One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1397: Mutual Defense Agreement of the Mechanical Empire

"Although the third energy revolution of the Palestine civilization has not officially begun, from a certain perspective, the third energy revolution of the Palestine civilization is actually the countdown to the death of the carbon-based alliance."

Just when Fang Yuan and Yang Yuping were laughing, Zhao Anya joined the chat.

On this topic, she is more concerned about the survival of civilization.

"That's true." Fang Yuan agreed with Zhao Anya's view.

At this stage, one of the reasons why the Carbon-based Alliance can play against Palestine civilization back and forth is that there is no gap between the two sides in terms of technology.

The warships of the Palestine civilization used anti-matter energy and gamma-ray weapons.

The carbon-based alliance also uses anti-matter energy and gamma-ray weapons.

Although the anti-matter reactor and gamma-ray weapons of the Palestine civilization are more advanced, they cannot form a gap in the crushing level, so the two sides can still fight.

But if one day.

The Palestine civilization added to the third energy revolution and obtained an energy that is one hundred times stronger than anti-material energy.

Then the Palestine civilization can directly announce the official end of this war game.

The third energy revolution, one hundred times the energy gap.

This means that the warships of the Palestine civilization can obtain faster speeds, more powerful energy weapons, and more powerful shield systems because of their more powerful energy systems.

The gap between the civilization that completed the second energy revolution and the civilization that completed the third energy revolution.

It is like the gap between nuclear fission and controlled nuclear fusion.

There is a world of difference between the two. Each building a nuclear power plant is afraid of nuclear pollution.

The other is that controllable nuclear fusion power stations can be built around the world, without worrying about pollution, and all the original power generation technologies of mankind can be eliminated in an instant.

The energy revolution has always been disruptive.

Therefore, once the Palestine civilization completes the third energy revolution and has a hundred times the super energy of anti-matter energy, then the Palestine civilization will have a battleship with a tenfold increase in combat effectiveness.

The war between the Carbon-based Alliance and the Palestine civilization will also end at that time.

The way to end is the surrender of the Carbon-based Alliance, and the doubt is to be extinct by the Palestine civilization. It depends entirely on the mood of the Palestine civilization.

However, so far, no one knows what the "key" of the third energy revolution is.

Therefore, everything exists only in scientific theories.


Two years have passed since the photosynthetic civilization and mankind signed a mutual defense agreement against Palese.

However, the Mutual Defense Agreement of the Mechanical Empire has not yet been signed.

This is very detrimental to the deepening of cooperation between mankind and the carbon-based alliance.

Human beings at this stage are in a very delicate pattern.

Human beings are hostile to the Three-Eyed Civilization and are in the war phase.

So far, the two sides have not ceased the war, but the home planet of the Three-Eyed Civilization is too far away from the Milky Way, and has never sent another fleet back to the galactic battlefield.

Similarly, the Palestine civilization did not send a fleet to return to the galactic battlefield.

This kind of truce can only last for a long time.

If the three-eyed civilization returns to the galactic battlefield now, then mankind can only single-handedly single out the three-eyed civilization. The mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization will never interfere. It is the best result to be able to stand the pressure of the three-eyed civilization and sit on the sidelines.

If the Palestine civilization returns to the galactic battlefield, then with the joint defense agreement signed now, only the photosynthetic civilization will participate in the war, and the mechanical empire is not obliged to participate in the war.

In other words, if the Palestine civilization succeeds in lobbying the mechanical empire in some way, it is possible to form a situation in which Palese attacking humans without the mechanical empire participating in the war.

At that time, the situation will be very bad.

If the situation is worse and the Palestine civilization and the Three Eyes civilization join forces, then for mankind, it will be the biggest crisis in history, and there will be almost no hope of survival.

Although the Three Eyes civilization and the Palestine civilization are hostile, Fang Yuan never dared to overestimate the bottom line of these higher civilizations.

Therefore, everything must consider the worst outcome.

In this case, signing a joint defense agreement with the mechanical empire against Palerce is a very critical matter.

For this reason, Fang Yuan personally visited the Shield Headquarters of the Mechanical Empire and had an interview with Velian.

"My intention, General Villian should be very clear, it is because of the mutual defense agreement. Mankind has signed a mutual defense agreement with the photosynthetic civilization, and has won two years of peace. I think the mechanical empire, It is also longing for peace." Fang Yuan's first sentence was more official.

"You should be clear about my way of thinking. The result of the calculation is that signing a joint defense agreement with humans against Palerce has more risks than benefits, so even if I am willing to sign, the proposal will not pass the resolution of the home planet council." Villian's answer It is also very straightforward. The reason why the Mutual Defense Agreement has not been signed by direct naming.

"Are there any other ways to advance the proposal? If so, it can be written into the agreement. I can consider all reasonable conditions." Fang Yuan asked.

Villian shook his head and said: "It's just that the risks outweigh the benefits. To put it bluntly, once the Palestine civilization returns to the galactic battlefield. Whether or not the mechanical empire signs a mutual defense agreement, mankind will inevitably participate in the war.

"Under such circumstances, signing the Mutual Defense Agreement against Palerce is in fact only beneficial to mankind and will not benefit the mechanical empire."

Fang Yuan was not surprised when he heard this sentence.

In fact, in the past two years, the civilized establishment of diplomatic relations of mankind has been communicating with the mechanical empire and has a basic understanding of the reasons why the mechanical empire is unwilling to sign a mutual defense agreement.

This is the fact.

The Milky Way is the mother galaxy for humans.

It is impossible for human beings to leave the galaxy at this stage.

In other words, once the Palestine civilization returns to the galactic battlefield, humans must participate in the war regardless of whether they wish.

Otherwise, once the Palestine civilization destroys the galactic power of the Carbon-based Alliance, human civilization will follow.

On the contrary, after the loss of the Milky Way, the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization only lost a remote galaxy. The loss was not small, but it was far from hurting the bones.

Therefore, the calculation result of the mechanical empire is that there is no need to sign a mutual defense agreement with mankind.

Fang Yuan pondered for a moment, and asked, "Is there no other way? Perhaps, through the alliance, we can achieve a win-win situation in the war against the Palestine civilization. I heard that the third energy revolution in Palestine will be fast. finished."

There is no shadow of the third energy revolution of the Palestine civilization.

However, when talking, of course, it is bigger.

After Varian was silent for a moment, he said: "If mankind is willing to fight on the frontal battlefield against Palestine civilization, a joint defense agreement, there is still a basis for talks."

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