“Captain, you’re back!”

Looking at the three overlords who went and returned,

Wushuang was surprised,

“It scared me to death, I thought you were in Baichuan City!”

Level 99 Evil God Evil Thoughts BOSS Thing.

Everyone knows.

And the location where the boss is embodied is Baichuan City!

No matter how strong the defenses laid down by the Federation

Once the boss is embodied, Baichuan City will definitely suffer a catastrophe!

Wushuang looked at the little demon worriedly,

“Little demon, you are in Baichuan City, right, retreat quickly!”

Nian Xiaoyao shook his head, without any pretentiousness, and said cleanly,

“Just kill the boss.”

“That’s right, won’t it be okay to kill the boss?”

The overlord let out a hearty laugh and pointed ahead,

“The boss is ahead, go, go and meet him!”

The 7-man squad is just outside the Misty Forest. Closest to the BOSS

Without too many words, they pack lightly.

The backs of 7 people disappeared into the forest ….

Somewhere in a copy of the pyramid.

Qin Lin stood in front of a mummy, holding a knife in his hand, and threatened.

“Let me out at once, do you hear?

“I don’t want any pharaoh’s treasure, I’m going to guard Baichuan City, do you know, do you know where Baichuan City is!”

“That’s where I grew up, where my family lived, with my parents, with Dabai, with the teachers. Girl with long legs and big breasts…..”

“So let me out!”

The mummy’s eye sockets had dark flames burning.

The flames beat a little,

“You, weak.”

“He, look at you, and you will die. What’s the use of going? ”

Qin Lin showed his snow-white teeth and said with a smile,

“The kung fu he looks at me, others can cut him more!”

“Such a cost-effective deal, is it still a person if you don’t do it?”

Once again, the mummy fell silent.

Qin Lin disappeared and was teleported away.

Only a cursed voice echoed in the pyramid,

“You are a being cursed by the pharaoh….

“Death is not liberation, but a new life…”

“When you wake up from the pyramid, you will have more strength, but what have you lost…”,

Wangu City.

The turmoil in reality spills over into the game.

Half of the players in Wangu City were offline in an instant!

Run for your life, return to work, protect your family…..

They have their own lives.

This bustling city fell silent.

It seems that thick clouds are floating overhead, floating in everyone’s heart.


After a subtle ring,

The teleportation array of Wangu City lit up one after another!

Ninety-two short-distance teleportation arrays, seven medium-short distance teleportation arrays, and three ultra-long-distance large-scale teleportation arrays!

Turn on at full power and keep teleporting to Wangu City!

Every time you open it, it costs sky-high resources!

At this point, it’s like not wanting money, start like crazy.

As the teleportation array lights up,

Among them, out of the batch of players!

Their faces are full of childish greenness.

More like a child who has just come of age, not at all like a warrior.

Stepping out of the teleportation array, they looked at everything around them with novel eyes.

Everything in Wangu City is so fresh.

They have only one thing in common:

The level is below level 00

Can deal damage to evil bosses

The 99-level evil BOSS of Wangu City has descended, and it may even be embodied in Baichuan City, endangering the safety of the entire city!

㣉Yan after this news,

No one organized, they came together.

If one side is in difficulty, all sides will come to the rescue!

Thousands of people are like a plate of scattered sand, chaotic and noisy.

But the human heart,

But it is extremely cohesive!

The chaos soon became clear.

Someone came forward to organize:

“Imperial Capital Evil Thought BOSS Vanguard Team Assembled! Lack of priests, mages, warrior pieces~! ”

“Magic Capital Expedition, free silver equipment, come quickly!”


Countless teams to recruit bosses were established on the spot!

Someone is responsible for distributing equipment, potions, magic scrolls.

Someone is responsible for counting the composition of personnel and scheduling career matching.

Someone with a squad resolutely marched towards the Misty Forest!

The dark clouds of Wangu City were washed away, and the adolescent teenagers composed a passionate war song in their own way!

They are as small as gravel, as useless as water droplets, as humble as grass.

Small gravels come together to create a pyramid that stands for thousands of years!

Useless water droplets come together and become a mighty sea!

The humble grass gathers together, the weeds burn inexhaustibly, and the spring breeze blows and grows!

The evil god overlooks the whole world.

Perhaps in His eyes, all this is useless.


All will tell Him by action:

Do not underestimate the power of the individual.

No… Look at human courage! ,

Wangu City, come alive!

The teleportation array lit up again.

This time, it was not the students who were transmitted, but a group of middle-aged people.

When people reach middle age, most of them can’t help themselves, they will be bald, they will become fat, as if all kinds of bad things have come to the door.

Unlike ordinary middle-aged people,

Most of these people bear horrific scars.

These scars are speechless, but they tell the glory of the past!

As soon as this group of middle-aged people appeared, they immediately finished lining up.

It’s different from the chaos of students.

They are a whole and do not need anyone’s command at all!

A one-armed man stood at the front, like an instructor, looking at the neat phalanx.

He roared lowly, “Report the number!” ”


Every sound was steadfast, and everyone’s faces were full of determination.


“Report, the Demon Capital Cave Wounded Retired Warriors Association, should reach 500 people, the actual 500 people, please instruct!” ,

They are all former warriors!

Strong people above level 100

They have fought in the blood of the cave, throwing their heads and spilling their blood to protect the blue star!

They were seriously injured and their lives hung in the balance!

They have succeeded in retiring and returning to a stable life,

Even without their former strength, they have gained everyone’s respect and can enjoy the rest of their lives.

They’ve done everything they have to do!

They who don’t even have level 100 don’t owe anyone!

No one will force them to fight!


When the trumpet of war sounds,

No matter where these wounded warriors are, no matter what they are doing, no matter how powerful the enemy they face

They will all take up arms and shine their swords!




Even if you die on the way to the charge!

Meet in a narrow way, brave! He who! Victory!

This is their only faith!

The instructor entered the team and gave the order categorically,

“‘Target, Misty Forest Level 99 Evil Boss, trot forward!'”

Brush –

Brush –

The sound of uniform footsteps, under the gaze of everyone,

A phalanx of wounded and retired warriors step on the battlefield again!

Their stories are unknown and their spirit is immortal!

Outside the city, there was their slogan, golden iron horse, murderous!

“Trapped in battle!”

“There is death and no life!”

student-initiated expeditions,

As they advanced, they sang war songs,

They sang ancient songs, adapted from an ancient poem.

The tone is melodious and the rhythm is slow, and everyone can hum along.

Most of this song will be sung when everyone goes their separate ways after graduating from high school.

It also means that everyone can sing.

(Zhao Nuo’s) is just placed here, which is not appropriate at all.

This is the time to be passionate, to be generous, to be passionate. Even hysterical madness!

Don’t be sad.

But the song still sang,

Countless people joined in, and the emotional resonance could not be stopped.

“Outside the Long Pavilion, by the ancient road, the grass is blue…..”

“The end of the sky, the corner of the earth, the acquaintance is half scattered….”

“A glass of cloudy wine…”


They are saying goodbye to the fighters, to their immature selves, to their tender selves … Evil thoughts of evil gods!

The resurrection shines brightly.

Overlord with a squad of 7 people. Walking out of the resurrection point, they were killed by the level 99 evil boss.

Just when their morale is low,

What appears in front of you is the ancient city that you have never seen before!

As far as the eye can see,

Everyone is their own hero donkey!

Melodious ancient songs ringing in your ears!

“Ask Jun when he will go, and don’t wander when he comes…”

The bitterness after being killed by the boss is swept away

The blood all over his body seemed to be burning.

A squad of seven, joined the chorus

Go again!

Crusade target, level 99 evil god evil thought boss ね_

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