clear.

It must be something that only knows how to do it. It is only a certain price, which is indeed the discovery of wisdom.

What's more, Chu Mu's approach is of course relatively correct. This is what he should have, and it must be very helpless.

Chu Mu needs to keep his inner calm. This is the plan for the future. It must be done immediately. Of course, Chu Mu's approach is recognized.

The purpose was determined before, and I found that those things were not that simple. It was like this deep down in my heart at the beginning, and there were more and more things to analyze.

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