One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 856: Second battle

Either join the war or get out!

Fang Yuan’s words showed China’s attitude, so tough that it did not give other countries any opportunity to oppose it.

After the joint meeting of the Allied Forces of Mankind ended, some countries began to communicate privately, wanting to listen to each other's attitudes.

Bai Ying is the new commander of the coalition forces, hoping to get the support of his former brother.

However, under the baptism of the Sun Furnace, the Shenzhou space battleship, and the Dawn-class space battleship, the White Eagle has lost its dominance in the previous earth era.

The result is that the former little brother is not so obedient.

Britain and other countries sent representatives to the East China Sea Space Fleet headquarters to communicate with each other, trying to test China's true intentions.

Admiral Rodriguez had an obvious attitude. He brought together the representatives of the Allied powers who had come to communicate in private and announced publicly that the Anglis crater would be hit in three days.

The countries participating in the war can obtain the mining rights of Star Source in the area controlled by Anglis according to the previous agreement. Countries that do not participate in the war will be thrown out of the list of mining rights in the Star Source mining area.

When capturing Jones Canyon, only Teddy Bear cooperated with China to play.

Therefore, only Mao Xiong and Huaxia have the mining rights for the large mining areas in the Deep Wind Plain, which makes the reserves occupied by Mao Xiong more than ten times that of other countries.

Even the mining area owned by the White Eagle is less than one-tenth of the bear country.

The gap is huge.

The reason why the gap is so large is obvious.

So far, there are only two major mining areas occupied by humans.

Moore mining area and deep wind plain mining area.

The Moore large mining area is divided into 21 countries, and the mining area available to each country is very small.

The deep wind plain mining area is different. There are only two countries, and the allocated mining area reserves are naturally ten times that of other countries.

Therefore, after China captured Jones Canyon, Britain, France and other countries regretted their bowels.

With a ten-fold difference in the reserves of Xingyuan Mine, it will be more difficult to catch up with the reserves in the future.

Therefore, China now has the strongest space fleet in all mankind, and decides which brood of star beast civilization to attack. Other countries can only choose to follow or be eliminated by the world.

For all human countries, the situation is so severe.

The Xingyuan Mine is the most important resource in the Xingli Era, far more important than the previous oil.

From a national perspective, whoever holds more Star Source mines in the future will have stronger national power.

Moreover, Xingyuan Mine can also be used to purchase solar furnaces and obtain unlimited clean energy.

Now, fighting for Xingyuan Mine is fighting for national luck.

Under the rules formulated by Huaxia, only the countries that participated in the War had the right to mine Xingyuan.

Therefore, either join the war and follow the footsteps of human progress, or be eliminated and swept into the garbage dump of history.

For human nations, there is no choice at all. Choosing to retreat is tantamount to choosing recession.

For this reason, if Britain and other countries want not to be eliminated, they must follow in the war.

However, the senior officials of these countries cannot be sure of China's true attitude, worrying that the attack on Angris crater is just a cover.

Because so far, there is no intelligence to show that China has a way to solve the strong magnetic threat of Angris crater.

Therefore, high-level officials in various countries are worried that the Angris crater is really a crater, and you cannot get out if you fall in.

However, Admiral Rhode’s attitude was so firm that all nations of mankind had to actively prepare for the war and prepare to participate in the Battle of Angris Crater three days later.


Three days passed in a flash.

Twenty-one ground troops of the human coalition set off, once again embarking on the way to attack the Angris crater.

This time the coalition forces of various countries have made preparations, and try to choose ammunition that is not affected by magnetism, or equip more energy weapons.

However, such preparations cannot completely solve the influence of strong magnetic force, and can only slightly weaken the influence.

In the command car of a ground force.

The battle discussed by two senior military leaders.

"Do you think this attack on Angris Crater can be successful?"

"It's hard to say. From the current situation, just replacing the copper core ammunition can't solve the strong magnetic influence."

"Has Huaxia found a solution to the strong magnetic force?" the former guessed.

The latter shook his head and said: "This is unlikely. If there is a way to solve the impact of strong magnetic force, they don't need to keep it secret. Even if there is no way to fight against strong magnetic force, there should be no way."

"If there is no way to solve the impact of the strong magnetic force and attack Angris Crater again, isn't it to die? Moreover, according to the information received from the front, Star Beast Civilization has dispatched a large number of Star Beast troops to Angris Crater.

"It seems impossible to say that. China has indeed sent ground troops. It is impossible for them to send their ground troops to death."


After the twenty-one ground troops were dispatched, the space fleet also lifted off.

Since among the nations of mankind, there are currently only two countries with a real space fleet, and the other countries that have formed space forces are purely funny.

Because those countries have no space fleet at all and can only use the air force to replenish them.

However, the combat distance of the Air Force's fighters is only 1,000 kilometers. Starting from Jones Canyon, they can barely reach the Angris Crater, almost showing no combat effectiveness.

In Jones Canyon China Space Fleet base.

Fang Yuan led the team to board the Shenzhou, the solar furnace was ignited, and took the lead to take off, leading four Dawn-class frigates to the battlefield.

While rushing to the battlefield, the Beast Guard One-day base cannon fired first, clearing the ground units of the Angris crater, paving the way for the advance of ground troops.

After twenty hours of marching, the human coalition once again arrived at the Angris crater, divided into three groups, attacked the three star beast brood.

The two battle formations, Shenzhou and Chixian, went straight to the nest in the center of the meteorite crater for aerial strikes.

After the ground troops entered the combat distance, the strong magnetism appeared as expected.

All vehicles in the human coalition are paralyzed, and ground forces cannot move.

Immediately afterwards, the star beasts rushed out of the brood and rushed to the ground troops of the human coalition.

After the last battle, Star Beast Civilization discovered the defensive advantage of Angris Crater, so it mobilized the star beasts in the surrounding area to gather in Angris Crater.

Therefore, this time the number of star beasts in Angris's crater has almost doubled, and has exceeded 5 million.

A strong magnetic force appeared, and a large number of star beasts hit the ground troops.

The human ground forces launched a counterattack, and the copper-cored ammunition used was indeed not affected by the strong magnetic force and could normally attack the star beasts.

However, the inability of mechanized forces to move is the most fatal weakness.

Even if thermal weapons can be used, the ground forces of the human coalition are still in crisis.

"The strong magnetic force appeared, and the magnetic force intensity increased 10% faster than the last time. The target strength to control the magnetic force was stronger than the last time." After Zhao Anya detected the magnetic force, Tong reported.

Fang Yuan tightened the gloves of the armor and said: "Our performance time is up."

After that, he walked towards the hatch.

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