Chapter 41 The Forum of Civilization (Part 1)

After taking the Grizzly Bear Tribe, Ning Yuan successfully annexed two more tribes in the next few days. Today, the total population of the Condor Tribe has reached more than 6,200 people, including 2,200 Condor Warriors.

When Ning Yuan was fighting everywhere, Yan Qing was not idle either. After he failed to spy on the Shenying Tribe, he decisively became an uncle and lived a life of food and mouth every day.

Yan Qing now eats beef stewed radish every day, and a piece of pork is not good enough, and besides the dinner, he has to manage enough apples.

Because Ning Yuan had explained before he left, that he had enough food for Yan Qing and others, so Bai Shihai met his requirements one by one.

In this way, Yan Qing turned the war of invasion into a vacation trip. Every day, he either ate and drank, or talked about it with his subordinates. The small days were called moisturizing.

Soon after April 10th, the game on that day was over. After playing the game, Ning Yuan went out to exercise, bathe, and eat as usual, and then returned home to watch the civilization forum once a day.

The Civilization Forum is a new program born with barbarism and civilization. It mainly introduces the development forms of the game to the majority of players and broadcasts various news in the game.

With the global popularity of this game, the civilized forums broadcasted by countries all over the world are deeply loved by the majority of players, and finally become a must-see program every day.

As a Chinese native, Ning Yuan watched the civilized forum broadcast on China TV. Because today is the day when the battle of the planes begins, so today’s civilization forum is a bit different than usual. The program team invited three heavyweight guests.

Host: “Hello everyone, welcome to today’s Civilization Forum, because today is the day when the war of planes begins, so the program team specially invited three heavyweight guests.

Let us welcome Ye Changqing, the president of the Yanyulou Guild, Dongfang Ming, the president of the Imperial League, and Shui Ruyan, the president of the Shuiyun Pavilion Guild, who has the reputation of the national goddess. ”

“Hello everyone, this is Ye Changqing from Yanyulou.”

“Hello everyone, I am Dongfang Ming from the Imperial League.”

“Hello everyone, I am Shui Ruyan from Shuiyun Pavilion.”


After the host Wang Rui and the three guests agreed with each other, the show officially began.

“As we all know, today is the day when the war of planes begins. Many players have experienced their first war in the game. Some war madmen have even fought several invasion wars.

So, as the presidents of their respective guilds, what unique insights do the three have on the opening of this plane war? “The host Wang Rui knew what the audience liked most, so he went straight to the topic.

After the three of them looked at each other for a while, Ye Changqing of Yanyu Tower chose to speak first.

“The plane war at this stage is also called the war of the tribes. Because the forces in the hands of each player lord are very limited, many people have chosen to become the defender and fight back on their own land.

This is a very good strategy, and also a very correct strategy, because the invader is equivalent to getting the enemy back and forth, so unless you have absolute confidence in own strength, it is better for everyone to stay in their own plane at this stage. ”

“Chairman Ye is very right. Since the rules of plane warfare are very unfriendly to the invaders, it is best for the majority of players to be a defender on the own plane with peace of mind.

In fact, each plane is very vast, and there are many places waiting for players to explore. Instead of risking to be an intruder, it is better to develop your own plane. ”

After Ye Changqing finished speaking, Dongfang Ming continued.

“The two presidents have already given very good suggestions. Let me give you a specific data. In this war of planes, all the members of Shuiyun Pavilion have chosen to become the defending party. In the end, Ninety percent of the members have won the war. This is the advantage of being a defender.”

Combining the arguments of the first two, Shui Ruyan directly gave a specific data.

Wang Rui: “Wow, nine wins among ten players, Shuiyun Pavilion’s winning rate is a bit scary.

In fact, Xiao Rui, I also chose to become the defender this time. Although the strength of the invaders is stronger than me, but with the advantage of familiarity with the terrain, I successfully fought the enemy for two days in guerrilla warfare, and finally the enemy was in the first place. I chose to retreat for the whole army in three days. I won a small victory and won a bronze treasure box. It seems that I am also very foresighted, haha. ”

Dongfang Ming: “Yes, this is the wisest choice. When the invader invades others, his hometown will also be invaded by others, and many invaders will take away more than 90% of the troops when they invade. , Their lair basically has no defensive power.

As long as they are found by the enemy, they will become plane wanderers, so if these invaders can’t get the opponent within three days, then they will choose to retreat on the third day, because no one dares to drag it until the tenth day. . ”

Wang Rui: “Since the invading party has such a big disadvantage, why are there so many invading parties? Did all the big guilds in China choose to become the defender? If everyone chooses to become the defender Fang, then is the world peaceful?”

Ye Changqing: “Because of their interests, although the invading party is in danger of being attacked back and forth, as long as they can successfully invade, they will gain huge benefits.

In addition to the common population and various materials, some resource points, natural wonders, and even civilizations on the plane can be plundered.

Driven by such a huge benefit, the invading party will never lack. After all, even if the defending party has won, it will not be able to obtain such a large benefit. ”

Ye Changqing’s answer was a hit. Why player lords take huge risks to invade others, because only by becoming an intruder can they get such a huge benefit.

And the defending side can only look at the face of the invading side, what they can get with what the invading side brings, of course, the premise is that they can win the war.

Wang Rui: “President Ye has a thorough analysis. By the way, as far as I know, many player lords have chosen to avoid the battle after the end of the first plane war, and some big guilds took the opportunity to play. Has the guild of the three presidents also participated in the’pig raising’ tactic?”

Dongfang Ming: “First of all, I want to correct it. This is not a pig-raising tactic. This is a queen bee tactic. We are just using the rules of the plane war reasonably to prioritize the resources of the guild in the hands of some elite players.

Although some players have made huge sacrifices for this, it is precisely because of their selfless dedication that our guilds have been able to develop steadily. ”

Shui Ruyan: “President Dongfang is right. Although many players think that we are destroying the balance of the game, the cold weapon era is so cruel. Even if we don’t do it, those foreign guilds are still Will do it.

The essence of war is the survival of the fittest. If you don’t want to increase your own strength, you are likely to be eliminated next. I think no one wants to imprison the pig dung. ”

Regarding the queen bee tactic, Shui Ruyan did not deny it, but generously chose to admit it. After all, this tactic is not a secret now, and every big guild at home and abroad is implementing it.

Wang Rui: “After listening to several explanations, I think the players in our China area can also understand this. After all, the rule in the game is The Weak are Prey to the Strong. Only when your own strength continues to become stronger can you understand this. Avoid being eliminated.

Of course, for those players who are picking pig dung, we can only say, you have worked hard, haha. ”

Three people: “…”

Wang Rui: “By the way, I thought that special civilizations came out randomly from the beginning. After opening the bronze treasure chest, I found out that they were transformed from the scrolls of civilization inheritance. Several guild leaders have a lot of experience with these special civilizations. What do you think?”

Shui Ruyan: “Listen to your tone, you should have got a scroll of civilization inheritance, Xiaorui, what civilization have you been randomly to?”

Wang Rui: “Haha, our goddess of the nation is really ice and smart, yes, I got a scroll of civilization inheritance from the bronze treasure chest, and then used it without holding back for a while. Now I am a swan in the orc civilization. Ethnic civilization.”

Shui Ruyan: “Swan tribe? Xiao Rui, how come a big man of yours has randomly arrived in the Swan tribe, hahaha.”

Wang Rui: “…”

Dongfang Ming: “Host, if you don’t mind, can you tell us what is special about the swan tribe?”

Wang Rui: “Uh, the Swan tribe has three racial specialties. One speciality is the ability to fly, one speciality is good at swimming, and the last one is beautiful. Now I have become a swan person myself, with a pair of white on the back. Wings and feet have become fins, other than that, there is no difference from normal people.”

Ye Changqing: “You are very lucky. A player from our guild randomly arrived at the Jackal Clan. Not only did they grow canine teeth and tails, they were also covered in fur. They are now clamoring for suicide.”


After hearing Ye Changqing’s words, the other three laughed.

Wang Rui: “The Jackal doesn’t sound bad. Of course, people from the Appearance Association may be a little unacceptable.”

Ye Changqing: “Host, you may have some misunderstandings about canines. Although jackals also have the word wolf in their names, jackals are actually small canines, and they are still somewhat different from those large wolves.

For example, Arctic wolves (white wolves) can hunt large musk ox and reindeer. Although these hunted targets are mostly frail or sick individuals, at least the size is there.

Jackals (Jackals) can only catch small animals like rabbits. They can’t even beat smaller springboks. Jackals and werewolves are like jackals and white wolves. Now you got it. ”

Wang Rui: “Uh…, as a special civilization, jackals must have their own racial specialties.”

Ye Changqing: “Of course, it has a high fertility rate, a short growth period, a small appetite, strong endurance, very cunning, and night vision.”

Wang Rui: “Sounds very good. As long as there is enough food, you should be able to pull up a super army in a few years, right?”

Ye Changqing: “Hey, although the jackals have many advantages, they have a fatal flaw, that is, their bodies are relatively weak and thin. Among the jackals, they are sixty-five meters tall.

Therefore, among the orcs, the jackals are generally used as cannon fodder, otherwise the guy in our guild would not clamor for suicide every day. ”

Wang Rui: “Uh…, his luck is really not so good, the three presidents, you shouldn’t lack the scrolls of civilization inheritance, you are all civilizations.”

Ye Changqing: “In fact, I think Human Race is also quite good. Although all aspects are relatively balanced, at least there are no obvious shortcomings.”

Dongfang Ming: “As the length of a guild, these things must be used by other people in the guild first, so I am still the human civilization from the beginning.”

Shui Ruyan: “I can’t accept that I have long hair all over my body, so I won’t use it unless there is a scroll that can be transformed into a specific civilization.”

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