One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 930: The main body of star beast civilization

A hundred steel wire ropes were thrown into the pothole.

The elite human coalition soldiers grabbed the rope and slid into the pothole.

After entering the bottom of the cave, the underground tank opened its way, all the lights were turned on, illuminating the road ahead.

The team advances, sweeping all alien creatures in sight.

The Detective Awakener releases its ability to detect forward.

Eve opened the cockpit and waved to Han Youwei: "Youwei Youwei, you come up quickly and we are together. In this way, we are not afraid of weak nuclear rays."

Han Youwei sat in the mecha and swayed forward with the ups and downs of the mecha.

Then turned out the dominating information and started to look slowly.

In fact, she was able to recite this information, but she still read it over and over again.

After all, there are still ten masters in the star beast civilization, and each master has the ability of the law of the universe. This battle is still dangerous.

She hopes to be able to analyze useful information from the data to help the team win.


Going all the way along the cave tunnel, after walking for seven or eight kilometers, only a few star beasts were encountered. The level is not considered space, and it can be easily solved.

At this moment.

A brain beast appeared in front.

The brain beast has been emitting electromagnetic waves for communication.

Under normal circumstances, brain beasts will not appear alone. In this case, it is usually because the star beast civilization wants to communicate with the human coalition forces.

After the electromagnetic wave signal is interpreted, the communication is connected.

The brain beast issued a threat: "Go on, we will start the destruction plan, and send a signal to recall the Purifier civilization."

This plan of destruction was originally proposed by Ralph Cook.

Since the Purger civilization has visited the solar system, if the signal is emitted, the content of the signal is enough to arouse the interest of the Purger civilization.

The Purger civilization will indeed return, destroying humanity and star beast civilization together.

This is also the reason why Ralph Cook threatened to succeed in the first place.

It's just that whether this threat can work is related to the distance between the Purger civilization spacecraft and the solar system.

If the fastest signal transmission speed is the speed of light, and if the spacecraft of the Cleaner Civilization is more than 20 light years away from the solar system, then this threat is not valid.

Because even if the spacecraft of the Cleaner Civilization receives a signal, it will be 20 years later.

Of course, this threat does exist.

If the spacecraft of the Purger civilization is only a few light years away from the solar system, then the crisis of destruction of human civilization will come sooner.

Therefore, the threat raised by Ralph Cook still has a certain effect.

It's just that this war has reached the final decisive battle, it is impossible to stop, it must be fought to the end, and the star beast civilization will be completely annihilated.

Human civilization can only bet this one.

Of course, it is best to prevent the star beast civilization from emitting signals.

Therefore, the East China Sea Space Fleet has formulated an interception plan, which is in charge of Chixian and Shenzhou.

When the God of War Honglong heard the threat from the brain beast, his eyes motioned.

Lu Licheng, the dimension cutter in the Dragon Team, directly imprisoned this brain beast.

Doctor An Lan stepped forward, preparing to extract useful information from the brain beast's memory through mental powers.

However, after trying, she stood up, turned around, shook her head and said: "The brain is empty and has been cleaned."

Obviously, the dominating council of the Star Beast civilization had already dealt with it before letting the brain beast out for negotiation.

"Notify the Space Fleet Headquarters that the threat plan of the Star Beast Civilization is still in effect. Let's move on."


The team continued to advance, and the cave bifurcation began to become.

After the high-level coalition forces of various countries discussed, they decided to search separately to find a hiding place to dominate the parliament.

In the star beast civilization, other types of star beasts are not important, whether it is the mighty fissure snake or the most numerous spine predators.

Whether these star beasts will become extinct will not have much impact on the star beast civilization.

The real main creature of the star beast civilization is the brain beast, and the ultimate form of the brain beast is the master.

Lu Xiuwen mentioned in a paper published half a year ago that the main body of star beast civilization is brain beast, and other star beasts are creatures "parasiticed" by brain beasts.

In Lu Xiuwen's paper, the word "parasitism" was used and further explained, and the concept of "gene parasitism" was put forward.

Except for the brain beasts, other star beasts will be injected with an alienation gene.

This is true of Alienizers, and so are the extinct spiny ridge predators.

In the past, the biological world defaulted to star beast civilization, referring to all star beast groups.

However, Lu Xiuwen's new point of view is that only the brain beast in the star beast civilization belongs to the main body of civilization, and the other star beasts are just slaves parasitized by genes.

Moreover, Lu Xiuwen also believes that these genetically parasitic creatures will never truly merge with the star beast civilization.

Research on the fossil ridge predator formed 2.5 million years ago also supports this conclusion.

After 2.5 million years of evolution, the spine predator among the star beasts is still a spine predator, and there is still no biological fusion with the brain beast and the master.

After being annexed, the civilization of Ridgeback Predator has always existed in an enslaved status, and it has not changed in 2.5 million years.

Therefore, there is only one true subject of star beast civilization, that is, brain beast.

Domination is the ultimate form of the brain beast and the true ruling layer of the star beast civilization.

Therefore, only by destroying the dominating council can the star beast civilization be truly destroyed.


The team continued to advance.

Fang Yuan boarded the underground chariot that the Dragon Team rode.

Lu Licheng pointed to a seat, then raised the tea cup in his hand and asked, "Sit down. Want a drink."

Fang Yuan found out from the first time he saw this old man. He was always in a straight suit and seemed to always hold a teacup while tasting tea.

Even if you enter the main nest of the star beast, you must have another cup of tea.

The God of War Red Dragon took off his helmet, shook the gray ponytail, and said, "Here, you have played against the master. Let's talk about it. What are the characteristics."

Han Weicheng smiled and said: "If you see it, the **** of war will ask you for experience. Few people in this world have this experience."

Fang Yuan rubbed his hands and said, "Domination... In fact, the body is very weak, and it is a level that can be easily squeezed. However, Domination has the ability of the law of the universe.

"I have seen weak nuclear power and strong nuclear power with my own eyes, as well as super-dimensional shuttles, which can bring Ten Thousand Star Beasts across dimensions."

"Is it copied?" Han Weicheng asked, straight to the point.

Fang Yuan nodded and replied: "Of course, how can this opportunity be missed."

"Show it." Han Weicheng motioned.

Fang Yuan copied the "weak nuclear power ray" and "strong nuclear power armor" temporarily to several dragon team bosses.

Everyone began to discuss these two abilities, hoping to find the weakness of the master in this way.

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