One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1474: Level 1 alarm

Pisces μ557.

The garrisoned star system of the third largest fleet in the Palese Pisces.

The human expeditionary fleet passes through the μ610 Pisces-μ557 Pisces hyperspace channel, enters the μ557 Pisces, and is in the shadow of the "ghost curtain", approaching the 12th planet of the μ557 Pisces.

This planet is one of the planets stationed by the third largest fleet in Palerce Pisces. There are 5 standard fleets on it, with a total of 60 warships.

In addition, the planet’s ground defense system has firepower equivalent to a 120-ship fleet.

In other words, if you want to attack this planet head-on, it is equivalent to facing a 180-ship-scale firepower.

"From the 12th planet of μ557 in Pisces, 100 light seconds, the planetary fortress alarm did not respond." Ye Zheyu made a distance report.

"Keep getting closer." Fang Yuan gave the order.

The expeditionary fleet continued to approach the planet and broke into the 100-light-second restricted zone of the 12th planet of μ557 in Pisces under the "ghost curtain".

"The distance is 50 light seconds, 49 light seconds, 48 ​​light seconds..."

Ye Zheyu continued to report the distance.

In the space battle, the planetary fortress 100 light seconds is called the defensive restricted zone, which means that this area has entered the range of planetary land-based weapons and is a dangerous area.

If you enter the 50-light-second area, it is a red restricted area that stealth warships cannot enter.

For example, the human invisible battleship Phantom once infiltrated the 50-light-second restricted zone of the Paleste Planetary Fortress, and it may be discovered at any time in the 50-light-second restricted zone.

However, now the expeditionary fleet has entered the 50-light-second restricted zone and has not been found.

This is a completely different meaning from the Phantom entering the 50-light-second restricted zone.

The Ghost is a stealth battleship, the pinnacle of all stealth technology.

And, the most important point, the Ghost is a small battleship with a small size, so it is not easy to be spotted.

However, the expeditionary fleet is a 36-ship fleet, especially the flagship Shenzhou, with a total length of 5,000 meters.

The volume of the Guangshenzhou is 1,000 times that of the Ghost, let alone the entire expeditionary fleet.

Therefore, the two secretly sneaking into the 50-light-second restricted zone of the Paleo Fortress are completely two concepts.

"The distance is 30 light seconds, 29 light seconds..."


Suddenly, the twelfth planet of μ557 in Pisces sounded the defensive alarm, and the entire planet's defensive system was lit up with red warning lights.

Land-based defense weapons began to adjust the muzzle to search for invading targets.

The Palerce fleet stationed on the spaceport all moved, formed into formations, and cooperated with land-based defensive weapons to prepare to face the invaders.

"The enemy has sounded the defensive alarm!" Ye Zheyu called out loudly.

"Turn, withdraw from the opponent's defensive restricted area." Fang Yuan ordered in a calm tone.

The expeditionary fleet swept over the 12th planet of μ557 in Pisces at a distance of 29 light seconds, and then withdrew from the planet's forbidden defensive zone and headed away.


at the same time.

The Fleet Headquarters of the third largest Fleet in Palerce Pisces, as if detonating a nuclear bomb, the entire fleet headquarters was boiling.

"What's going on? Who can tell me what's going on?!" Alpha Walker roared.

"Intruder, there is an intruder, the 12th planet has sounded the alarm." The communication team has received the information of the 12th planet and hastened to report to Alpha Walker.

"Cut the battle screen over! Hurry up!" Alpha Walker was originally taking a break, but was suddenly disturbed, his temper was a bit grumpy, and he yelled at the communication group.

"No... there is no battle screen." The communication group replied helplessly.

"There is no fighting? Then why should the first level alarm be sounded?!"

Alpha Walker is even more upset.

Because the alarm is also graded, the 12th planet of μ557 in Pisces sounded the first-level invasion alarm just now.

This means that there are fleet-level enemy invasions.

In other words, this first-level invasion alert means that there is a fleet raid on the 12th planet.

However, the communication team now replied that there was no battle screen.

"Come in with the communications from the captain of the 12th Planet Garrison Fleet, hurry!" Alpha Walker roared.

After the communication was connected, Alpha Walker did not wait for the other person to speak, and directly asked: "What's the matter? Is there a fleet raid on Planet 12?"

"It" The captain garrisoning the flagship of the fleet didn't know how to answer.

"What does it mean?! If not, why sound the first level intrusion alarm?!" Alfa Walker became even more furious, and the captain's answer under his command made him feel very stupid.

At this moment.

Communication from the Palerce Pisces Joint Command, using the highest authority to talk to Alpha Walker.

Spring Hall asked, "What happened to you?"

The first-level intrusion alarm is the highest-level alarm.

This level of alert will automatically send a message to the superior, the Pisces Joint Command.

This is for the joint command to respond and determine whether it needs to send a fleet to support.

Therefore, after Spring Hall received the reported first-degree intrusion alarm, he immediately connected to the communication and asked about the situation.

"I'm asking my subordinates, and I haven't figured out the situation yet." Alpha Walker replied helplessly.

"What does it mean to have not figured out the situation? If you are attacked by the fleet, you must respond immediately. Do you still need me to teach you?" Spring Hall reprimanded in an unpleasant tone.

"There is no fight, give me three minutes, let me figure out the situation." Alpha Walker resisted his anger and responded.

Later, he poured these anger on the garrison fleet on the 12th planet of μ557 in Pisces and asked why the first level alarm was sounded.

The commander of the garrisoned fleet on Planet 12 could only report the situation truthfully: "The radar in the restricted area detected a suspected fleet intruder, so the first level alarm was sounded, but then the intruder left the restricted area for defense and no battle took place."

"What fleet was invading?" Alpha Walker asked.

"Also... I don't know yet, the radar has only detected objects that are suspected of fleets."

"Waste! Send all the data detected by the radar." Alpha Walker cursed and immediately ordered the intelligence team and the staff to analyze the data detected by the radar.


Level 1 alarms are reported level by level.

Now, Fatalon Seratis is the nominal supreme military commander in the Pisces battlefield.

Therefore, the first level warning message was transmitted to the Seventh Royal Fleet of Palerce, and naturally it was also in the hands of Zandar Ikoc.

When Zandar Ikoc joined the meeting of the Palestine Pisces joint headquarters, Spring Hall, Alpha Walker and other Palestine generals were arguing about it.

"Don't make a noise, it is the human fleet that is testing the ultimate effect of the'Ghost Veil'. If you guess right, there will be a second, third, and even fourth time..." Zandar Ikocchi After reading the radar data, he opened his mouth to stop the quarrel of these generals.

The General Palese who was present was silent after hearing these words.

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