30 light-years away from the galaxy where Planet Zhao Sarah is located, a formation of three Behemoth-class battlecruisers is slowly moving.

It is different from the black and red warships of the Empire, or the black and blue warships of the Tyren Alliance.

The battlecruiser was silvery-white throughout, not the silver-gray of steel, but the white of ceramic.

Against the background of this color, the black eagle emblem printed on the side is extremely conspicuous.

If it is any one, the human beings circulating in the sea of stars.

It will definitely be recognized that this is the battleship of the famous Falcon Collar!

Compared to the mildly corrupt Tyren Federation, or a dictatorial and stable empire.

People have only one impression of the Falcon Collar, a group that is both a state and a non-state.

A bunch of respectable, lovely maniacs!

The origin of the Falcon Collar, the first human volunteer army to resist the Zerg.

Later, in the battle with the Zerg, he continued to absorb the forces of all parties to grow.

In the end, it became a huge legion with the military as the main body, but with countless people!

Later, the Falcon Collar completely broke away from the rule of the Human Council and became a separate military state on its own.

For this, naked betrayal.

The Human Council was supposed to be a killer.

However, once the Falcon Collar is sanctioned, it means that the Falcon Collar is likely to be unable to stop the Zerg on the border.

If the Falcon Collar is destroyed, all large and small countries of human beings will face the blade of the Zerg race, and at the same time lose the natural danger of the Falcon Domain

As a last resort, the Human Council pinched its nose and agreed with the Falcon Collar.

Moreover, countries large and small of mankind have been sending resources, even recruits.

to maintain the Falcon Collar to defend against the Zerg.

And the Falcon Collar usually receives all the resources of the human council.

As for spies? The Falcon Collar doesn’t care at all.

No matter how powerful a spy, go around the Zerg battlefield.

How many can come back alive?

Not dying once? Then do it again!

Because, whether male or female, as long as the age is enough, they are all soldiers and need to go to the battlefield to fight with the Zerg.

Even if the main force that is not integrated into the frontal battlefield will become a hunting team.

And this small battlecruiser formation is the right reconnaissance and determination personnel!

For the Zerg, anyone in the Falcon Collar, there is a pathological hatred.

Even in the Human Council, it is not welcome.

However, once the area where humans are located, there are traces of zergs.

The Falcon Leader has always rushed to the front, with a posture that would rather kill mistakes than let go, to kill the Zerg!

This is also why, obviously the falcon collar is not welcome.

But the Human Council, however, never withheld or felt sorry for the materials that the Falcon was collared!

Not long ago, the Imperial Military Department transmitted an intelligence to the Falcon Collar.

One of their reconnaissance squad sub-squads came under attack while on their way to the Kprou galaxy number K381.

According to a piece of news from the mechanical adjutant at the end, the reconnaissance team seems to have encountered an attack by the Zerg!

However, when the communication was finally made, it was intercepted by an unknown signal, and it was not possible to confirm whether the attack was initiated by the Zerg.

This news can be said to be very vague.

It is even possible that it is just a false alarm.

After all, the K381 galaxy was originally a chaotic region.

There are extremely many dangerous planets, and even over the years, traces of the passage of the Star Spirit Warship have been found.

However, in line with the principle that it is better to kill the wrong than to let go.

Moreover, in this galaxy, according to the report of the Falcon Collar, there are indeed Zergs.

It’s just that it was a long time ago, when the falcon collar didn’t exist.

This Zerg was wiped out by the Star Spirit.

Even humans are not qualified to participate in that battle.

However, the Falcon Collar still sent a reconnaissance team.

As long as it is confirmed that this Zerg does exist, then the Falcon Leader will come to clean up the Zerg to ensure that there will be no Zerg outbreak within the human race!

“Commander Chen Guoan, we are currently 5 light years away from the target galaxy, according to the reconnaissance law, we need to stop the space jump and enter the warp flight state, please ask if it is executed.”

The soft voice of the mechanical adjutant echoed in the command hall in the flagship.

A young man who was unusually young, but half of his face was dissolved, and then there was skin that grew out, said indifferently;

“Implement the reconnaissance law, order all members of the reconnaissance team to be on standby level 3, and the Falcon reconnaissance fighter formation enters the inside of the fighter to standby, during which the platform enters the launch preparation!”

There was no drag, although one eye was replaced by an electronic eye.

However, this young commander is dressed in armor as powerful as white porcelain.

Compared to Colonel Gardner of the previous empire, he was more decisive.

Because he proved one thing with half of his face, when facing the Zerg.

Only prepare for war, prepare for war, prepare for war again!

In order to survive, in order to lead his subordinates to survive!

He is only 26 years old, but since he was eighteen.

Become a Marine and fight the swarm face to face.

He knows more about bugs than he does about himself!

“Obey, Commander Chen Anguo!”

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