One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 828: Hegemony

With Jones Canyon and Beastman, the plain mining area is like a bag.

The beast guards one day with a giant cannon, bombarding the star beast brood in the plain mining area at a fixed time every day.

In the ring mountain range five to six hundred kilometers away, the loud noise can be clearly heard.

Since there were only two allies that captured Jones Canyon, Admiral Rhode and Bear Commander Bapnov met, and after a few brief discussions, the ownership of the Star Source Mine in the plain mining area was allocated.

In other countries that did not participate in the war, not a single mine can get it.

The Star Source Mine is the reward for participating in the war. Those who have not participated in the war are naturally not eligible to obtain it. This is the simplest reason. Otherwise, every country wants to hide behind and pick up the bargain. This genocide war with the star beast civilization will not have to fight. .

However, the distribution of star source mines in the plain mining area is too scattered. It is very troublesome to mine 37 scattered star source mines in the plain mining area by relying solely on the mining team of my own country.

Therefore, cooperative mining is naturally a good choice.

I am responsible for mining, you are responsible for mining, and Xingyuan mine shares the accounts proportionally. This kind of cooperation is very good.

Therefore, although the other 19 Allied nations did not own the Xingyuan Mine, the mining team entered the plain mining area to conduct cooperative mining.

This method of cooperative mining has another advantage, that is, the power of all mankind is tightly tied to this chariot, which has a positive effect on the subsequent war.


In order to stabilize the cooperative relationship with the allies, the East China Sea headquarters decided to deliver the solar furnace in advance after discussion.

Each solar furnace is sold at the price of 120,000 units of Xingyuan Mine.

The first batch of solar furnaces was delivered to Mao Xiong Country.

When Teddy Bear Commander Bapnov personally received the solar furnace and took a news photo with a thumbs up, which was broadcast on global TV stations.

The rest of the countries are blushing.

That is the solar furnace, the practical technology of controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Moreover, the East China Sea relied on the solar furnace to provide power to have the space fleet, which ended the era of hegemony of the White Eagle.

Although the death of Matthew Clarke is a secret to the outside world, some high-level officials in certain countries have more or less inside information.

Countries like Britain know that the East China Sea has the upper hand in this confrontation between humans.

Now, this magic weapon that ended an era, Mao Xiong Country has also obtained it.

This was another heavy blow to the White Eagle.

Humanity has entered a period of chaos within the camp, and there has been turbulence within the White Eagle camp.

The formal delivery of the solar furnace once again had an impact on the world structure.

On the side of the earth, delegations from various countries have begun to actively engage with the East China Sea, hoping to be the target of the second batch of solar furnaces.

Fang Zhenguo has always been in charge of receiving foreign delegations, and this time is no exception.

Fang Zhenguo is not only in charge of solar furnace trade negotiations, but also familiar with the strategic deployment of the theater headquarters.

Therefore, Sun Furnace’s trade negotiations and the headquarters’ strategic deployment have been inseparable from the very beginning.

In the public meeting, Fang Zhenguo still spoke the official speech stubbornly.

However, when it comes to the private meeting banquet.

Holding the wine glass, Fang Zhenguo expressed the headquarter's meaning very bluntly: "Sun stove, give it to whoever obeys."

This sentence has been straightforward enough to throw dog chains and bones directly.

For a country, this description sounds a bit harsh.

However, this is the reality.

When the White Eagle held hegemony, these countries were also tied to a dog's chain. They would do whatever they wanted, selling blood for the sovereign state to save the market.

Now the difference is just changing a person to lead the dog leash, essentially there is no difference.

The nature of the world is so real, so real that people can't bear to look directly at it.

The Sun Furnace is the bone that was thrown away. Those who are willing to get into the dog leash can get the bone. Those who are unwilling will eventually be submerged in the trash heap of the era of the technological explosion.

If there is one exception, it should be Teddy Bear, at least it can be called cooperation.

Daughter buys horse bones.

Delivering the solar furnace to Mao Xiong in advance is actually buying horse bones.

From the rear, through trade and technology, the internal problems of mankind are solved, so that the frontline can concentrate on fighting.

Fang Zhenguo held up his wine glass and said to foreign officials of various countries straightforward and fruitful, but no one dared to refute it.

The gap in absolute strength caused this result.

Just as these people had faced the White Eagle before, they just changed another object, and their attitude remained the same.

The starting point of this change was the moment Fang Yuan pressed Matthew Clark's head into the concrete floor.

From that moment on, Fang Yuan, on behalf of the country behind him, declared to the world a fact that the old king has fallen and a new era has arrived.

Therefore, Fang Zhenguo sometimes can't tell if what Fang Yuan did is right or wrong.

If it were not for this recklessness, perhaps that kind of internal human dispute would remain deadlocked for a long time.

As for whether giving the solar furnace to other countries will make the country lose its technological advantage.

This problem did not exist from the beginning.

Because even the East China Sea is unable to manufacture solar furnaces alone now, Yang Yuping went to the Moore large mining area to do research to study the manufacturing technology of strong nuclear materials.

Another purpose of selling solar furnaces is to obtain more star source mines.

Because the manufacture of strong nuclear materials requires a lot of star source mines, and the demand is an astronomical figure.

After all, when the civilization level is 1.0, the energy required to manufacture advanced materials of level 1.9 is increased by geometric orders.

Therefore, only by selling solar furnaces and using the earned star source ore to produce materials with strong interaction forces can the manufacturing of solar furnaces enter a virtuous circle.

When Teddy Bear Commander Bapnov was standing in front of the solar furnace, the photo was passed to the White Eagle.

This former hegemonic empire finally panicked.

The first country to have a solar furnace is already so tricky, now there are two countries with solar furnaces.

Therefore, Bai Ying had to send a delegation to the East China Sea to seek trade cooperation.

When Fang Zhenguo looked at the head of the White Eagle delegation and engaged in an equal dialogue, he couldn't help but sigh. A month ago, the White Eagle politician sitting opposite was still arrogant.

Only one month has passed, and it has been automatically reduced to a posture of equal dialogue.

However, Fang Zhenguo feels that the current posture of equal dialogue is no longer appropriate. It is impossible for equal dialogue to gain bones.

Fang Zhenguo's seemingly friendly smile made the politicians of the White Eagle Congress feel for the first time the feeling of dog chains and bones.

However, the proud empire cannot lower its head, and the crown will fall.

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