Chapter 380 The weird mermaid

"Damn it, what on earth is this!"

Qin Feng was immediately shocked!

Because Qin Feng had never seen such a thing before.

These crucian carp actually lived in a forest, and it seemed that there was no water in this forest.

Of course, the living environment It doesn't matter at all.

Because this is a different dimensional space, it must be a little different from the main world, and it is normal for fish to live on land.

But Qin Feng never expected that these huge crucian carps in front of him actually had

It's really terrifying to be able to grow human arms, legs and feet.

According to Qin Feng's observation, the hands and feet of these crucian carp actually have thick leg hair!

This is simply disgusting!

Just looking at these weird things Qin Feng already felt like bending over and vomiting.

At this time, because Qin Feng was so disgusted that he exposed his legs, these crucian carp with human hands and feet also discovered Qin Feng's whereabouts

"Gua, it’s human flesh!"The biggest crucian carp said immediately

"Gua, I also want to eat human flesh. Everyone around us has been eaten by us!"

"Gee, I love human meat pie!"


Suddenly, these crucian carp with human hands and feet rushed towards Qin Feng in front of him.

Qin Feng also looked disgusted and speechless, retching while looking at the crucian carp with human hands and feet in front of him.

At this time, Qin Feng also opened the attribute data cards of these crucian carp with human hands and feet.

Name: Grandson of the Sea

Level: 98

Class: Leader

Race: A hybrid of mermaid and human

Health: 23w

Physical Defense: 2300-2700

Magic Defense: 2200-2700

Physical Attack: 2700-3000

Magic Attack: 2200-2300

Speed: 200

Skills :

The grandson of the sea has a body of water: The grandson of the sea is the daughter of the sea and the descendant of a prince. He has the blessing of the sea, so the grandson of the sea has all attributes increased by 300% and the damage received is reduced by 40%.

Grandson of the Sea Collision: Grandson of the Sea collides towards the target, causing a certain amount of physical damage to the target, and has a probability of making the target stun. When in the water, the damage caused by Grandson of the Sea, the probability of being stunned, and the duration of being stunned will be doubled.

Grandson of the Sea Shooting: Grandson of the Sea sprays water energy towards the target, causing a certain amount of magic damage to the target, and has a probability of putting the target into a frozen state. In water, the power of the Grandson of the Sea's shots is increased by 20%.

Hai's grandson defense: Hai's grandson tries to resist the attack, and the scales on his body suddenly thicken, reducing the physical damage he will receive next, and the normal attack probability he receives will miss, and the duration is 120 seconds.

Hai's grandson counterattacks: When Hai's grandson's HP is too low, Hai's grandson will receive a very high all-attribute gain.

Hai's grandson dodges: Hai's grandson tries to dodge the opponent's attack. Because Hai's grandson's whole body is slippery, it is easy to dodge the opponent's attack.

Description: In this dimension, the daughter of the sea successfully deceived the prince and married him, and gave birth to many crucian carp with human hands and feet. These guys are called the grandsons of the sea.

Hai's grandson ate his mother and the palace maid responsible for delivering the baby as soon as he was born, and then began to attack the prince and people in the palace.

Hai's grandson's level rose very quickly as he continued to eat humans.

Soon, all the grandchildren of the sea ate all the humans in the kingdom.

These grandsons of the sea migrated to other places.

After thousands and hundreds of years, these grandsons of the sea have successfully become very common and normal creatures. No one will feel strange when seeing them.

"It’s a common and normal piece of wool. I’m the first to think it’s strange, okay?"Qin Feng complained without hesitation.

And just when Qin Feng complained, these grandsons of the sea rushed towards Qin Feng.

Then Qin Feng waved out the insulation in his hand without hesitation. Staff.

Suddenly, the insulating staff in Qin Feng's hand hit the bodies of these grandsons of the sea in front of him.

Suddenly, a large number of grandsons of the sea were knocked away by Qin Feng.

This was certainly not Qin Feng's first time. Attacking can do it. In fact, this time, Qin Feng has three effective skills!

The first is cleave!

The effect of cleave is that when you strike, you are facing the front. All enemies in a row cause 23%-150% damage to the target, and have a high probability of being attached to the fracture state.

After the cleave, Qin Feng’s skill is the ground splitting: a heavy sword, slashing on the ground, causing damage to the surroundings. All enemy targets cause an extremely high 188-200% damage, and also have a knockback effect.

Big Pyroblast: Every three of your attacks will accumulate a Big Pyroblast! And when you attack, you can Use the Great Pyroblast to perform an incidental attack. The damage caused by the Great Pyroblast is 200% of your own damage.

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