One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 810: Space tension and curvature drive

"There is tension on the surface of the water, so that the water droplets stay on the surface of the coin. The hand sanitizer drips into the water droplet, destroying the tension on the surface of the water droplet, and the water droplets that lose the tension are naturally scattered and flow onto the table.

Liu explained the principle of water surface tension, and the experiment wanted to confirm it, so that people could easily understand it.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yang Yuping.

Yang Yuping nodded and asked him to prepare for the second experiment, and then returned to the desk to continue the lecture:

"Just now, through experiments with coins and water droplets, we proved that there is indeed a power that keeps water droplets on the coin.

"Then, some classmates might ask, what is the use of this kind of power? And this kind of power doesn't seem strong at all.

"Next, we will use another experiment to tell everyone what is the use of water surface tension."

The voice just fell.

Liu and another science teacher lifted up a rectangular transparent water tank and began to prepare for the experiment.

"First of all, let's stack a paper boat with paper. Which classmate's paper boat looks good? Can you do me a favor?" Yang Yuping picked up an A4 paper and prepared to pass it to the students in the first row.

Eve glanced around, then took a deep breath, raised his hand and said: "I'll stack, I'm not controlled today, I promise."

Speaking of this, it caused a burst of laughter from the surrounding students.

Yang Yuping also heard before that this little girl was sad because of the alienated person's mind control, so she passed the paper and smiled kindly: "Of course, I heard that you are usually very lively. If you don't take the initiative to raise your hand, On the contrary, it seems to be controlled."

This remark caused laughter again.

Eve took the A4 paper shyly, started tossing it over and over, and finally folded a crescent boat and handed it back: "Is this all right?"

"As long as it can float."

Yang Yuping took the paper boat and placed it in a rectangular transparent water tank.

The paper boat floats quietly on the water. There is no wind in the room, so there is no wind to move the paper boat.

"The paper boat floats on the water. It has no power and naturally does not move. Now we will put a drop of hand sanitizer on the back of the paper boat and see what happens." Yang Yuping said and picked up the bottle on the table to wash hands. Liquid, dripping into the water behind the paper boat.

When the hand sanitizer entered the water, the paper boat suddenly moved with strong power, moving forward quickly, hitting the other end of the rectangular water tank.

The rectangular transparent water tank was 1.5 meters long, and the paper boat walked a full 1.5 meters before hitting the other end of the tank before stopping.

Some of the students in the military research class were dumbfounded.

Before seeing this experiment, I couldn't imagine that a drop of hand sanitizer could be so powerful.

Yang Yuping raised the hand sanitizer in his hand and said, "A drop of hand sanitizer made the paper boat move a distance of 1.5 meters. What is the principle?

"Could it be that hand sanitizer is a strong power material? The answer is obviously not.

"The force that pulls the paper boat to move is actually the tension on the water surface.

"Pay attention to my wording, it's ‘pull’, not ‘push’. There is a subtle difference between these.

"In experiments with coins and water drops, we have proved that there is tension on the surface of water, and hand sanitizer can break the tension on the water surface.

"Similarly, in the paper boat experiment, the hand sanitizer destroyed the water surface tension behind the paper boat, and the water surface tension in front of the paper boat pulled the paper boat forward until the end of the water tank.

"If you are still interested in the experiment in which water surface tension can push paper boats, you can try to stick a small piece of soap behind the paper boat on a wider lake. I believe you can go further."

After completing the two experiments, all the students in the military research class were attracted by the content of this class.

Water is the most common thing around everyone, but few people will observe what kind of power exists on the water.

Yang Yuping paused, turned the handout on the table to the next page, and then said: "Well, we have proved the existence of water surface tension through two experiments and the method of moving paper boats through water surface tension.

"So, what does this have to do with the class we are going to teach today?

"Before I started speaking, I mentioned a word, ‘spatial tension’.

"Assume that space and water have a tension.

"So, is it possible for us to use this tension to make our'paper boats' move? For example, Shenzhou or something."

Niu Dazhi immediately raised his hand and said, "I know, stick a piece of soap on the bottom of the Shenzhou."

"You are really too smart." Fang Yuan couldn't help but look back and squint at him.

Yang Yuping was not angry at this ridicule, but said cheerfully: "Yes, if we can discover the existence of spatial tension and influence it, stick a piece of'soap' on the Shenzhou's butt, then maybe One day Shenzhou will really fly because of this'soap'."

After joking, Yang Yuping brought the topic back to knowledge: "Then the question is, what is spatial tension?"

He looked at the crowd and saw that these students were listening carefully, with gleaming eyes, and continued: "When you were in school, everyone should have studied astrophysics and had a certain understanding of the origin of the universe.

"According to the textbook description, the universe was formed by a big bang that occurred about 13.7 billion years ago.

"Moreover, the universe is still expanding. In other words, the universe was a point at the beginning, and it continued to expand after the Big Bang.

"Let's imagine that the universe is constantly expanding like a ball, so is the space of the universe flat?

"A long time ago, humans thought that the ground was flat, but in fact the earth was round.

"The universe was formed by a big bang, and it is still expanding. It is conceivable that the space of the universe is not flat, but curved.

"Since there are arcs, the space is not fixed, but can be distorted and changed.

"In other words, there is tension in space. If we can influence this tension and eliminate the tension behind the spacecraft, then the tension in the front will be like the tension on the water surface, pulling our spacecraft forward.

"This kind of driving method has another name, called curvature driving, which is a technology of space and time.

"According to the level of civilization, this technology has far exceeded the scope of stellar civilization and is much higher than materials with strong interaction forces."

When Fang Yuan heard this, he finally understood how the magical pulling force produced by the "speed of lightning" came from.

However, Yang Yuping added another sentence later: "However, so far, we have not yet tested the existence of spatial tension.

"Fortunately, there may have been spatial tension in Fang Yuan. After the battle is over, he has to be tied to the laboratory and studied.

The crowd listened and began to laugh again.

Han Youwei turned her head and whispered, "You must be the professor's favorite mouse."

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