One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 913: Defector

"I have a question, why is there a weak nuclear power beam in the rift snake?"

Fang Yuan felt it was necessary to clarify this issue.

Because the snake does not have this weak nuclear power ray, the weak nuclear power ray of the crack snake can only come from the star beast civilization.

"You need to ask Professor Lu Xiuwen whether Hydralisk has the ability to weak nuclear power." Fang Yuan looked at Admiral Luode.

Admiral Rod gave it some serious consideration and signaled the adjutant to contact Lu Xiuwen.

Before entering the Academy of Sciences, Lu Xiuwen had been studying Hydralisks.

If nothing happened later, he might spend his entire life studying Hydralisk.

Therefore, in this world, no one should know Hydralisk better than him.

The degree of Lu Xiuwen's obsession with Hydralisks even gave him the idea that Hydralisks are "beautiful".

After communicating in correspondence, I got an answer quickly.

Lu Xiuwen has never found an ability similar to rays of weak nuclear power in Hydralisk.

Although he didn't specialize in basic physics, he knew what a weak nuclear force was and what this force had.

Therefore, he was pretty sure that Hydralisk had no such ability.

The reason for asking this question.

The reason is that the previous research on the cell samples of the slither snake found that the gene of the slither snake had a part of the Hydralisk gene.

Therefore, the weak nuclear force rays of the rifting snake may be produced by this part of the gene.

However, the Hydralisk itself does not have the ability of weak nuclear power ray type.

Therefore, the weak nuclear force rays of the rift snake should not come from the Hydralisk gene, but can only be obtained from other places.

"We still know too little about the Star Beast Civilization, especially the dominating council of the Star Beast Civilization, almost nothing." Yang Yuping expressed helplessness.

The ruling layer of the star beast civilization dominating the council has always been mysterious.

It can be said that no human has seen the dominating council of star beast civilization.

Only know that the highest level of star beast civilization is the twelve dominating beasts, the final form of the brain beast.

However, no one knows exactly what dominates the council.

just now.

The Secco plate sinks, the main nest of the star beast civilization is destroyed, and the dominating council will inevitably appear.

No one knows what this mysterious dominating council will bring.

There is too little information about the main nest of star beast civilization.

Fang Yuan suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, Ralph Cooke is still alive with mental retardation, right?"

"It's really alive, you mean..." Zhao Anya nodded.

"From the current situation of the war, mankind will definitely win this war. At that time, the alienated people will also die with the star beast civilization. Ralph Cook must be panicked by the mental retardation. Can you start from him?" Fang Yuan said this idea.

Admiral Rod nodded with a serious expression, and said, "This is indeed a way. You can try it."

As he spoke, he glanced at the adjutant and told him to go down to deliver the order and let the intelligence department try to communicate with Ralph Cook.

Alienated people have control factors in their bodies, and they will be controlled by star beast civilization, but the ideas in alienated people's heads are not consistent with star beast civilization.

Therefore, there is a gap between alienated humans and star beast civilization.

Once the star beast civilization perishes, the alienated man will have no room for survival.

At that time, apart from surrendering, the alienated people will have no way out.

In this case, an egoist like Ralph Cook will definitely put his life first, and there is indeed the possibility of betraying the star beast civilization.

Three hours later.

Admiral Rod received a message from the intelligence department: "General, Ralph Cook asked to see you."

Hearing this news, Admiral Rod narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since the other party asked to meet, it showed that he was moved to betray.

Admiral Rodriguez met with the same opinion, and ten minutes later, the communication screen received the East China Sea Space Fleet headquarters.

Fang Yuan, Zhao Anya and others are also there.

A year later, seeing Ralph Cook again, there is a familiar strangeness.

The person is still that person, his appearance has not changed, he is still in suit and leather shoes, but his identity has long since become subtle.

"The decisive battle is imminent. We all know that it won't be good for you and me to waste time. So, let me put it straight, we need information about the main nest of the star beast civilization and the main council." Admiral Rod directly stated the purpose.

Ralph Cook shook his finger and said, "Let’s talk about the exchange terms first."

"I am not interested in detours. It is nothing more than the exchange of benefits. I just talk about the conditions. As long as the information is valuable, you can talk about it. Otherwise, you should be clear about the consequences." Admiral Rod crossed his fingers, his thumbs circled each other, staring blankly. Ralph Cook.

"My requirement is very simple. Regardless of the outcome of the war, mankind must recognize the independent status of my alienated kingdom and ensure that every alienated citizen in our country has the same rights as humans." Ralph Cook said directly. Conditions.

Admiral Rod did not immediately agree, but fell silent.

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised when he heard Ralph Cook's request. At first he didn't expect Ralph Cook to be so ambitious.

Before proposing to communicate with Ralph Cook, I guessed that Ralph Cook would ask for his life to be saved, and not to kill him after mankind won the war.

Unexpectedly, this person has such a big appetite that he wants humans to recognize his status as an alienated person in the kingdom.

This means he wants to always be the king of alienators.

Think about it carefully, is his request possible?

The answer is yes.

As for whether alienated humans and ordinary humans can coexist, the answer is that if there is no star beast civilization, alienated humans and humans are actually not much different.

There is no reproductive isolation between alienated people and ordinary humans.

From a biological point of view, the two people are actually the same species.

However, one of them will be controlled by the star beast civilization.

If humans win this civilization war and star beast civilization perishes, then the brain beasts that control alienated humans will no longer exist.

Then there is no difference between alienated people and ordinary humans.

However, there is a hidden danger.

If human beings recognize the legal civil rights of alienated people.

This also means that alienated people will live among ordinary humans, and as a result, alienation genes will continue to spread and eventually become a universal gene of humans.

If this happens, once humans encounter a new star beast civilization in the future, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if you do not encounter a new star beast civilization, there may be some organizations that study alienation genes and create machines to control alienation people, which usually becomes a hidden danger.

Therefore, this request of Ralph Cook has huge hidden dangers.

So Admiral Rhodes did not immediately agree, but silently thought.

Ralph Cook also waited silently, as if he was more calm than anyone else.

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