Chapter 155: Radiant Flow Reappears!!

Lin Fan galloped all the way under the leadership of the mechanical insects, but it was only half a day's light and shadow, and he came to the periphery of the poisonous gas swamp.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the faint mist wafting in the reeds of the swamp was blowing in the night wind, like evil ghosts with teeth and claws.

If it was in the Continent of the Gods, this kind of sky was the least suitable for traveling at night, because the swamp at night had all kinds of invisible dangers.

Poisonous snakes that haunt the night, quagmire that can sink people into at any time, and unrecognizable directions.

But this is Cerrien, and it's easier to get around at night in the poisonous swamps.

The poisonous gases of the Swamp erupt on time, and during the day, when the sun is abundant, plants and animals are very active, and the poisonous gases in the soil are excited and float in the air.

When the cold air drops at night, the poisonous gas will disperse and disappear without a trace.

Now the toxicity of the white gas wafting on the reeds has become very weak, and it is just right for Lin Fan to hurry.

He gathered away the angel and the pet he had just collected, and used the alloy axe in his backpack to chop down the dead trees on the edge of the swamp and build a dirt sled.

The wood was cut into two warped planks, and a few planks were nailed to the base of the frame, on which several automatic machine guns were erected, and a light was driven by an energy core on the front of the car, and a simple dirt truck was ready.

He put the car in a hidden place, took off his heavy equipment, took a flashlight in the swamp to carefully check the situation in the swamp, avoided the quagmire that might fall when he stepped in, and slowly groped his way to the front of a cave.

There was an unpleasant smell of decay in front of the cave, and a large number of monster corpses were hoarded around, and when Lin Fan approached, a large number of jet-black flies were startled, and a strong rancid smell came directly to his face, almost not stuning him.

"It's here, yes!"

Recalling the strategies he had seen in the first half of his life, Lin Fan opened the map, made a mark here, and then used this as the center point of the map according to this point, and constantly made new marks around it.

"The foul-smelling catfish is at 15.7 degrees northeast for six kilometers, and the pustule mother tree is three kilometers at 12.6 degrees southeast ..."

Based on his own memories, he restored the distribution of monsters and resources in the swamp bit by bit.

These sites are buried with knowledge and objects that have been lost.

A large part of the reason why Cerrion is called the Kingdom of the Past is because of these things that are buried everywhere.

These things may be discarded because they are damaged and cannot be used, or they may not be able to find something to match them, and they have lost their original usefulness.

These things are a very useless and frustrating thing for the Void Race, and even recycling them as waste products is a waste of manpower and material resources.

They are like a very straight branch on the road, a bright snail shell on the beach, a refill that has used up all the ink, and some children may like it very much, but it can't hide the fact that they are useless.

However, in the previous life, the garbage in the eyes of these Void races had become the foundation of the Void powerhouses flying across the Continent of the Gods.

At that time, the Continent of the Gods had just broken through the realm set by the Creator, and a large number of strong people went to the Void to explore new maps, but the difficulty of exploring the vast Void with scarce resources and harsh environment was too high, and a large number of stream-of-consciousness players who did not use their brains to play games were persuaded to retreat.

It wasn't until Rashomon, the game's powerhouse at the time, invented a whole new way to play: Radiant Stream, and formed a huge garbage factory in Serien, that he found the right way to open the Void version of Age of the Gods.

This sounds like a lofty, but it's actually the garbage guy mode that the card bar god has played countless times.

And because it is obsessed with the brainwashing slogan in the famous video game "Fallout" on Earth centuries ago: start with a dog, and the equipment depends on picking up. Named Fallout by countless admirers.

There are countless garbage spots here, and after defeating the monsters in them, you can continuously generate a steady stream of forgotten garbage from all over the void.

And the Rashomon god learned all kinds of maintenance techniques, decomposition techniques, enchantment techniques, forging techniques, identification techniques, rune inscriptions, drilling, and inlays in the Continent of the Gods.

Since he came to this planet, he has been picking up garbage, identifying garbage, decomposing garbage, forging equipment items, enchanting, inscribed runes, and inlaying gems.

After picking up the garbage, he first used identification techniques to determine whether he had any way to repair it.

It's just that the waste that lacks some parts has been rejuvenated under his amazing repair skills, and it can be used again after repairing and modifying.

The gray quality of the repaired dilapidated substance was obtained by him to the quality of black iron and bronze.

Black Iron and Bronze quality equipment was elevated to Gold, Legendary, and Epic by his enchantments and inscriptions.

Creations that have been successfully enchanted can also be punched and set with gems to further increase its properties and entries.

And those items that really can't be repaired and equipment that fails to be enhanced can be broken down using disintegration to get a variety of materials and parts and even gems.

Parts, materials, and gems can also be used as raw materials for repairs and enchantments.

In this way, all the garbage has a home.

What's even more outrageous is that he has a slot machine that can be enhanced by constantly investing resources.

As long as he turns garbage into a resource and is recognized by the system in value, he can feed the slot machine for the lottery.

Originally, it was just a slot machine with a maximum reward of only a few gold coins, but Rashomon relied on the ubiquitous garbage dumps on the planet Zeserion to cultivate this slot machine into a world wonder with the lowest reward at the core of the planet.

What Lin Fan envied the most was his outrageously high reinforcement rate.

Every piece of equipment, every enhancement is a high-risk thing, and the higher the equipment, the more difficult it is to strengthen.

At that time, the game version had a law that was obtained by countless people with blood and tears: planetary-level equipment could not be strengthened, but Rashomon did not believe in evil, and with the skill of super high success rate, he strengthened a stellar necklace to the level of +2 against the sky.

With a stirring mood, Lin Fan silently lit a stick of incense for the Rashomon God in his heart, and tore open several skill scrolls brought from his backpack.

"In this life, let me turn on the radiation stream!"

"System prompt: You have learned the primary sub-class skill [Decomposition], open the sub-class panel..."

"System prompt: You have learned the primary sub-class skill [Item Maintenance Technique], open the sub-class panel..."

"The system prompts..."

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