One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1344: The plan to dismantle the main body of civilization

"General Kaztic, it's not Schkeich you want to talk about?"

There was some mockery in the tone of the Duke of Arden.

Because in the science of cosmic warfare, the Schkeich plan is used to split and disintegrate the main ethnic groups of the hostile civilization.

In war, this tactic is useful.

In fact, the Palestine civilization has never stopped using this tactic against the carbon-based alliance.

However, the implementation of the Schkeqi plan has been very slow to take effect, and it is difficult to have an immediate effect.

This tactic is a tactic that weakens, divides, and disintegrates the main ethnic groups of the hostile civilization in a subtle way.

Only when the opposing parties are evenly matched, or when one's own side is in a weak position, the Schkeage plan is more effective.

Over a long period of time, slowly disintegrating hostile civilization groups.

However, when facing a low-level civilization, you only need to send a warship to destroy the low-level civilization. From the attack to the end, it may only take a few minutes.

In this case, who would use a strategy that has been effective for decades?

However, Kaztec is now using the Schkeich Project for human civilization and is establishing communication with the human beings on the earth, and controlling some human beings on the earth in this way.

As the most powerful noble of the Palestine Galactic Far-Star Empire, the Duke of Arden is naturally able to sit in this position.

Of course he has studied cosmic warfare, and of course he knows the Schkeich plan.

It was precisely because he knew what the Schkeich plan was that he felt that Kaztec's behavior was meaningless.

"Yes, the Schkeich plan is progressing smoothly now." Kaztic replied calmly.

"Don't you find it ridiculous to deal with a low-level civilization?" Duke Arden sneered.

"A low-level civilization that can scare you to hide in a planetary fortress and dare not go out, who is more ridiculous? Let go of your ridiculous arrogance. Human civilization is a terrible cosmic natural disaster. This civilization requires us to use all means to deal with it. It's even more terrifying than the Carbon-based Alliance!" Kaztic snorted coldly.

Although the Duke of Arden did not want to admit it, his fleet did not even dare to exit the door of the α217 Scutum fortress.

The reason for not daring to go out is indeed because of the human fleet.

This "lower civilization" that has just been promoted to a star civilization puts him under greater pressure than the carbon-based alliance, and it is much greater.

From this point of view, it is completely reasonable to use the Schkeich plan for human civilization.

This is because the Palestine civilization has been using the Schkecher project on the carbon-based alliance. Since the pressure on humans is greater than that of the carbon-based alliance, it is of course no problem to use this strategy on humans.

However, the Duke of Arden thought of using this powerless strategy against a low-level civilization, he found it very ridiculous.

He still wanted to argue a few words, let Kaz'tik change his mind and spend all his time lobbying the Supreme Council of the home planet, which would be more hopeful for a comeback.

After a moment of silence, he said: "This is different. If we look at the Schkeich plan in cosmic warfare, in fact, we don't need to use this strategy for the carbon-based alliance.

"Because this strategy is used against powerful civilizations, or civilizations that are evenly matched.

"In fact, the carbon-based alliance has always been at a disadvantage.

"The reason for using the Schkecher plan for the Carbon-based Alliance is entirely because the carbon-based alliance is composed of three civilizations. It is less difficult to split their three civilizations, and it is easier to use the Schkecher plan to take effect.

"Human civilization is completely different.

"Human civilization has a lower level of civilization, and it is not an alliance of civilizations. It is more difficult and slower to use the Schkecher plan to take effect.

"Instead of this, it is better to persuade the home planet to send additional fleet support.

"As long as the support fleet of the mother planet arrives, the turnaround will only be a matter of moment, and it will be easy to destroy human civilization at that time."

Kaztick was silent for a long time and said, "If I could lobby the home planet for additional fleet support, would I not try? I have been trying, but before the lobbying is successful, I should always do something.

"Moreover, I insist that human civilization is the civilization of natural disasters.

"To treat this civilization should be more cautious than the carbon-based alliance.

"For the sake of a civilized future, I think it is very necessary to start the Schkecher project now!"

Seeing his insistence, the Duke of Arden knew that there was no point in continuing to quarrel, and emphasized: "Are you sure you still continue to lobby the home planet for additional support?"

"Of course, do you think I want to be a commander in command without a fleet in this **** galaxy?" Kaz'tic snorted coldly.

The Duke of Arden thought about it too.

Kaztic is indeed very miserable now.

As the nominal military commander of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire, he has no fleet under his hands.

If this situation continues, Kaztec will become a big joke in the history of Palestine civilization.

Therefore, Duke Arden believed that Kaztec could not allow this situation to continue, and said: "Okay. I hope you and your teacher can really successfully lobby the Supreme Council.

"Now that human civilization has a second planet, I hope you can succeed before human civilization develops beyond control."

Kaztic's anger was suppressed in his heart, but there was nowhere to vent it.

He was more aware of the Duke of Biardon, how tricky human civilization is now.

Just because he knew this, he even used the strategy of Schkeage's plan.

This strategy of Schkeich's plan is usually a means to deal with civilizations stronger than itself.

He used the Schkeich plan. From a certain perspective, he just admitted that the human civilization was too strong, and it was so strong that he had to do it.

This is already a great humiliation for the superior civilization.

However, Kaztec finally chose to start the Schkechi plan.

By means of communication, we can get in touch with certain human beings on the earth, and by controlling certain human beings on the earth, we can establish organizations to divide and disintegrate human civilization from within.

Moreover, this strategy has initially seen results.

Yesterday he saw with his own eyes the human organizations on the earth he controlled, marching and demonstrating in front of the Interstellar Immigration Administration. The process was very exciting.




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