“Are you sure you want it?”

On the edge of an in-ground tarmac, Evelyn holds a palm-sized ball.

Then asked again.

This made Xiao Yi frown, of course he knew that the command core was tricky.

But that was for someone as unambitious as Evelyn.

If Evelyn had been a little ambitious, the Berserk Iron Ape would not have been a pirate group.

“Of course!”

Xiao Yi said affirmatively.

“I hope you don’t regret it.”

With a relieved smile, Evelyn said thoughtfully and handed the ball to Xiao Yi.

Frowning, Xiao Yi looked at Evelyn with some puzzlement.

[Command Core – Xi Ling Civilization].

[Quality: Legend].

[Intelligence: Apocalypse].

Status: Not activated

[Xiling civilization, a forgotten civilization, when they stood on the front line of resisting alien insects, they were doomed to be tragic heroes and ridiculous fools. 】

Unlike the Zerg, the Zerg have different types.

But as long as it is a swarm with the main nest, it is a civilization!

Therefore, the insect swarm is only divided into communities, and there is no difference between civilizations.

But humans have different factions, although because of the Great Cosmic Era.

Let the current human army gradually be unified and modularized.

However, each civilization still has a different class of troops.

For example, the mercenary guild of the Tyren Alliance.

The mercenaries who were really accepted by the guild did not seem to have changed much from ordinary soldiers.

But in fact, everyone will have their own strengths.

And the imperial ones are even more obvious, their royal gendarmerie, is a unique soldier.

However, Xiao Yi, the Xi Ling civilization, had never heard of it.

Even in human databases, there is no record of this civilization.

According to the introduction of the command core, the Xi Ling civilization should be when resisting the alien insects.

Destroyed, supposedly if so.

With human character, this civilization should be written about.

Xiao Yi set his sights on the level of intelligence.


The reason why the intelligent mastermind of the empire rebelled was because it became an intelligent life at the level of the apocalypse!

But Xiao Yi didn’t expect that this intelligent core was actually at the level of the apocalypse.

At this time, Xiao Yi had some toothache.

For the intelligent core, Xiao Yi is very optimistic.

But with the lessons of the empire, Xiao Yi is full of vigilance for the intelligent core of the apocalypse-level!

The devil knows if this intelligent core will be the same as the one of the empire.

Even, Xiao Yi didn’t know if the reset settings he knew were useful for this intelligent core.

So for a while, this intelligent core suddenly became a little chicken!

As for the same as the mechanical adjutant of the battlecruiser, parasitizing with brain worms.

That’s simply impossible.

To put it bluntly, the mechanical adjutant is a subprogram.

And the brain worm is also a subprogram of the main nest.

So both are of the same level.

However, this intelligent core is at the same level as the main nest.

Therefore, it is impossible for the brain worm to parasitize it.

Sighing, Xiao Yi looked at He Xiu, gave her a look, and left the tarmac.

It wasn’t until it was confirmed that Evelyn would not find out that Xiao Yi smiled bitterly.

He Xiu said with a puzzled look;

“Made, the loss is big, how can this core be at the level of the apocalypse.”

Immediately afterwards, he and He Xiu explained the level division of the mechanical core.

But He Xiu still looked confused.

Xiao Yi had to say:

“Once this thing reaches the level of the apocalypse, it will be like a time bomb, the Terminator knows.”

At this time, He Xiu understood.

“So what to do? Or…… We sold it? ”

He Xiu said with some hesitation.

“It’s impossible, even if it’s rotten in your hands, you can’t sell it!”

He Xiu’s words had just been spoken, and Xiao Yi directly vetoed them.

The intelligent core can only be in his own hands, even if Xiao Yi never uses it, he will not sell it!

“Uh, okay.”

He Xiu was frightened by Xiao Yi’s decisiveness, but still nodded and asked

“So what do we do next?”

Originally, she was doing the task of the mercenary group, but now, because she gave up the position of the garrison leader.

Now she doesn’t know what to do.

After all, Xinghai is not one of those games on Earth, even if it will not have guidance.

If there is no goal here, there really will be nothing.

You know, in the first batch of players in the last life, there was a strange thing.

Known as a super otaku, that goods are otaku.

Then when I arrived in the sea of stars, there was no task at all, so I had to continue in the sea of stars….

“Tomorrow is the weekend, I’ll go exchange some energy first, aren’t you going to give it to the orphanage?”

Xiao Yi thought about it and said.

He didn’t have much nostalgia for the orphanage, and even like many people who came out of the orphanage.

For the rest of his life, he didn’t want to go back to that place.

But he promised He Xiu before to donate money to the orphanage, then he will definitely do it.

People can be selfish, they can be cold, they can even be evil, but they must have credit.

People do not stand without faith, this is Xiao Yi’s bottom line!

“Oh, by the way, I remembered when you talked about this, let’s change money and don’t go to the official, there is a black market on the planet K765, and the price is better than the official one.”

When he said this, He Xiu seemed to remember something and said.

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