One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1012: Hold on to the number, human will

"I want to live with my companions with the Dreadnought..."

When Lang Xiaonian said these words, many people's hearts were touched.


Intrepid’s mission this time is to raid v838 Monoceros, a star system 20,000 light-years away from the earth.

What kind of task is this?

A distance of 20,000 light years.

This means that once the mission fails, the thousand soldiers on the Intrepid will never be able to return to Earth, and will be buried forever in the boundless universe 20,000 light-years away from their parents and relatives.

That is a distance that cannot be crossed in a lifetime.

However, Lang Xiaonian said such a sentence.

As he said, the mission of the Intrepid was to assault v838 Monoceros with the purpose of forcing the Palerce fleet to defend v838 Monoceros.

In this way, the Palerce fleet is contained, and the hope of a comeback is found in a war with no chance of victory.

Since the purpose is to force the Palerce Fleet to defend V838 Monocerosus, then the Dreadnought’s raid does not need to destroy the space base of the Palerce Civilization at v838 Monoceros.

Then, guerrilla is the best strategy.

The question is, how to guerrilla?

Naturally, it is cruising in the cosmic galaxy, using hyperspace channels to take the enemy fleet in circles.

If you can do it all, it will be the ultimate play of interstellar guerrilla tactics.

However, it is very difficult to do this.

Lang Xiaonian is the person most familiar with astronomy, star maps, and hyperspace navigation, and he is the person most hopeful to achieve this.

With him leading the way, the Intrepid could survive this almost mortal mission.

Therefore, he stood up resolutely, even if he knew that his father had always hoped that he could leave the military scientific research class and do academic research seriously.

"Captain, let me go. I will do everything I can to live with my comrades in the Dreadnought." Lang Xiaonian clenched his fist and asked Ying again.

For this mission of Intrepid, Lang Xiaonian is indeed the most suitable line officer.

However, it is not so easy to live with the Dreadnought.

The star map possessed by human beings also has the Palestine civilization.

Even the star map of the Palestine civilization may be more detailed.

Therefore, even if Lang Xiaonian wants to use hyperspace channels for guerrilla warfare, it is difficult to succeed.

Besides, this time the Dreadnought was fighting alone.

The Dragon Team does not participate in the Dreadnaught raid mission.

In other words, with the combat effectiveness of the Intrepid, it can be said that it cannot defeat any warship of the Palestine civilization.

Basically, you have to run when you see the Palestine warship, and if you run slower, it will be sunk.


In the end, seven military research class members including Lang Xiaonian and Du Jun, as well as 15 school-level officers of the Space Force Counterattack, formed a team of 1,085.

Board the Intrepid, turn to fly towards v838 Monoceros, a star 20,000 light-years away from Earth.

Fang Yuan led the rest of the space army? The counterattack returned to Earth.

When the Counterattack returned to Earth.

Good news came out of the Curvature Driven Lab on the same day? The scientific research team finally developed the first curvature engine made by humans.

However, the research is far from over.

Because the first curvature engine made by mankind? The theoretical curvature speed is only 1% the speed of light? And when the actual machine test, it can not reach the theoretical value.


Yang Yuping led the research team of the Curvature Drive Lab? Non-stop research began to improve the speed of curvature drive.

Because there are the superluminal technology standards of the Carbon-based Alliance and the superluminal curvature engine entity of the Counterattack? So the research progress is very fast.

In addition.

The second Parasai battleship captured before has also been repaired? Named the Persistent.

This name entrusts mankind's vision for the earth.

The Perseverance was the one that destroyed the two star gates of the Palestine civilization a few months ago? The one that pursued the Counterattack for a month.

The Perseverance suffered only one dragon fist? So the damage was not high, and it was considered one of the most complete super-light-speed warships owned by mankind.

Moreover, compared with the Counterattack, the Persistent is the real battleship.

Because in the Palestine civilization, Counterattack is actually just a washer spacecraft? There is still a gap between it and a real military battleship.

Therefore, the performance of the Perseverance is better than that of the Counterattack? Otherwise, the Counterattack will not be pursued for a month, and it will almost be sunk.


Crisis Era October 68? Late autumn.

Human civilization and the Palerce fleet had the first positive dialogue.

After the end of the Star Beast Civilization War, human civilization entered a three-year technological explosion period.

After the establishment of the Supreme Council of Human Civilization, the time when the first space rift appeared on the earth was officially determined as the first year of the crisis era. It has been 68 years since now.

This year is destined to be an extraordinary year.

The Purger civilization appears.

Mankind obtained the first super-luminous spacecraft.

First contact with the carbon-based alliance.

It is about to usher in a frontal battle with higher civilization.

At this time? The Palerce Monoceros fleet has passed through eight hyperspace channels, and it is still two months away from the earth.

At this point, there is no suspense.

The Palerce Monoceros fleet, the target is the earth.

October 23 is the frost in the twenty-four solar terms of China, which proves that only the last tail is left in the autumn of the year.

Like the name of the solar term, the north wind turned north this day and it was a bit cold.

Also on this day.

The communication between human civilization and the Monoceros Fleet of Palese civilization is connected.

As long as there is a way to keep human beings alive, the Supreme Council will try it, including war negotiations.

If you can use your mouth to persuade the Monoceros fleet of the Palestine civilization to go back, it will naturally be of immense merit.

The conference room of the Supreme Council is full of staff from the General Staff and the Ministry of Intelligence, and more than half are awakened from the Exploration Department.

On the big screen, the fleet commander of the Monoceros fleet of the Palese civilization scolded human beings with an attitude of arrogance, anger and contempt: "You have destroyed the star gates of the Palese civilization, then I will destroy your home planet. !"

Fang Yuan tried to observe the Palerce Fleet Commander with his detection ability, but he couldn't see the attribute panel.

Obviously, you can't see the attribute data on the screen where the data is transferred.

"Can't you make peace talks?" Fang Yuan asked in a calm tone as he looked at the Palese fleet commander.

"Will you make peace with a reptile?" The Palerce Fleet Commander asked in a mocking tone.

Afterwards, he turned his energy body into a hand, pointed at the human in front of the screen, and said arrogantly: "I will destroy you. The whole process only takes three seconds!"

"Since there is no willingness to negotiate, what is the point of communication before the war?" Fang Yuan's expression remained calm.

"Of course it is to see what the bug looked like before it died, to see if you have the value of making specimens." The Palace Fleet Commander didn't mind giving an answer.

"One thing, you seem to have forgotten, this is not Andromeda. Have you ever considered the destruction of Monoceros V838, what will you end up?" Fang Yuan's eyes revealed a cold look.

Speak this sentence.

Dreadnought, which arrived in the star system v838 Monocerotis, officially launched an attack on the space base of the Palestine civilization.

The Palerce Fleet Commander received the news for the first time, and anger suddenly appeared on the energy body and immediately cut off the communication.

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