Opening Sign to Shaolin Abbot

Chapter 41: The magic sect is really jealous of Wu

   Early the next morning, Shaolin Temple can be said to be refreshing.

   Today is the day when the mountain road paving is about to be completed.

   is also the day when the first Shaolin Fa conference was held.

   In all these affairs, Xuan Yuan is almost always busy.

  Xuanxin is actually a hand-scraping shopkeeper.

   After all, the abbot, how can he be the abbot? The moments when you need to show your face and show your saints in front of you are the moments when Xuanxin really needs to stand up.

   For other things, just leave it to others.

   Early in the morning, Xuan Xin woke up early, and walked out of the meditation room to find that the entire Shaoshi Mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, which seemed to be a fairyland on earth.

   High mountains and dense forests, misty clouds and fragrant birds and flowers, it is really a beautiful place isolated from the world.

   "Master, breakfast is ready."

   Xuan Yuan was too busy, so Shaolin Temple's meals were left to Wuzhen.


   announced a Buddha's name, Xuan Xin's heart is full of spirit today.

   There is a sense of accomplishment on the road to success.

  Think about how lifeless Shaolin was before, and then look at the vigor and vitality of the Shaolin school now.

   This is equivalent to that he Xuanxin takes over a company that is about to go bankrupt.

   Then it took just a few days to revitalize the company, and it also made a profit and went public...

   This is ability.

   "You did it all?"

   Entering the room, Xuan Xin found that on the table, there were steamed buns, millet porridge, and a few dishes of deliciously fried dishes.

   Compared with before, this is incredible.

  Because, if Xuan Gang is cooking, there will only be millet porridge with small pickles. If Xuan Yuan cooks, it will only have more big white steamed buns and fried small vegetables.

   Looking at the table, these fragrant and appetizing fried vegetarian dishes are like the sky and the ground compared to before.

   This meal is very delicate, and it was made by Wu Zhen.

   "Yes, Master, today's meals are all made by my disciples."

   Gozen put his hands together and responded respectfully.

   At this moment, I didn't know from the morning, where Xuan Yuan was busy, and Xuan Gang, a martial idiot, also walked out of the monastery.


   Xuan Yuan Xuan Gang, with a respectful look on Xuan Xin's respect.

   This little brother abbot, in their hearts is like the holy Buddha, as long as they are in front of them, they will unconsciously become solemn.

   did not dare to be the slightest slackness.

"Let's eat."

   Xuan Xin sat down and ate the food made by Wu Zhen, and she couldn't help but shine.

   The food is delicious, and Wu Zhen has a very good cooking skills.

The key to    lies in the four words of exquisite care.

   To be honest, Xuan Yuan Xuan Gang used to cook, and it felt rough to eat, especially when Xuan Gang cooked...

   If it's not extremely hungry, it really feels like pig food.

   But if you are extremely hungry, the pork food is also fragrant.

   "Gozen, I will leave the food in the temple to you for the time being."

   After eating the food made by Wuzhen, Xuanxin's stomach has been impressed by the cooking skills of his disciple Wuzhen.

   There are not many monks in the temple, and there are only four monks in total.

   When Shaolin grows stronger in the future and there are more monks, Xuan Xin will have to ask for a small stove to eat alone.

   After all, he is the abbot.

   It's impossible that there are too many monks, and I'm still mingling with everyone.

   After breakfast, the clouds and mist of Shaoshi Mountain gradually disappeared, and the morning sun was shining on the top of the mountain. The scenery was truly beautiful from a distance.

   Daily morning class is essential.

   To be a monk for one day, one has to recite the sutras for one day, and as the abbot of Shaolin, he has to do his business.

   Still in the yard, after putting the cushions, Xuan Yuan Xuan Gang and the big disciple Wu Zhen all sat cross-legged.

  Xuan Xin is preparing to preach the Mahayana Dharma Diamond Sutra.

   There is someone in the yard.

   A Qi, a girl in white clothes, and its little ferret, and nine strange people in the yard at the same time.

   "Master, excuse me."

   "These are my friends, can they and I listen to your wonderful Dharma again?"

   A Qi, a girl in white, took a deep look at Xuan Xin, and compared to yesterday, she became much more restrained.

   Yesterday, when I asked Xuanxin to teach Buddhism.

   For a time, she completely controlled the aura.

   It's not just that the girl in white, Aqi, behaved differently today, the chirping little ferret on her shoulder.

   Today is even more honest and quiet.

   didn't jump off at all, lying on Ah Qi's shoulder like a good baby, for fear that someone would notice it.

   As for these nine weird people, Xuan Xin, under the gaze of the golden pupil of Qi Luck, found that everyone had a monstrous devilish energy.

   The hostility is deep, and the murderous aura is extremely strong. Although the breath of these nine people is very good.

   But I can't hide Xuan Xin's luck with the golden pupil.

   These nine people are absolutely ruthless characters, and they must be terrible existences with a lot of blood on their hands.

   "Aqi girl, and all the donors, please sit down."


   Xuan Xin nodded, and at the same time signaled Wuzhen to place cushions for the nine strange people.

   To be honest, Xuan Xin really doesn't want to have contact with these people.

   First, the breath of these people made Xuan Xin feel uncomfortable. Second, today is the big day of Shaolin's first Fa conference.

  Xuanxin is particularly annoying, and she has situations or troubles she can't control.

   Obviously, whether it is the girl Aqi or the little ferret next to it, Xuanxin cannot see through it and is currently unable to resist it.

   Those nine weird guys are not good men and women.

   is not good!


   Gozen got up immediately and took out nine cushions from the meditation room.

   When Wuzhen, holding nine cushions, walked in front of these nine weird people, these nine weird people looked horrified.

   pale, trembling, very upset, one by one panicked and flattered.

   "Don't dare, dare not..."

   "How dare to trouble you"


"This this……"


   Sweating on their foreheads, these nine weird people almost knelt when Gozen walked to his side.

   seems to be shocked.

   In front of Gozen, I was afraid that I would behave a little disrespectfully.

   Yesterday, they were violently beaten by Wuzhen, using Shaolin Luohan boxing and plum blossom pile footwork.

   The darkest moment in life!

   has become the master of these nine martial arts, each of them can stir the world, and any one who goes to one side can cause fear in all directions.

   The heart will never change, remember the terrible nightmare of a lifetime!

   "Master, these nine people are the nine who made trouble in front of the mountain gate yesterday."

After Wuzhen gave the cushion to the nine elders of the Demon Cult, he respectfully returned to Xuanxin's side.

   and whispered in Xuan Xin's ear.

   Although it was very quiet, the nine elders of the magic sect present, as well as the white-clothed girl A Qi and her pets were extremely powerful.

   can't hear it too clearly.

   almost scared the nine elders of the Demon Cult to pee. Yesterday they... didn't expect a small mountain temple... to have such a terrible supernatural power.

   It’s true, teach them how to behave with their fists.

   The key is not that the nine of them have bad eyes, and they have never seen those powerful old monsters.

   But they don’t hide so deeply like this old man.

   How can there be a predecessor with great powers like you, who is completely invisible and has a set of basic boxing techniques that teaches them how to behave?

  Think about it yesterday, when they first met Gozen, killing them would never have thought that they would provoke a terrible power.

   feels very cheating!

   You are such a great power, but wherever there is a trace of extraordinaryness, even if it is only a trace of breath...

   None of them can be stupid enough to do this.


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