
“Heaven-breaking god, long time no see.”

When Lin Tian was resting in the boutique shop, he found that the ghost peak that had purchased the guild token a few days ago had returned, followed by many Fengyun guild players.

“Choose what you want to buy.”

Lin Tian nodded at Ghost Peak, thinking that he was a player of the Fengyun Guild to buy equipment to strengthen his strength, otherwise it would be a monster siege battle, and any strength was crucial.

“You guys go and see for yourselves, buy what you need, and the monsters will attack the city in a while, give me snacks.”

After Ghost Peak asked a few players to choose their own equipment, he came to Lin Tian, as if he wanted to say something, but he was a little hesitant.

“Something to say.”

Lin Tian glanced at him lightly and said. 2 Ghost Peak suddenly became an agitated spirit, hesitated, but still slowly spoke: “Heaven-breaking god, you also know that our Fengyun Guild is one of the top ten guilds in Yanhuang District, but the number of people is not very large, only some elite backbones, and it has not been long since they entered the Star Domain, and now there are some insufficient manpower.”

“And this time the monster siege battle is a siege battle of the level 3 station, the difficulty is not small, plus there are not enough people, so I discussed with the guild leader and wanted to ask you to help.”

“Of course, we will not skimp on the remuneration.”

Ghost Peak smiled at Lin Tian and said.

Lin Tian hesitated, nodded and said: “If you want me to help, you can also pack 8 million, defend a city gate alone for 3 million, of course, be broken by wild monsters, and don’t charge money!”

In fact, Lin Tian did this, he also had his own ideas, although he used copy skills and damage explosions, but ordinary attacks and ordinary skills were still a short board.

The monster siege of the level 3 station will definitely be filled with many bosses to join, and Lin Tian can take the opportunity to copy a copy skill that improves attack power and strengthen himself.

“If the Heaven-Breaking God is willing to guard one city gate, then our manpower is more than enough to guard the other three city gates, I choose 3 million, I believe that with the strength of the Heaven-Breaking God, it will not let the monster break through the city gate.”

Ghost Peak said with a smile.

“An hour before the monster siege, I will go to the giant elephant city to support.”

Lin Tian nodded.

Ghost Peak took a few players, purchased a bunch of bronze equipment, and left satisfied.



“Heaven-shattering God, please follow us.”

When Lin Tian came to Giant Elephant City, the Ghost Peak of the Fengyun Guild had been waiting for a long time, and took Lin Tian out of Giant Elephant City and came to an open plain, where the level 25 wild monsters were located.

But at this moment, there was a huge building, the city wall was tall, shining with metallic luster, and the momentum was magnificent, like a creeping behemoth.

Above the city gate, two golden wind and cloud characters are extremely conspicuous.

When Ghost Feng walked in with Lin Tian, the president of the Fengyun Guild was in a meeting, nodded to Lin Tian in a friendly manner, and after Lin Tian nodded politely to him, he came directly to the city wall.

Any guild station can only be established in the wild monster area, but it will be attacked by the surrounding wild monsters, and the highest level around the Fengyun guild station should only have a level 25 silver boss, and there may also be a level 25 gold boss, a dark gold level boss, which is not yet open.

If you successfully defend, you can get a level 3 station, if the defense fails, the station crystal is destroyed, the station will disappear, and then the success will be lost.

The Fengyun Guild is a level 3 station, the monster level of the siege must be very high, and there will be a lot of boss-level monsters, although powerful, but also an opportunity for the players of the Water Moon Guild, the boss-level monster, the explosion rate is naturally very high, and the equipment is naturally not less.

This can also be regarded as some gifts from “Heavenly Dao” to the defense guild.



After a while, Ghost Peak came over with Feng Yun.

As the controller of a guild, Fengyun did not have any domineering arrogance, and his attitude towards Lin Tian was also very friendly.

“Heaven-breaking God, after deliberation, we allocated the manpower of the Fengyun Guild, and decided to let you guard the West City Gate, I don’t know how many manpower you need?”

Ghost Feng asked Lin Tian.

“There aren’t many people in your Fengyun Guild, right? Since this is the case, there is no need to allocate manpower to me, since I received 3 million from you, it must have a value of 3 million, as for being attacked by monsters, I guarantee with my groundbreaking credibility that this will not happen. ”

Lin Tian glanced at Ghost Peak and Fengyun, and said lightly, although his tone was gentle, but full of confidence.

“You’re alone?!”

Fengyun and Ghost Peak were a little unbelievable, but thinking that Lin Tian was the first person in “Star Domain” after all, he couldn’t lose his face, he could only nod, intending to send someone to keep an eye on him, and immediately send reinforcements as soon as there was an accident.

This is not because they are not careful, more than 34 million guild tokens, if they fail, then these money, all of them are lost.



With the passage of time, the time for the monster to attack the city is getting closer and closer.

Lin Tian saw that many players of the Fengyun Guild kept running in and out, and the porters of various resources were very nervous.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Lin Tian quickly called Ghost Peak over.

“Heaven-shattering God, do you still need anything?”

Ghost Feng thought that Lin Tian planned to ask for a little manpower, and immediately quickly asked.

“The residence of your Fengyun Guild must be very important, right? If it fails, the blow will be absolutely heavy, and it will even make the strength of the Fengyun Guild become the bottom of the top ten guilds. ”

Lin Tian looked at him and asked.

“Yes, so this battle, there is no room for mistakes, success is the springboard for our Fengyun Guild to take off, and failure is to push our Fengyun Guild into the abyss.”

Ghost Peak also said with a solemn face.

“In that case, can you see these things of mine help your Fengyun Guild?”

Lin Tian smiled slightly, took out a Heavenly Blood Pill from his backpack, and traded it to Ghost Feng.



[8 is more stable as an old dog, rest assured, I continue to code. ] 】

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