One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 821: Death Star Predator

Fighting broke out simultaneously in three star beast broods in Jones Canyon.

Above the A1 star beast brood to the south, Shenzhou and Chixian circled and fired. Air-to-surface missiles were launched, bombarding the star beasts on the ground and plowing the ground aside.

Immediately afterwards, the ground troops began to attack, and tens of thousands of self-propelled bombs poured into the various passages of the star beast brood like beans.

Afterwards, the "booming" explosion inside the star beast brood, smoke billowing out, shrouded the entire star beast brood in the flames of the explosion.

The star beasts couldn't withstand such a fierce offensive. As the three star beasts roared at the same time, the star beasts began to counterattack.

The thick super-giant gamma rays from the mouth of the three wells shot out from the star beast brood, bombarding the space battleship in the sky.

Shenzhou propped up the "vector prism" to withstand the attack of super-giant gamma rays.

Just then.

Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Zhao Anya immediately pushed the Shenzhou Spirit Amplification Module to the end, and then quickly scanned the ground units below.

"Attention! Attention everyone! There are meteor energy fluctuations, the energy is approaching, the energy level is high, everyone pay attention!"

She reminded her comrades loudly and continued to scan, trying to find the location of the meteor star target.

"Where? Where?" Eve controlled a kinetic cannon, ready to aim at the target at any time.

"Can't find... it's weird, the energy level started to weaken..."

Zhao Anya frowned, feeling puzzled in her heart, then suddenly raised her head to look to the left and shouted: "Chixian! Chixian attention, the meteor star beast is heading towards you!"

The voice just fell.

A dark purple knife light lit up in the sky, instantly cutting the Chixian number into two.

The Chixian number, broken in two, fell down.

Zhao Anya saw that the Chixian number was cut in two with one blow, she was shocked, and hurriedly called: "Call the Chixian number, call the Chixian number..."

"The dog day! What is that?" Ye Zheyu clearly observed that the Chixian was cut into two parts by the knife. The whole process was only a moment, and there was no room for maneuver.

"I'll go to the rescue!"

Fang Yuan rushed towards the hatch as he said.

Just then.

Admiral Rod’s voice came from the communication channel: "Don’t come here, that thing is heading towards you, at least the meteorite star is Lv.7. You must never let it come near the spacecraft!"

Shenzhou is the military research team of Fang Yuan's belt, and Admiral Luode is the seat of Chixian.

When the voice fell, the metal hedgehog layer on the outer layer of the Chixian was surging quickly and connected, forcibly connecting the split Chixian.

On the Chixian ship, the chief officer quickly reported the situation of the Chixian ship: "The weapon module was damaged by 73%, the communication module was damaged by 39%, and the channels in the central area were all damaged. The balance [笔趣阁] system failed. The county account can no longer fight..."

Admiral Rohde controlled the metal to barely hold the Chixian ship to prevent it from crashing, and ordered: "mobilize the remaining power engine and get out of the battlefield."

Immediately afterwards, he said in the communication channel: "The Chixian was attacked by the meteor star Lv.7 star beast, and lost its combat effectiveness, and began to leave the battlefield. Fang Yuan, stop that thing, absolutely can't let it approach the spacecraft!"

Fang Yuan opened the hatch, looked out of the spaceship, activated all the abilities that can improve the detection ability, and then still couldn't see the thing: "What attacked the Chixian ship?"

"I can't see it, it has the concealment ability, the attack ability is very sharp, similar to the ion light knife." Admiral Rod carefully recalled the process just now, but did not see that thing just now.

At this moment.

Information from the rear came from the communication channel: "The attack ability is the Death Star Ion Light Knife, the strongest king beast of the spine hunter civilization, the Death Star Hunter."

Upon hearing the words "Death Star Predator", relevant information immediately appeared on the big screen.

The Death Star Predator has only appeared twice in human database records.

Both times were recorded by the Dragon Team, and it was one of the most terrifying star beasts in the star beast civilization.

Moreover, according to the research of the Institute of Biology, it has been determined that the Death Star Predator is the strongest king beast in the spine-spine predator civilization.

After the thornspine predator civilization was annexed by the star beast civilization, it naturally became a part of the star beast civilization.

Zhao Anya felt the super-high energy approaching, her expression became tense, and she reminded loudly: "As we approach, the meteorite energy fluctuations have appeared again!"

"Don't let that thing get close to the spaceship, Shenzhou can't stand it!" Admiral Rod reminded again.

"It's getting closer!" Zhao Anya was so nervous that her body was shaking.

Fang Yuan condensed his visual search, but couldn't see it, turned around and shouted, "Find it! Find it!"

Having just seen the scene of the Chixian ship being cut into two parts with one blow, Zhao Anya was shaking with nervousness.

That kind of terrifying attack, even Admiral Rode could not stop, as long as that thing approached, the Shenzhou ship would inevitably be scrapped by one blow.

Zhao Anya pushed the mental augmentation module to the end and was still pushing hard to maximize the detection ability. To find that thing, the sweat from her palms wetted the control lever.

However, she can only feel that the energy fluctuation is getting closer and closer, that is, she can't find the location of that thing.

Just when the energy fluctuation was about to hit his face, Ye Zheyu suddenly said: "12800 meters in front of the left, Gao Wei shuttles."

Fang Yuan heard the position and shot out instantly, penetrated the dimensional membrane, and rushed towards that position.

At the moment of crossing the dimensional membrane, I saw that thing.

It was a giant bug, more than thirty meters long, with huge wings.

The two front claws turned into a dead star ion light knife, exuding a dark purple light.

Just now, it was this pair of front paws that made Chixian lose its combat effectiveness in one blow.

Had it not been for Admiral Rod to take the Chixian ship, the Chixian ship would have crashed now.

At the moment Fang Yuan was discovered, the Death Star Predator immediately dodged, avoided Fang Yuan, and continued to pounce on the Shenzhou.

Its goal is very clear, it is two space battleships.

As long as two space battleships are cut down, the China Space Fleet will have no air superiority, and the rest of the battle will become simple.

Therefore, the Death Star Predator ignored Fang Yuan at all, turned around like lightning, and rushed straight to the Shenzhou.

Fang Yuan saw its intention, and immediately caught up to connect, blocking its path to impact Shenzhou.

The two sides began to speed up around the Shenzhou.

The Death Star Predator wanted to open the angle and sprint to sink Shenzhou.

Fang Yuan locked its position, blocking its sprinting path.

The two sides began to whirl in circles.

The speed is getting faster and faster, 100 times the speed of sound, 200 times the speed of sound...

The acceleration of the lightning vortex ring alone can no longer withstand, Fang Yuan activates the "lightning speed" spatial tension acceleration, and continues to hurricane, always blocking the sprint angle of the Death Star Predator.

When the Death Star Predator's speed soared to 700 times the speed of sound, Fang Yuan still didn't get rid of it, and he turned immediately, waved the Death Star Ion Light Knife, and slashed towards Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was not sure whether the protective layer of the Black Dragon Armor could withstand the Death Star Ion Light Knife, so at the moment of the attack, he caught the spatial tension and moved one hundred meters horizontally, avoiding the blow, and then clenched his fist to explode the Dark Matter Dragon Fist. Start to fight back.

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