“Does the other party identify themselves?”

Corissa asked directly without any foreshadowing.

“Yes, they have identified themselves to us, among which the battlecruisers are the Human Alliance rescue team, while the others are interstellar refugees.”

The man who was controlled replied quickly, and then he suddenly paused.

Only then frowned and said:

“Your Honor, the other party requests to log in to our base and rest.”

This made Corissa breathe a sigh of relief, but then she also frowned.

Because of the current base, the defense is not perfect.

Of course, those people in space will definitely not be able to attack.

Moreover, in addition to this planet, there are countless bugs on several other planets.

As long as she had a single thought, she could swarm to her.

Corissa is worried about whether these people will leak the news!

If it is an ordinary camp, these people are probably really resting.

However, the current base is a base with an intelligent mastermind.

This is extremely tempting in the sea of stars, basically having an intelligent mastermind.

And with enough time, it is entirely possible to develop a human state.

This is easy to arouse the greed of some ill-wishers.

This kind of thing, Corissa saw a lot when she was still a human.

“Refuse to rest, tell them that our camp is not open to the public!”

Corissa only thought for a while and directly refused.

But unexpectedly, just a moment later, there was news from the space fleet.

The rescue team needs to enter planet 2 to search, and not long ago, an exploration team disappeared here.

They received a rescue signal and came over, but it was those interstellar refugees.

It was they who met later, and by the way, they gave a short escort to the refugees.

“I said, let them leave!”

Corissa frowned and said coldly.

Planet 2, it is even more impossible for them to search.

Although the traces of the Great War, the vast majority have been buried.

Even the swarms have entered underground activities, waiting for the expansion of the human base and colonization of the surface of the planet.

But now, if these rescue teams enter Planet 2, they will definitely find the figure of the Zerg.

At that time, it is not whether Corissa wants to go to war here.

But there will definitely be a war!

Although the Karaman galaxy is desolate and remote, it is located on the border of the Tyren Alliance.

It is the hinterland of humanity.

If you find a swarm in the human hinterland, you don’t need a falcon to lead the shot.

The Tyren Alliance directly sent an army and could plow the Karaman galaxy!

Now, this rotten, vast country has not collapsed.

Although, because of internal decay problems, the affairs of this country are a little slow to handle.

But in the face of life and death, this country will definitely react very quickly!

“Understood, expulsion by force.”

On the battlecruiser, after a word came, it immediately began to act.

Viking fighters flew out of the takeoff and landing platforms and aimed their guns directly at those biplane ships.

Although Viking fighters, against the heavy armor of battlecruisers, the effect is minimal.

But in front of these small spaceships, it is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, after the Viking fighter flew out, the interstellar refugees were suddenly panicked.

They were a refugee who had been breached by pirates.

If they hadn’t encountered the rescue team halfway, I am afraid that they would still be chased by pirates.

“Please leave this star field, our camp cannot be opened like you for the time being…”

In the communicators of all the spacecraft, there was a notification from Xiao Yi’s battlecruiser.

The report was repeated continuously, and at this time, a Behemoth-class battlecruiser and four Seamaster-class battleships left by Xiao Yi also slowly pressed up at the same time.

“This general, we have no malice, but we do have a mission, and we are allowed to carry out the task.”

Inside the rescue team’s battleship, there was also some panic.

In fact, although the rescue team runs warships, they are not combat units.

Only a small number of regular troops, or to prevent unsightly pirates or robbers.

Of course, many of the rescue team are veterans.

If there is a real war, they will put on power armor and drive fighters to fight.

However, in addition to these soldiers and veterans, there are more volunteers.

At this time, the riot came from these volunteers.

“Who are they? Why don’t you let me go to the rescue, this is a bandit, this is a bandit! ”

A woman in a well-fitting space suit roared with some anger.

She is not beautiful, but she can vaguely see that there are many people gathered around her.

Of course, there are also people who are more timid, shouting to retreat first and discuss later.

For a while, they themselves messed up first.

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