Chapter 519: Ice and Fire

Lin Fan initially felt that he was special in the world of the Divine Domain.

He was extremely lucky, allowing him to take a big step forward in the first place, leaving all the players behind.

But in retrospect, that may not be the case.

There may be many players who have encountered various adventures, and it is very likely that these encounters are not of level support.

And those players' advantages in other aspects are not necessarily weaker than the advantages obtained by Lin Fan. After all, rank isn't everything.

As for why there is a bug under the control of the game system? Lin Fan didn't believe that it was just a mistake, he even believed that it was intentional by my game system.

The most plausible explanation is to select some of the lucky ones and let them lead the human players to rise in the first place, and then conquer the God's Domain.

As for the others, although he felt ridiculous, Lin Fan did think that this could also be the game system's Gu cultivation plan. But who is the Gu to deal with?

"In other words, you didn't land in the Novice Village in the first place, but landed elsewhere in the God's Domain. Do you know that there are other people who are in the same situation as you?"

Lin Fan is a lone player, so in terms of intelligence, he is naturally inferior to the Great Guild. He didn't know if anyone else had the same adventure.

But presumably the Ancestral Continent Guild must have some intelligence.

"Yes, there are others who are in the same situation as me. As far as I know, there are a total of four people from the Zuzhou Guild and the Sinking Water Guild plus me, and none of them have descended on the Novice Village, but have gone to various places, and they can't return to the resurrection point when they die, so they can only be resurrected on the spot.

In addition to us, I heard that there is also one person in the Zeus Guild, anyway, there are twenty or thirty people in the other guilds combined, but this is not accurate data, after all, our intelligence system is not omnipotent, there must be many people who have such adventures, but we don't know.

And, we only know of people who have had such adventures. We don't know much about where they landed, at least, I don't know. As for whether the real bigwigs know it or not, I don't know. "

Lin Fan didn't expect to be able to know who was there and where they all fell from the "big guy". He just needs to know a rough idea.

If the known number is twenty or thirty, then the actual number must be at least two or three hundred, or even about two or three thousand.

Although this number sounds like a lot, it is really rare to put it in the huge base of 3 billion players.

"Okay, I see. Lin Fan didn't want to find out where everyone else had landed.

The first is that this is something that is difficult to find in the first place, why bother with time and effort, and there may not be an answer, and the second is that even if it is found, it may not be of any use to Lin Fan.

He has encountered a lot of adventures himself, and there is no need to waste time and effort to do this.

The conversation between the two took only one minute, and that minute was enough for everyone to cross the line.

Soon, they were back on their way. Walked in this hot desert.

Here, they don't have any means of transport and have to walk. Lin Fan also asked the "big guy" why he didn't just drive the hoverplane, so that it could be faster.

And the "big guy" told Lin Fan that except for people, there was no way for anything in a large area to enter this enchantment.

The backpack they were carrying was already the largest volume of anything they could bring into this world other than humans themselves.

Of course, it's okay to put your things in the space storage room, after all, the space storage itself is very small.

The more restrictions there are, the more secluded the place naturally becomes, and it's not surprising that no one can find it.

The heat of the desert was unchanging, and they didn't encounter any attacks on the road, nor did they encounter quicksand or anything like that.

After walking for about an hour or two, in the distance, Lin Fan saw a white area again, and the white area and the red desert were divided into two halves by a straight line, not interfering with each other, not blending with each other.

And they have no choice but to cross this boundary and step into a land of ice and snow.

It only took a second to step from the heat of the desert into the howling cold wind, the snowflakes smashed on the face like hail, and the snow under the feet went deep into the knee-high ice and snow world.

The feeling of hot and cold made Lin Fan, a player with a level of 43, feel extremely uncomfortable for a moment.

Fortunately, the tactical vest played its due role, and quickly adjusted the temperature of the human body, allowing Lin Fan to adapt to the cold environment at the moment.

Even Lin Fan had a feeling of being unacceptable to this environment for a moment, so could the non-combatant experimenters and engineers stand it?

Lin Fan subconsciously looked at Mr. Qingyun and Aoki, and found that although they were trembling, they were still well adapted.

But that's right, after all, they've been on this path before, so they should know something about it. After going through a few things, I can finally adapt to some of them.

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