One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1320: The data is falsified, but the conclusion is correct

"This is impossible. Even if the engine is overloaded, it is impossible to cut the voyage by half." Upon hearing this data, the Duke of Arden directly refused.

This is simply impossible.

In fact, Kaztec also knew that this was impossible.

He was just a little gaffe, and he hoped that the Duke of Arden had any hidden cards, so he made this impossible request.

However, once the Duke of Arden could not reach the Alpha 950 of the Scutum within 20 days, there was basically no chance of a comeback in this war.

At this moment, Kaz'tik's mood fell to the bottom: "You can't do it, but someone can do it. If you want to continue to be your duke, you'd better do something miracle, or just wait for death. "

"What do you mean?"

The Duke of Arden's fleet has received the news that the human fleet has left β109 Scutum, but has not reported it to him, so he does not know that the human fleet has left β109 Scutum.

At this time, his staff sent information to him.

When Duke Arton saw the intelligence that the human fleet had left β109 in the shield seat, he first showed a puzzled expression: "What do these carbon-based bugs want to do?"

In the next moment, he thought of Kaz'tik's unreasonable request, his expression was suddenly stagnant, and he asked aloud: "You mean, the target of the human fleet is Alpha Scutum 950?"

"Don't think about it, it must be that this human civilization is very scary, very scary!" Kaztic repeated the last four words.

At this moment, he felt the fear of being dominated by the human fleet.

He carefully thought about every detail of the battle with the human fleet, and then he gradually felt scared.

From the beginning, he has studied every detail of the fall of the Count of Tallinndal's fleet.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he regarded human civilization and the human fleet as an opponent that needs to be taken seriously.

It can be said that he hadn't caressed about it from the very beginning when he fought against the human fleet.

However, thinking carefully about every detail now, I suddenly found that although it was not careless and had treated human civilization as an opponent of the same level as the carbon-based alliance, the result was still underestimated the degree of danger of this opponent.

Moreover, this terrible opponent did not suddenly become terrible, but had signs, but at first they didn't see these signs.

He recalled slowly, and began to think of the time when he started the star map advance tactic.

In the carbon-based alliance, the mechanical empire and the three-eyed civilization have no strength to fight back, and the defense space is constantly compressed.

The only exception is the photosynthetic civilization. In an encounter with the photosynthetic civilization, after being sunk several warships by the human fleet.

Kaz'tik's fleet began to deliberately avoid the defense zone of the photosynthetic civilization.

Doing so can avoid encountering the human fleet, and also avoid casualties.

At that time, this decision was very correct.

Because the defense zone of photosynthetic civilization is not a key star field, and the combat effectiveness of photosynthetic civilization has always been weak.

As long as the mechanical empire and the three-eyed civilization are resolved, the remaining photosynthetic civilization is a lamb to be slaughtered.

Therefore, at that time Kaztec relaxed the suppression of the photosynthetic civilization, and felt that this would not affect the situation of the war.

However, looking back now, that encounter with the human fleet had already exposed dangerous fangs, but it was not taken to heart.

Immediately afterwards, there was a robbery of the crystal in the four-dimensional space.

At that time, Kaztec believed that the battle was the most important, so he chose to apply for another four-dimensional crystal instead of encircling the human fleet.

Moreover, the human fleet had already returned to the Sagittarius spiral arm at that time. If you want to annihilate the human fleet, you need to dash across the spiral arm, break into the Sagittarius spiral arm, and fight the human fleet against the siege of the other three fleets of the Carbon-based Alliance.

In this situation, no matter who is in charge, it is impossible to give such an order.

However, since that time, the degree of danger for the human fleet has become apparent.

Kaz'tik carefully recalled the process of each battle with the human fleet, and felt more and more afraid:

"This civilization is terrible and must be eradicated. Even if the galactic war fails, even if the galaxy is lost, this civilization must be eradicated. This civilization cannot be allowed to continue to develop, otherwise it will definitely become the most terrifying enemy in the future."

He muttered to himself, then looked at the Duke of Arden, and asked in a serious tone: "What is the combat power of the fleet you sent to the solar system?"

The Duke of Arden was very puzzled. He was clearly talking about α950 Scutum, why he suddenly started talking about the solar system, but he still replied casually: "Enough to destroy any stellar civilization."

For an advanced civilization like Palese, destroying a stellar civilization is almost effortless, not to mention that human civilization is only a 1.9 level planetary civilization.

"Does the fleet you sent have the strength to fight the human fleet head-on?" Kaz'tik asked again.

"Did you have a problem with your brain? You sent a fleet to destroy a planetary civilization, and you asked if you could fight the human fleet head-on?" The Duke of Arden was very displeased.

What he actually wanted to say in his heart was: Your own fleet has been destroyed by the human fleet. Doesn't it feel ridiculous to ask such a question?

Kaz'tik pondered: "That's right, in your opinion, to destroy a planetary civilization, you really don't need to send a strong fleet.

"But have you ever considered a question. The fleet you sent out can't even defeat the opponent's civilization's main fleet, so why destroy the opponent's home planet civilization?"

When this question is asked, it seems very reasonable at first.

Use normal thinking to consider this issue. To destroy a civilization, of course, we must first annihilate the main fleet of this civilization. This is a very normal and reasonable way of thinking, and there is no problem.

However, when this normal and reasonable thinking is placed on human civilization, it seems not quite right.

If he wants to fight the human fleet head-on, then the Duke of Arden will have to let his fleet come out, and he may win.

However, destroying a planetary civilization requires a fleet to emerge, which is equivalent to a cannon hitting mosquitoes. It is unreasonable no matter how you think.

"The human fleet cannot be viewed with normal eyes, so it cannot be measured in this way." Duke Arden explained.

Kaztec looked very depressed, shook his head and said: "No, we may have made a mistake at the beginning. It is not that human civilization cannot be viewed with normal eyes, but we did not look at human civilization with normal eyes.

"That is not a normal planetary civilization. It is simply wrong to evaluate this civilization by the development level of the parent planet civilization.

"Another system for assessing the level of civilization should be used, and that is the military power system.

"The military power of human civilization is at the higher level of civilization. They have a fleet that can engage the higher civilization head-on, even more dangerous than the photosynthetic civilization.

"Human beings are basically a civilization with military power reaching a higher level of civilization, just like the'natural disaster civilization' recorded in archaeological documents.

"One more thing, your previous falsification of the battle data of the human fleet also gave me a wrong assessment of this civilization.

"I just did it for the purpose and didn't expose you.

"However, there is one thing that you did not expect. Your data is false, but the conclusion is correct. Human civilization is a'natural disaster civilization'!"

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