One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 862: Threat of destruction

When Fang Yuan heard that Star Beast Civilization proposed peace talks, he was very surprised.

In the original cognitive category, the star beast should be the kind of creature that would rather fight to destruction than consider peace talks.

Afterwards, I learned that the leader of the alienation leader Ralph Cook was in charge of the peace talks, and things became easier to understand.

The nations of mankind generally disagree with peace talks, but talks can still be negotiated, at least to figure out what Ralph Cook is doing.

In the end, the Planetary Defense Council came forward to negotiate with the Star Beast Civilization.

"Why negotiate? Don't you just do it?" Niu Dazhi dug his nostrils, pretending to become an imperial barrier.

"Actually. Negotiations are possible. Take advantage of this time to continue to expand the number of warships in the space fleet. At the same time, find a way to truly destroy the star beast civilization." Fang Yuan did seriously think about this issue.

"Can't you just hit the old nest of Star Beast Civilization?" Niu Dazhi asked.

"Fine! The main nest of the Star Beast civilization is 15 kilometers underground. If you want to completely destroy the Star Beast civilization, you must enter the underground world. At that time, the space fleet will not be able to show its combat effectiveness and only send ground troops to attack the underground world. Not to mention whether he can win or not, even if he can win, the casualties will be very heavy." Eve couldn't help but began to yell at him.

"This is indeed the case. Relying on space superiority, you can destroy all the star beast nests on the surface of the star beast civilization, but if you want to completely destroy the star beast civilization, you must break into the main nest. This is too difficult. The underground world is completely The territory of the Star Beast." Fang Yuan added.

"Then what to do?"

After listening to Niu Dazhi, he felt very reasonable.

"There is no good way for the time being. However, Star Beast Civilization took the initiative to propose peace talks, which shows that they are indeed hurt. Currently, human beings have an advantage. They can negotiate with Star Beast Civilization first to continue to expand the space fleet's strength, and at the same time seek to destroy stars. The method of the main nest of animal civilization."

Han Youwei thoughtfully added: "There is also the method that Ralph Cook said to destroy all mankind. Although it is generally believed that he does not have this ability, he still needs to listen to his statement and see what he can do. Destroy all mankind."


Seven days later.

The negotiations between the two civilizations officially began.

The human side is negotiated by the Planetary Defense Council.

On the side of the star beast civilization, the alienated kingdom came forward to negotiate, and the ruler of the alienated kingdom of Ralph Cook personally came forward.

The day of negotiation.

Ralph Cook appeared in person and sat at the negotiating table.

On the human side, all countries have sent representatives to attend the negotiations.

Speaking of it, the representatives of various countries attending this negotiation and Ralph Cook are all old acquaintances.

After all, Ralph Cook was the head of the White Eagles delegation. One year later, the changes in the situation made it difficult to adapt.

Ralph Cook at this moment no longer represents the white eagle, but the star beast civilization.

He got what he wanted in the star beast civilization, established a subject country within the civilization, alienated the human kingdom, and he was the ruler of this star beast civilization subject country.

Admiral Rod was observing Ralph Cook and said with curiosity: "I didn't expect you to show up in person. Aren't you afraid of going back and forth?"

"Do you dare?" Ralph Cook maintained a calm smile on his face, looking very confident.

The more he showed this state, the more people couldn't see his depth.

Fang Yuan sat next to Admiral Luode, keeping Erlang's legs upright and very low-key. At this moment, he suddenly said: "I dare, do you believe it?"

When Ralph Cook heard this, his pupils shrank sharply.

If someone else said this, he wasn't worried yet, but the person who said this was Fang Yuan, and his heart trembled instinctively.

Because Matthew Clark was killed by Fang Yuan, he certainly didn't believe what other people said, but he didn't dare not believe what Fang Yuan said.

However, he still compulsively calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "You can kill me, but you need to bury me with all human beings. If you think this is cost-effective, you can try it."

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

At the same time, dozens of eyes were staring at him, trying to see the authenticity of what he said.

After observing, the high-level spiritual investigators of various countries all gave the person in charge of negotiations in their country a look.

Zhao Anya also gave Admiral Rod a look, the meaning of that look, you can't see that Ralph Cook is lying.

This means that what Ralph Cook said is either true, or the performance is very good, and even high-level spirit investigators can deceive it.

"I'm very curious, what can you do to destroy all mankind?" Admiral Rod's eyes narrowed slightly, and his falcon-like gaze pierced his eyes, making him feel a great mental pressure.

Ralph Cook said solemnly: "Don't worry, let's [biquge] talk about peace conditions first."

"Do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate? In a month at most, the space-based cannon of Beast Guards can clear all the ground units of the Star Beast Civilization. What awaits you is the decline and final destruction." Speaking in a deep voice, full of confidence.

Ralph Cook remained unmoved and continued his negotiation rhythm: "My condition for peace talks is that human beings return to the earth and stop civilized wars. I can also represent the star beast civilization and guarantee that it will not enter the earth within 20 years. "

"Do you think it is possible?" Admiral Rod sneered.

"You have no choice." Ralph Cook was very tough.

"Let's talk. I'm curious, what is your confidence to destroy all mankind? If you can't tell, then there is no need to continue the negotiation." Admiral Rodriguez lost his patience.

It's not just that General Rodriguez lost patience, all the high-level humans present lost patience.

Because Ralph Cook’s conditions for peace talks are almost like dreams.

Humans now occupy a quarter of the mining areas on the surface of the Star Beast World, and after clearing all the ground broods, they can occupy more mining areas.

In this case, Ralph Cook even asked humans to return to the earth.

This is equivalent to asking humans to abandon the Star Source Mine that they have already held in their hands. This requirement is indeed no different from dreaming.

Ralph Cook smiled coldly, stood up with his hands on the negotiating table, and said: "Then let me tell you, I have the confidence to destroy mankind."

He stretched out his fingers to the sky and said loudly: "My confidence is there."

Everyone on the scene looked in the direction of his fingers, trying to see what he was pointing at.

However, there was nothing in that dim sky.

He did not point to any celestial body, nor did he point to any special constellations, as if he was just a random finger.

Admiral Rod's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold breath filled the surroundings.

Ralph Cook went on to say: "To destroy you only needs to send a message, a very simple message.

"Let the spacecraft of the Purger civilization return, when all human beings will die, and your twenty-year lingering time will instantly be zero."

Hearing his words, everyone present was stunned.

According to known information, the solar system has been visited by the spacecraft of the Cleaner civilization, and a space technology was used to “cleanse” human civilization and star beast civilization together.

After the Purger civilization released a space attack, it left directly.

According to the speculation of human cosmological sociologists, the "cleaner" who believes that the cleaner civilization will come back in twenty years to confirm whether human civilization and star beast civilization are extinct.

If at this time, someone sends a message to the "cleaner" of the cleaner, it may indeed cause the "cleaner" to return early.

At that time, mankind will indeed perish, along with the star beast civilization, including Ralph Cook himself.

Everything on the earth and star beast planet will be reduced to ashes.

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